Heritage Explains 021: More Voter Fraud Cases Are Piling Up
More cases of voter fraud are piling up as liberals look the other way. The Heritage Foundation’s election fraud database now documents 1,088 proven instances of election fraud including 949 cases that have resulted in criminal convictions. Americans should be alarmed, not only because there are so many examples of fraud Impacting nearly every state and elections for all levels of government but also because this figure is likely just the tip of the iceberg. We, as a nation, should not willfully blind ourselves to this threat to the core of our democracy.
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Apparently I should be alarmed
Mass vote fraud and election rigging has been a staple of the Democratic Party since at least the middle of the 19th Century. So much so that Republicans should always feel great any time they win, because the amount of legal votes needed to nullify all the illegal ones makes even a narrow victory in reality a landslide.
Personally, I find it very interesting that Democrats will scream about how Russia "rigged" our election with "propaganda" to try to sway the voter. Every political ad ever made was an attempt to sway a voter. Meanwhile, if you ask for voter ID laws, they claim that you are trying to suppress votes and that there is no evidence of voter fraud.
There is a moment in Jurassic Park where they are counting the dinosaurs and they always stop when all dinosaurs are accounted for. They are told to set the parameters higher and it turns out that the dinosaurs have been reproducing…but they never had any evidence that this was occurring for one simple reason – they never tested for it.
If you don't have voter ID laws, it is very difficult to find any evidence of voter fraud because nobody was really looking for it. I hope this word gets out.