How Critical Race Theory is Dividing America
How woke is your workplace? This week, Christopher Rufo, a Heritage Foundation visiting fellow, explains what critical race theory is and how it’s dividing America.
Rufo exposé: https://christopherrufo.com/national-nuclear-laboratory-training-on-white-privilege-and-white-male-culture/
Trump Ends Critical Race Theory: https://www.heritage.org/civil-society/impact/trump-administration-ends-critical-race-theory-trainings-move-backed-heritage
VIRTUAL EVENT: Wokeism at Work: How “Critical Theory” and Anti-Racism Training Divide America: https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/event/virtual-event-wokeism-work-how-critical-theory-and-anti-racism-training-divide
VIRTUAL EVENT: Leftism’s Failure and the Rise of Homelessness
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Yes, white people are treated better and have privileges over non white people. What a SURPRISE….
White privilege is a myth.
Jesus will return and all these white evangelicals will try to have him arrested because they believe their own racist lies.
The 1st amendment doesn't apply to American Descendants of Slavery – white evangelical christians and politians.
We don't like the truth, so we are going to change the law so you can't tell the truth. – white evangelical christians (victims of cancel culture).
Segregation, current red lining and racism doesn't divide America (see civil war) critical race theory does – racist white people.
"Critical Race Theory" divides America not 263 years of slavery and 150 years of Jim Crow. You guys make telling the truth and demanding justice look down right evil. I guess it's not "spirit and truth" it "denial and make us feel good".
This is the slickness of systemic racism. I have a secure credit card. The payment is due on the 9th of each month. But you pay it earlier. I pay the monthly payment on time.Just a lil earlier; But the bank charge a low cent charge. Like .28 cents close to the original due date of the 9th. after you made your monthly payment. If I don't check my account after I've made that monthly payment. And the bank add a small fee to your account. And that little change fee of .28 cents is not paid on the 9th. The bank has to report that to the credit bureau as something negative. Therefore you have a negative inquiry on your credit report. That what white people do, that runs these bank systems. They target black, to put negative inquires on our credit report, that prevents us from getting loans for homes, businesses etc. The bank teller tell me, it's just 28 cents, but I do have to report that as something negative if the 28 cents is not in your account by the 9th. The 28 cents isn't the problem. The problem is. If you've made your monthly payment, and your account is in good standing. The bank add a small change fee like 28 cents, so they can report your account negative to the credit bureau. That's what systemic racism is. Something little as 28 cents can cause a lot of damage. Because, when request a credit on you. The credit bureau is not gonna say you have a negative inquiry for 28 cents. Their just going to report a negative inquiry. And that's what a lot of these racist people been doing to blacks, that's working in these systems that can report things on your credit. Then you have to go through all these mental, stressful loop holes to fix it. For them to comeback and lie and say. It was a clerical error.First Premier Bank is corrupt of doing this, and so many others
Critical race theory is systematic racism
u must remember what the Heritage Foundations stands for as a person of color looking at various segments of our society one can see a line of demarcation law enforcement health care education , higher mortgages rates for people of color , higher death rates for black and brown citizens all things be equal how do you explain that? the data as u say is empirical, why does this exist
The term "vangaurd" reminds of the NXIVM cult.
So much fucking whining. Your ideology is LOSING IN A DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM. This isn't the USSR you whiny fuck.
The long march through the institutions…..
Beware of Race Theory – remember Adolf Hitler: "Rassentheorie" (= Race Theory) is one of these NAZI things…
Critical ______ Theory and _____ intersectional Studies are straight up Marxist indoctrination & needs to be banned like in Hungary & Brazil
Critical Race Theory does nothing but stoke racial grievances. America is not a racist society. Claims of systemic racism, white privilege, etc. are simply a means to avoid an unpleasant discussion of why culture and behavior are holding Blacks back.
As a black man its funny that racism has almost NOTHING to do with how one "THINKS" anymore, but rather the degree you agree or disagree with Democrat policies! You don't have to hate ME to be racist, you just have to disagree with Democrat's Social, Economic, or Foreign Policies.
It's not critical race theory dividing America.. it's the natural effect of forcing different races to live together in harmony. History provides the evidence.
Thank you for exposing these racist ideologies that are being pushed by the racist Demoncrats
We just need to embrace being called racist and not caring
“White privilege” is racist in the sense that it is a concept borne of a racist ideology, namely Critical Race Theory.
Actually sir. That example is not funny at all IMO.
Chris Wallace is a bias leftist. Satemic racism is a false ideology . The Left created it