Here’s How Far The Great Reset of America Has Already Come
Our sacred republic has never been in more danger than it is today. After just four months in the White House, the Biden administration is already resetting American life: our free and fair voting system, our kids’ education, our communities and families, and even our suburbs. In a recent Glenn TV episode, Glenn takes a look at how far The Great Reset of America has come and the fundamental transformations that Biden is pushing for next…
You can watch this entire episode now on BlazeTV.com.
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Beck getting roasted!
You stole my dad from me. He was a pretty normal guy before he found this show. A hard working man, we used to build houses and decks together, I love it. He was so smart and level headed; he was a little conspiratorial, but men his age tend to be. He was a truck driver and they got new trucks with new radios and your show was on one of the stations. After a few months of listening, he wasn’t the same. All he could talk about was these conspiracies. All I wanted was to talk about trucks, fishing, building, hell have one beer without hearing one of your theories. I’m not hear to debate politics, I just want you to know what this nonsense does to people. It can happen on both sides, from any party, but something about your ideas changes the way people relate to each other. There is no more dialogue. Worst of all, you got rich off it, you don’t believe a word of this. You just know it makes lonely people tune in, to feel connected to something. I would do anything to a real debate with you, no cameras, no microphones. You ruined my dad. I love him more than anything, but you took him from me, worse, you took him from himself, no one can stand to be around him anymore. I hope one day to understand the additive nature of shows like these, to show people that it’s barely different from drugs.
Look up alcohol fuel if you want to slow the great reset as it’s easy to convert cars to alcohol fuel.
‘Alcohol Can be a Gas’ interview from 2007 is where to start looking.
The worst is yet to come.
America! Social bond! Drain the swamp! We will defeat. Biden / Soros socialist ideology. Help us God!
The following 28 people run Joe Biden's Cabinet and most important Administrative positions:
1) Doug Emhoff, Jewish Husband of Kamala Devil Harris
2) Janet Yellin, Jewish Secretary Treasury
3) Anthony Blinken, Jewish Secretary of State
4) Rochelle P. Walensky, Jewish CDC Director
5) David Cohen, Jewish Deputy Director CIA
6) Merrick Garland, Jewish Attorney General
7) Alejandro Mayorkas, Jewish Secretary Homeland Security
8) Avril Haines, Jewish Director National Intelligence
9) Wendy Sherman, Jewish Deputy Secretary of State
10) Victoria Nuland, Jewish Secretary State Political Affairs
11) Eric Lander, Jewish Office of Science Technology
12) Jeffry Zeints, Jewish Covid Czar
13) Rachel Levine, Jewish Assistant Health Secretary
14) and 15) Cass Sunstein, Jewish Senior Counselor at the Department of Homeland Security, and his wife, Samantha Power, Head of USAID
16) Dana Stroul, Jewish Pentagon Senior Policy Official on the Middle East
17) Robert Klain, Jewish Chief of Staff
18) Anne Neuberger, Jewish Director of Cybersecurity at NSA
19) Chanan Weissman, Jewish Director of Technology at National Security Council
20) Avril Haines, Jewish Director of National Intelligence
21) Polly Trottenberg, Jewish Deputy Secretary of Transportation
22) Jessica Rosenworce l Jewish Acting Chairwoman FCC
23) Jennifer Klein, Jewish Co-Chair of the Gender Policy Council
24) Jared Bernstein, Jewish Member of Council of Economic Advisers
25) Jeff Zients, Jewish COVID Czar
26) David Kessler, Jewish Chief Science Officer of COVID Response
27) Stephanie Pollack, Jewish Deputy Administrator Federal Highway Administration
28) Gary Gensler, Jewish Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
the burn loot and murder movement is a domestic racist terrorist movement that has divided America with the help of propaganda from the left which has bend the knee to the CPC… seriously America is becoming the next communist nation… it's going to happen, it is inevitable, so many weak pieces of shit in America… POTUS is compromised, he is the greatest threat to our country, not white supremacy… he's still balls deep in dealings with China… this is why China rigged the election to get him in office… trump was the only one in the way for this new world order, the great reset, a global government so the elites will rule over everyone and everything. this administration don't give two shits about the american people… they care about power and money… that's it… americans are blinded by the MSM… america will fall in november 2023… that is my prediction… those who dont believe me, mark it on your calendar's.
Gated Communities… Large Acre buying…. Self governing societies…..
