How Can God Be Three and One at the Same Time?
Greg and Amy share how to explain the Trinity to a Muslim in a way that helps him understand how God can be three persons, but only one being.
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Amazing how do you explain what Jesus never said and get someone to believe it because because you believe the importance of a man-made belief in Doctrine is more important than anything Jesus never talked about and yet that is the foundation and you say that it's the foundation of Christianity incredible I guess it's extremely important to prove your man-made beliefs over Jesus words man-made beliefs over Jesus's words
They are three and are supposed to form a SINGLE God. However, you are not supposed to pray to that alleged SINGLE God. LOL. There is absolutely no doubt that no trinity exists. The reasons are that:
1. contrary to the doctrine only the Father is ALMIGHTY ("…only the Father knows", Mk. 13:32) and that
2. the Son is WITH THE FATHER ONLY, that is crystal clear reiterated about 40 times in the gospels by Jesus, He is NEVER with both Father and Holy Spirit.
Thus, from the DIRECT TESTIMONY of Jesus you are absolutely SURE that no trinity can exist! However trinitarians do not TRUST what Jesus says! They think they have identified in the scriptures a further divine person: the Holy Spirit, who is the "Comforter"!
They didn't figure out that God in Person sends the Spirit, but that Spirit is the SAME GOD (almighty) who is a spirit. That is, the Spirit is distinct from God but is not a distinct PERSON. Thus that THIRD person simply does NOT EXIST. The "Spirit of God" (aka Holy Spirit) is actually originated by God (the "normal" God) who is AWAY in a distant dimension "No man has seen God at any time." "the world did not know you".
You can see in the gospels that EVERYTHING is carried out by that Spirit here on earth, NOT PERSONALLY by God: the Spirit of God dealt with Mary's pregnancy, spoke when Jesus was baptized, led Jesus into the desert, later helped Him in speaking too. Further, the Spirit of God (aka "Spirit of your Father") also helped the apostles in speaking.
"God is a spirit" (Jn. 4:24) i.e. there is ONLY one Spirit here and that Spirit is God, almighty.
Thank you