Hollywood Wants Your Money…and Your Mind | 5 Minute Videos
Imagine a group so powerful they could beam ideas directly into your head. Well, you don’t have to imagine — it’s Hollywood. Ben Shapiro, Editor of the Daily Wire, explains the world’s largest mass propaganda machine.
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Imagine a group of activists so powerful that they could beam their propaganda directly into your brain. Now also imagine that they’re so sophisticated, they actually get you to pay them to do it.
Unfortunately, you don’t have to imagine it. It’s real. It’s Hollywood.
As big as the internet has become, Hollywood—and here, I’m talking specifically about television—is still king. Not only does it reach hundreds of millions of people with its messaging, it embeds that messaging in seemingly innocuous stories—stories that distract us from the hardships of daily life; stories that make us feel good, compassionate, and decent.
We watch TV, in other words, because we like it. And just as Americans didn’t think much about the carcinogens in the cigarettes they smoked for decades, most Americans don’t think much about the toxic politics in the television they watch.
But those who create that content do. They spin out hour after hour of slickly-produced left-wing propaganda and give themselves awards for doing it. They applaud each other’s “courage,” even though all their friends think exactly as they do.
I spoke with nearly a hundred members of the Hollywood community when I wrote my book, Primetime Propaganda, and many of them openly admitted they inserted “social justice” messages into their shows.
How they do it is both clever and effective.
Hollywood writers, producers, directors, actors create characters we keep wanting to spend time with, then have those characters act in ways most of us would judge wrong. Then, in effect, they ask us a question: Isn’t it really okay that Rachel from Friends decided to have a baby without first marrying Ross? After all, you like Ross and you like Rachel! How can what they do be bad?
It hasn’t always been this way. For decades, Hollywood promoted traditional American values. That changed, as did so much else in the late 1960s and ‘70s, when Hollywood stopped celebrating American values and started transforming them.
For example, in the early 1970s, abortion was a hotly-contested issue. A year before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case, the top-rated TV sitcom, Maude, featured a storyline in which the title character of the show has an abortion. The LA Times described it as “a watershed moment” in TV history. Why? Well, because it removed the stigma of abortion. Millions of Americans, sitting in their living rooms, saw a beloved character do something they did not approve of—and felt sympathy.
Something similar happened in the early 2000s. Vice President Joe Biden was right when he said that Will & Grace had a major impact on how Americans think about same-sex marriage. Before the hit NBC show, though most Americans had a live-and-let-live attitude toward private sexual behavior, few supported the idea of men marrying men or women marrying women. But seeing the charming and funny Will Truman live his life week after week paved the way for a much wider acceptance of same-sex marriage.
Current shows like Orange Is the New Black and Transparent are trying to affect the same change on the issue of transgenderism.
You may think these are all good things. Or that some are, and some aren’t. That’s not my point. My point is that Hollywood has had a tremendous influence on our culture, and that influence has been all to the left side of the political spectrum.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/hollywood-wants-your-moneyand-your-mind

This comment section: PragerU is propaganda!
Also the same people: CBS, MSNBC, George Soros, The United Nations, the IRS, the ESG, CNN, FOX news, Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit are not propaganda
I recommend you read Ben's book, not just watch this video. He explains himself far more elaborately. And he produces clear evidence to back up his assertions. Although given the typical attitude of PragerU critics, I doubt many of you are capable of understanding that.
"This made audience sympathetic to same-sex marrige" yeah how dare those crooked writer insert sympathy into their shows
Yeah those writers that are paid minimum wage with no health insurance whatsoever and have 3 side-hustles just to pay rent, THEY ARE ACTUALLY SUPER SKILLED PROPAGANDISTS THE ILLUMANATI IS TAKING YOUR CHILDREN, We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children, because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.
I gave up watching prime time years ago. It seemed so antithetical to all decency I couldn't believe that it was allowed. No, the hiatus during the Obama years is not a coincidence.
How true with the Ross and Rachel. There is even an episode with Brad Pitt saying high fives Ross you knocked her up and didn't marry her. Setting the example for what is now cool treatment and Father absence.
I watch very little TV. I did have one modern show that caught my eye but I don't remember what it was LOL.