I was going to deny my child tax credit, but the link took me to id.me which logo is “one identity, one wallet.” I decided not to continue when it was asking me to allow the use of my biometric data ☠️🚨🚨🚨 nope! If you don’t already have my biometric information, I’m not giving it to you…
Thanks for clearing that up,I thought they said " wank wack wetter"!?!?!?
Not to take any thing away from Glen, God Bless him. I am sure, I am not the only former supporter of Chuck Harder and his Raido show, For the People back in the 1990's. It literally is the same warnings that Harder had . I truly fear for the Republic . I have a perdition that by December that Joe Biden will be Medically replaced by the 25 th Admendent and Kalama Harris will be President. I hope I am wrong.
Dear Mr. Beck:
For years now, I have watched helplessly to how our country is being transformed. For years.
I am surprised that the states who truly believe their vote was stolen, has not asked for the votes to be recalled.
Many are believing the false narrative that somehow this President will be proven illegitimate and their man put in the White House. But that is not constitutional.
We are the living, breathing constitution. If we do not exercise and know our state rights, we are doomed. We should not allow our endoctrination to dumb us so down to believe false narratives. We need to speak truths. But first we need to know the TRUTH.
Unless we are spiritually sound. Unless we stand and be still. We will continue chasing fires and ignore the flood. A lot is coming our way. And it’s not political . God is moving. And the question is… do we have enough oil for our lamps? Cause the bridegroom comes like a thief in the night. And many are not home. Many are not made ready. We have our work cut out for us. It needs to start within. They had years to do what they do. We have little time to prepare our states for what is coming. Pray. We should be praying in a chain day and night. Pray daily often. Invite your communities to stop and pray the Lord’s Prayer at noon. Pray.
I’ve got an idea for suburban communities….. STOP ASKING FOR FEDERAL DOLLARS!
I escaped section 8 housing in the suburbs. People moved from the inner city to a small rural town. It was an absolute nightmare. Drugs, drug dealers, prostitutes, overdoses, theft . Dispite cameras, car parts being stolen.
If they put people in the burbs it will be a nitemare.
Granted all this activity went on and the landlord watched it on her cameras at home.
I will live off the grid if they start moving into the burbs.
I believe Biden is a Racist.
Why is everyone just talking including you?????
ONLY and All Democrats should be held Responsible for all Restitution, after all they were responsible for the Slave Nation ! And Responsible for the North's expense to FREE the SLAVES, plus the Death's of 350,000 kind black and white VETERANS who gave their lives so a RACE of People might be Free, DO NOT FORGET OUR VETERANS !! "Thank You For YOUR Service", a veteran
can’t get a library book without ID library card!!!!???????
Let's be honest, Trump is still the USA President, Biden was elected FRAUDULENTLY on November 3rd RIGGED ELECTION!
I just wish we could do something about it!!
Ok ,,, so that is why wood prices have gone through the roof … this stops people from building …. make it to expensive to build a house 🏡!!!!!!
This is so depressing. What can the little guy like me do? Our country is being destroyed and no one is doing a thing.
Please dont use anarchy to describe the unrest in this city's. The true meaning of anarchy is without rulers. It does not mean chaos that's propaganda.
lets see prices in groceries have been reset to me way more expensive our paycheck were not reset its lagging behind everything else
Will Sept 11, 2021 become:
'A Day That Will Re-Live Infamy'?
Can/Will 'World War Three' – Start on Sept 11, 2021, or sooner?
Here is the Analysis:
Be able to Recognize the Sign of the Time:
Quickly MOVE Your Children to Safe Place with Trusted People, and then Man-up For War. This ain't going to be pretty for several years, if ever again!
Lessons from the First Video:
1) NEVER – Fight with a Loyal American, because – THEY ARE NOT THE ENEMY!
2) America MUST HAVE every able bodied and loyal man and woman FOCUSED ON THE REAL ENEMY in order to win this war.
3) This War Will Take Place EVERYWHERE across the U.S.A.
They won’t force voter ID but they will allow businesses to enforce a vaccine passport 😡😡 Evil and tyrannical gover😡😡
The marxists need to be stopped ! ! America for the people by the people not by the big tech and corporate executives . ✝️ .
"When will black America say enough is enough"
Glad this is being discussed head on.
I'm starting to think minorities really believe the message the Democrats are pushing but are not saying.
I saw this video on facebook, and I instantly came to YouTube and did a direct search for "Glenn Beck great reset" and ONLY got results from the World Economic Form. 😲
YouTube MUST be limiting all info except from the source… 🙃