Holy SH*T! Trudeau's Canada just DOUBLED DOWN on censoring Canadians | Redacted with Clayton Morris
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Get ready for massive censorship in Canada. A play right out of the WEF playbook happened this week. The Online Harms Bill was in introduced in the house of commons in Canada this week and it’s as bad as you think it is.
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Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Its communist Canada now
Think that they will be in forever as they are setting it up for that with all the UN countries
If we dint get the WEF and the WHO and the UN out then they will rule forever 💯
Are we really going to define hate speech again? I am getting very weary of focusing on hate rather than God's love.
Trudeau was sad for getting so much hate put upon him.
We are living George Orwell's 1984.😮
Somebody, anybody, please please please save us from this totalitarian dictatorship.
The bill is not the couch paedophilia it’s the help them out so that they can get away with more of what they want to do with more children 🤢🤮🚽
It’s unlawful, so therefor Nul and voided
What about Trudeau's hate speech… this should be another way to charge trudeau for his hate speech against the unvaxed which lead to hate from society, from police officers, Karen- style managers at Walmart, winners, Costco etc…. No vaccinated on planes and trains with vaccinated… vaccinated are misogynistic, non-believers of science….
I actually want Trudeau charged for hate speech….
But we are ok with 50 year old Trans in locker rooms with kids and participating in teen sports 👍
This will not stop me from speaking the truth.
I am convinced that Justin is the bastard son of Fidel.
The content is find but the titles ARE CHEAP
Yeah its all about kids, but he(Turdoe) wants to remove ban on age restriction for pornographic access. Yup all bout kids.
I don't know who is going to comply. Its not like a criminal, all our governments, is legally in courts or politics, they're not. So nothing they ever pass is legal. They're not legally in. Thats nu.1, but also, its not a court that actually nulls and voids a governments crapola or overstep. Its the people. So never in my life have I ever considered anything that my common sense and conscience says, No, Nada, Be gone monster!, law. Its not , we the people, individually and jointly, null and void. Thats a legal term. In the nuremburg trials that was a 2000 word essay in school, there was some key points. They executed people for obeying the law of their land, laws upheld by their criminal courts. They were told, you should have known that wasn't right, your conscience nulls and voids it all. On pain of death, humanity nulls and voids corruption. So complying with anything criminal, tyrannical, monsterous, is consent, its being complicit in the crime.
1984 ! period
But he is so pretty!
If this passes it will be a death for Canada. It won't be a country we knew
Hate speech is the speech they hate
They want to turn Canada into North Korea
Just Inadequate Trudeau
Rebel news says you can get 5 years to life in jail with hardened criminals for just saying words Trudeau doesn't like . George Orwell 1984 thought police is what is happening. Everything will be hate speech to Trudeau . Won't be able to say nothing about convoy, vaccines, the wokeness in schools, can't even say nothing about loving oil , gas and energy we can go to jail. Its what Hitler did in the 30's and 40's .
Evil men. Dark principalities and powers in high places. But not for long.
Dude wants to be a dictator just like his father in Cuba. He’s trying.
I came to Canada 43 years ago. I was proud Canadian but not anymore. Im retired and want to move back to my Country in Czech Republic. Live there with my siblings. Canada is going down the drain 😡
the laws that trudeau corrupted gov create are nul and void. Traitors do not represet Canadians. so out they must go.
If I could say it I would but they sencer everything now sow stand up everyone for our freedoms like for real what's wrong with all of you???
Okay civil Trudeau need to go or face the consequences for what he did to are country
Trudeau, acting like Putin. What's it gonna do? Take netflix Next..
Unfortunately the comment section of YouTube will no longer be of any use for us here in Canada.
So when the far Left talks about revolution, is that hate?
Hate Speech = Wrong Think
Hopefully Pierre Pollieve CANCELES all of Trudeau's bills. 🎉🎉🎉🎉2025
justin & his Dictatorship liberals and family should be in jail long time ago !!!!!!
Canadians, don’t be too stupid to get this further before its too late. ACT NOW.
That's awful! I already regret that I immigrated here in 2000. At that time it was different country different people. I could not imagine people will obey ugly and stupid isolation rules during 2021-2022. Next pandemy will be much harsh from the rules perspective. Get ready to fight, or… pack your staff and run!
There won’t be a CPP or Old Age Security shortly.
What’s the point?
My taxes are for Ukraine, not for us under globalist neo-feudal WEF Liberal 🇨🇦? 🤷♀️
I HATE that this is happening in my country.
I feel like our freedoms are being taken away one by one…
Censorship Czar is too kind of title as mentioned in the interview, more like Censorship Gestapo….
These layers of laws, regulations, bureaucracy are not new, for long ago when hate laws first appeared, they were to distinguish a crime from a hate crime, that is, a murder driven by hate versus a murder driven by another motive. I was baffled. For is the murdered victim more dead if murder driven by hate, else less dead if murder driven not by hate but another motive? Is the murdered victim's family more mournful if murder driven by hate, else less dead if murder driven not by hate but another motive?
"Claiming to be wise, they became fools…"
Romans 1:22 (ESV)
Sorry, did he say "Canada" ? I thought he was speaking about North Korea…
A current,extreme example of what this could lead to is how people in North Korea have to censor themselves
Just this week I had a ‘warning’ and a social media post removed because it was possibly hate speech…..I was talking about a hockey game and the ‘crazy Canadian’ fans having fun and celebrating the game. It wasn’t available for my Canadian friends to read, but did remain available for my friends in other parts of the world, which seems extremely oppressive.
Trudeau is a dictator at heart.
Thanks for standing up for Canadian. Love you guys
if this bill has passed the first person to be put away would be tr4d3au, he was the first one to start all this hate
Communism…..freedom is not free.