1.25 speed fits ben better
I wonder if Ben knows that "That's My Bush!" was originally gonna be mocking Al Gore before Bush was declared the winner?
He dosent like TV trying to influence people- but here he is influencing you. What a 'smart' guy.
My son loves this Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro is my favourite president 🙂
The thing is that Hollywood has mostly been made up with a bunch of pedo commie sex abusers since the 1970s. However, what made a lot of Hollywood movies from the 1970s-2000s so timeless and beloved by many is that they were nuanced yet fun, optimistic, and heartfelt. Sure, movies and TV shows like the good old days of Hollywood still are being made today like the live-action Sonic movies, the tom Holland Spider-Man solo movies, and the Deadpool movies (to name a few) but however, nowadays, it seems like everything has to be a nilhistic slog filled with a bunch of bland morally-grey characters that actively insult their own audience. No wonder millennials and zoomers (my generation) are so depressed. They are getting forced fed ideologies and media that are deeply rooted in nihilism. And that's sad. We so desperately need more Simon the Diggers and less Shinji Ikaris right now…..
Hey, retards, tv producers want money. They are not promoters of values.
The bloke just flat out admits he's all for politics and values in media as long as it's conservative lmao
They been doing since the 1930s when communist writers insert propaganda discreedly.
You sound like a misrable person. Stop trying brainwash everybody
Ben the 8 hours a day is on a SCREEN. That dosent equate to all of it being devoted to mainstream hollywood television. I'm 16 and I spend about 3 hours playing with the boys. 2 hours watching youtube and instagram. And about 3 watching a few episodes of peaky blinders. Your statistics mainly apply to kids of the late 90s and early 2000s. I'm not saying every teen follows exactly my shedule but we spend a shit ton of time on screen watching things other than "hollywood television"
Anthony gladly ratioed this video
One thing I've been thinking about lately is how people expect that the attractive popular girl in high school will do poorly in school and end up working at a grocery store. This is a hollywood myth. In reality I feel like most hot girls work very hard in school, perhaps because they know that their looks will always be used against them.
L video ben is mid
Great real
1:45 I feel like this is kind of a gotcha moment for this video. Makes it sound like they preferred Hollywood propaganda when it was promoting their beliefs.
one of the best things about america is freedom of speech/freedom to express yourself, and just because so many people see hollywood movies doesn't mean that you can't just not watch it, and because it expresses views that someone like myself would disagree with doesn't mean that we should limit their freedom of speech
Sounds like someone is still butthurt he could NOT become the Hollywood "bigwig" himself 😉 Run, Hide, Fight was TRASH
Wait so if the message is "social justice" in a show is bad, but if the message is "traditional family values", it's good???
Unlike you, snowflakes, I get offended when Ross and Rachel don't get married.
And it's only gotten worse over the years. Bet a lot of the commentators here feel like fools now.
The right wing Anita Sarkeesian video right here
"Oh no! This TV show is requiring that I spend time thinking about my political opinions! How dare they!"
The office is pretty much the biggest show and it has 95% straight relationships and zero politics
No matter how ‘nice’ any shows characters are, I still cringe and dislike the characters once they make adultery ok.
the irony here is hilarious
His intro to this video was so brilliant, it’s as if PragerU is self aware
Uhhhh LBJ actually said that “Gerald Ford couldn’t fart and chew gum at the same time” it ain’t Hollywood’s fault
Three’s Company was instrumental in pushing the gay agenda. We were encouraged to laugh at gay innuendo.
"Somehow Hollywood managed to take an 8 year hiatus from mocking presidents during the Obama years." Yeah DUH because they like obama!
But what if I want to be open to the views of others?
PragerU is getting Trolled ,- so don't get triggered by the swamp creatures
Brings to mind the scene in Avengers end Game when all the women charge ….. this a film not a political theatre
people believe that shit lmao
Who is here after Greta leaked toolkit.
Gone are the days of Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best
Obama was definitely mocked like wtf
What's wrong with having children outside of wedlock? And what's wrong with gay marriage?
Ben's views are so outdated that I can hardly belive he is of the same generation as I. He sounds like he's an old person trapped in a young man's body.