Here are the STATISTICS: ‘Black Lives Matter’ attack on the nuclear family is DANGEROUS
One of the most dangerous targets in the current crosshairs of Black Lives Matter is the nuclear family. Just like Karl Marx, BLM openly calls for a restructuring of the family — saying the nuclear one is a “capitalist invention.” But Glenn provides today’s statistics proving just how dangerous dismantling the family will be — ESPECIALLY for the black community.
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I honestly can’t think of anything more evil than trying to dismantle the nuclear family. They’re spitefully trying to do this because they’re so bitter and resentful of other families because they had an awful upbringing. These people are honestly disgusting. Like, why..? Why tf are you doing this? What kind of sick, twisted, sadistic assholes are you people?! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
So black people suffered due to handouts, but white America did when they were given hand outs? Wow, this video is such BULLSHIT! LOL!
Yuri Besminov warned us..
I feel so sorry for you. I'm so glad I'm European… Where I can get sick without being concerned how I'm gonna pay my health bills, where accessing healthcare is a right and not a privilege. Your country is so divided, you are so obsessed with immigration when you forget you are the country that you are because of the immigrants. You say climate change is all lies when there is so much data to prove that is happening. You praise Trump, a person that says "grab by the pussy", uses Twitter like a 5 year old, I mean maybe I'm the one that is blind. You call yourselves a nation of dreams, "the American dream". I think is becoming the American nightmare to be fair. God save America lol
The people in charge of the Democratic Party destroyed the black family it’s gone they want to do it to the white family to we live in a great country we cannot let this happen United States of America is a great country
If you have a dad go hug him thank him for being there when so many other dads aren't. My parents are dead so I can't, but👉 you can
So heartbreaking- it just goes to show you how valuable our husbands and fathers are, in our families
Meanwhile Russia, Hungary Poland etc are promoting the unit and the sanctity of nuclear family.
I am Italian and it's happening the same thing, with catholic principles disappearing, and the state taking the rule of men to be a provided, women have no incentive to find a good man that stick around and help her raising the children's, actually they promote the opposite, is obvious that there is a international cartel that promote this policies.
The democrats were inspired by the plantation system when they created the welfare system.
You could almost say fatherless lives is a curse.
"I will have those nxxxxx vote Democrat for the next 200 years", said a Democrat president.
A few things need to be clarified. First, we always have to be careful about correlations vs causations. Fatherlessness results in an impoverished home, and that leads to kids raised in poor neighborhoods where the culture is impoverished in a multitude of other ways. Further, mental health issues are inherited, so kids with mental health issues will have parents with similar issues, and they will be less likely to manage marriage and child rearing together. And more causes could be named. But those issue aside, I argue the central core problem that is paramount throughout our modern US culture, and that for whatever reason is hitting the black community particularly hard, stems from the rejection of God and His moral authority. This has led to significant increases in sex outside of marriage and recreational substance abuse, among others. So many of the problems in our culture can be traced back directly to these two issues.
Why don't you say, " nucleus if the family"? That's more appropriate. Nuclear is usually associated with splitting the atom.😀
Welfare programs are a necessity for women and children that are abandoned by their husbands/fathers, like my mom, sister, and me. My mom did things right. She married my father, then they had children. Long story short, my father abandoned my mom, me, and my unborn sister. If we hadn't had government assistance programs, I don't know where our food, dental care, or medical care would have come from. My mom was too sick to work for most of my life. We had no other income source for most of my childhood, except for a friend here and there. There weren't many charities in our area then. It was the 80s and 90s. We would have been in a horrible situation if we hadn't had those programs.
But having said that, there are definitely people who abuse the system. The system is bloated and backward. It needs an overhaul by people that know what they're doing AND that care about the needy and about stopping the abuse (or at least reducing it). I'll never forget the time, around 2008, I was working as a cashier in a grocery store, ALWAYS late on bills, financially supporting my mom and one of my sisters on that TINY ($8/hr) salary and too proud/embarrassed to go back on government assistance again. A man and woman strolled up to the register and bought half a shopping cart of steak, shrimp, and lobster tails. They were on sale but still… the woman smugly said to me "It'll be EBT," and whipped that food stamp card out with the biggest smile on her face. I literally had to take payday loans every month to pay my bills. I was in my mid-20s, still living on ramen and hot dogs. I wanted to slap her. Why the heck should you be able to buy lobster tails with food stamps? They're so expensive!
About growing up in a single-parent home. If the father is abusive, you're better off with only your mother (or vice versa), in my opinion. But that being said, I KNOW I wouldn't have ended up with so many psychological disorders and 20 years of mental anguish if we'd had a decent man around the house. My great grandfather died when I was 7 years old and that's when crap REALLY hit the fan. He was the last positive male influence in my life. Things are much better now but it was a long road to recovery.
Anyway, I hope this post helps someone in some way.
And Mr. Beck, stay strong! Keep up the good work. Millions of people's eyes have been opened because of what you and your people do.
Best video I've seen in years
what does this have to do with black lives matter? he didn’t mention blm once
PLZ always add the proportion of the groups you compare .. it makes the percentages way worse
The problem isn't as much the welfare state, per se, but the Democratic Party's version of the welfare state. I'm speaking of a sensible system of social welfare that will not let the unavoidably disadvantaged, such as those with legitimate disabilities and the aged without families, starve and or suffer exposure from lack of shelter in. In other words, a system along the lines suggested by F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman & Charles Murray. Also a credo or ethos that stresses the importance of work and family. Not the cradle to grave "nanny state" the Democrats and radical leftist intellectuals have used as a carrot & stick ploy to gain power with over the last 65+ years. Most critically is the fallacious rationale that it's the primary responsibility of government to solve all problems within society. Frederick Bastiat said one of the problems with the socialist mindset is their failure to make the distinction between society and the state. This pollutes all dialog as to how to remedy problems which do exist in society as well as the state. "In order to form a more perfect union" is open to a wide interpretation but it seems only Democrats have been acting as the interpreters over the last 100 years. The Republican Party has forgotten that it was also, at one time, a progressive party under Lincoln and TR, however, it's the Democrats that now own the concept and they've turned progressivism into a dirty word.
My landlady got a hand bill that had a picture of Trump on it and she set it on my porch even though it was addressed to her. After a week the wind blew it on the ground and she said why don't you throw this away? Why do I have to?. I stated it was addressed to her and I cannot legally throw it away. She took it and put in the thrash without even reading it! It was from the DNC and it trashed Trump!
Captives held in compliance. Population CONTROL
6 minutes and 48 seconds of cold, hard truth. Thanks Glenn
The family is the core of any great local community and by extension, country.
They have been systematically tearing the family apart through early 'education' for years.
Needs to stop via defunding or similar post November 3rd & Trump's re-election.
Their family will be their evolving tribes … i wish them lots of luck with that.
All I have to say is this stuff really sucks. I don’t see anyone waking up they’re stuck on stupid.