Here’s How to Talk to Believers with Unbiblical Beliefs
Have you ever encountered a Christian who supported ideas and causes that seemed inconsistent with biblical morality? Jon Noyes shares how you can approach such friends in conversation.
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I have people in my apartment complex and up the street who not only support homosexual relationships, but who profess Christ while allowing their children to openly live that life-style. One mother told me that "God told her to allow them to live there, to show them love." When I asked, "Really? What does the Lord's word say about that?"
Her reply,?" Show me one person who isn't a hypocrite!!"
There is another woman in my complex, another professing believer who is a drunk, sleeps around and basically says the same thing as my other neighbour.
I stopped wasting my breath at that point because it IS a waste of time,
People WANT to be deceived so I spend my energy elsewhere.
You can't be a believer if you follow wrong Doctrine. It doesn't work that way. Your feelings don't matter.