Here’s How to Share Your Faith with Animists and Buddhists
Greg and Amy answer the question, “What are some good ways to share the gospel with an animist or Buddhist?What are some good ways to share the gospel with an animist or Buddhist?”
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My advice to you, if you genuinely want to share your faith with a Buddhist, is learn about theirs before sharing anything. I am a Zen Buddhist myself, and there are so many aspects of what you're saying here that are inaccurate and misrepresent the Dharma. I intend no offense here, but there is a tremendous arrogance in learning little to nothing about somebody else's worldview but still presuming to know that yours is somehow "superior".
What’s a good way to share the Dharma with Christians?
It needs to be reciprocal if this were to be an honest, good faith sharing. You have to allow them to share theirs with you. And if you are not comfortable with a person of another faith, religion, spiritual belief coming up to you to share and really considering their views, then it's only fair not to try to share yours with them.