He’s Going to Jail for a Hillary Clinton Meme
The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. Tucker Carlson talked to him right before his sentencing. Remember as you watch that this could be you.
Full interview here: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson
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and then we shame russia for having no freedom of speech and censorship😂😂😂
"No i dindt creat it, i found it on 4chan" Based
What happens when you text the number?
He better have his head on a swivel if he has to go to prison, our once free country has been accosted by vindictive psychopaths.😢
How are agents making these arrests?!?
This was so amazing
Thank you
Where is deomcarty????? Where is that great freedom of america??? Huh ??;
Bro, everyone was making fun of Hillary Clinton back then. And they still are. This can't be the reason he was jailed.
Someone has to explain the crime to me
I didnt know users of social media users has access to algos
If you see nothing wrong with someone intentionally trying to trick people into thinking they can cast their vote by text message then you are definitely on the wrong side of this issue. I can't stand Hillary Clinton but when she's the candidate, people have the right to vote for her. And anyone who tries to deny someone else their right to vote is spitting in the face of democracy. We all want our side to win but HOW you win also matters. This dude tricked thousands of people into believing they could vote by text message. That's thousands of people who would have voted but didn't because they thought they already had. Regardless of which way you lean politically, that's not ok. You can try to rationalize it all you want and feign outrage over "going to jail for a meme" but if you're honest with yourself, you know, just like Tucker knows, what Doug Mackey did is wrong and intentional. The claim that he was "making fun" of anything is beyond weak. But that's the best his defense team could come up with because there is no defense for what he did. That's like someone making counterfeit money and then saying they did it to troll the government. No, you did it because you wanted to commit fraud. And Doug Mackey did what he did because he wanted to undermine the democratic process.
Kissinger finally gone, when does this monster croak
"What're you in for?" "I made fun of Hillary Clinton."
Absolutely ridiculous.
So the governments argument is “its this guys fault that people saw something on the internet and believed it?”
Just proves free speech is illegal if you make fun of someone with power
Make tweets mean again!
Canckles proving what a POS she is, like we didn't already know that.
I love the fact Tucker says you thought wrong after he said" I thought this was America"
"Contextual Implication", theres no intention to deliberately mislead, or defamatory statements. The evidence of the social media statement is non contemporous with the act, a type of Res Ipso Loquitor exists as it forms only part of the story and may not be relevant in its proper context.
"Hillary is a WHACKO"….
"Do you have personal algorithms?" 👀
He shouldn't go to jail, though it is kind of deceitful to post the meme for the low IQ people that would fall for that. Idk how you could really mess with one guy who posted a meme on social media. If people don't know to take social media with a grain of salt…that's an education problem…
"Hilery is ahypocrit !"
I believe this is completely disgusting, misuse of legal time, but I think this can be avoided by NOT including phone numbers, email addresses or ANY real contact info on sh*t posts. This is exactly why TV started using 555 numbers, to limit lawsuits. As the internet becomes bigger, content creators HAVE to be mindful of liability as that is the way they attack us.
Hilary Clinton is the one that should be going to Jail. She will go after anyone who she doesn't like or didn't agree with her.
Description: "Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet"
Video: "Douglass Mackey willingly and knowingly circulated fraudulent misinformation to try and meddle with national elections"
Lmao what a tool. I'm sure he's making his prison hubby really happy.
i'm really glad i don't live in america!
Food goodness sake. Hillary is such an idiot. In the public eye and being a politician you have to accept the hate with the love.