Heritage Explains 057: Migrant Caravan and the U.S. Immigration System
A caravan of migrants is making its way toward the U.S. southern border. Our problem right now is not finding and stopping those who cross the border illegally, the real problem is our weak asylum system and the loopholes that prevent proper enforcement of U.S. laws. Being a victim of crime does not mean that you get asylum in the U.S. You have to be persecuted based on race, religion, political opinion, or membership in a social group. And unfortunately, that’s not true in most of these asylum cases. As of August 2018, the immigration court system had 764,561 cases to complete, the highest figures for any given year on record. Border security is only as good as the enforcement that backs it up. The U.S. needs Congress to fix broken immigration laws now.

Well if Congress don't fix the laws the United States citizens will fix the border. The second amendment is for when we are being invaded. This is something most Americans believe in. My grandfather s though out history were called when liberty was in danger.
It's the Motorsport Manager menu theme!
Join a private militia and take a position behind the boarder just in case they squeeze through.
Citizens arrest
I disagree somewhat
Operation Patriot Secure the Border has stopped over 5k illegals from coming in in just the last 3 days and that's the ones I know about!