How Did Venezuela Get Here? Find Out Tomorrow
LIVE SPECIAL EVENT: “Socialism: A Warning from the Dead.”
Join us tomorrow, Wednesday May 1st, as we break down a document that lists the five steps to go from free market capitalism to complete totalitarianism…and they’re happening now.
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Join my religion of actual truth or eat shit.
And the constitution will hang by a thread.
Where is the new video??? I have been waiting for it. I wanted to watch live but I haven't seen it at all! Nothing. Anyone with an answer?
Just heard a journalist on another program blaming the US sanctions against Venezuela for the 20 year decline of that Socialist government. Be prepared for new rhetoric from the Left.
Share with as many people as you can. We must stop this before it gets its fangs in US! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
Lord Jesus, save us, please!
People, ask God to forgive you and America for our sins, Repent of them – turn away from them, and believe in Him!
Only then will He act! See: 2 Chronicles 7, verse 14!
We’re almost there! God forgive us and help us🕊🙏🕊🎚🕊🇺🇸🕊♥️🕊
Democrat, socialist, progressive, Marxist. communist, Bolshevik or by what ever name you want to call the left it only brings misery and death every place it is tried. Communism has murdered over 150 million people since 1917 and who knows how many more starved to death. Marxism is a form of mental illness since it is self destructive in the end.
Please share this video!!! Fantastic!
🇺🇸🇺🇸Republican Government Article 4, Section 4, U.S. Constitution🇺🇸🇺🇸
Trump 2020!!!
Cortez shall be the next president.
That was the plan of the globalist socialist…. The Bushes, Clintons, Muslim Barry and Hillary was going to be the cherry on the top. God is with us… The good people of the world need to come together and fight this evil……I thank and bless all those who voted for President Trump in 2016, I didn't…. But you can bet your dollars I will vote for him now , because he will save the world. Trump Train 2020! I used to be a DemocRAT, no more…..
True indeed!! Socialism not only in the US but the entire world… Unbelievable what these globalist are capable of….
So sad to know history warns us of Socialism and yet the young disregard it . They now embrace their own destruction which is Socialism. Our colleges have done more damage to young minds than Putin could ever wish for.
Thank the heavens for you Glenn. If only more infulential people had the vision and the determination to try and steady the course. You my friend are the light in the dark. I thank you for all that you do. Not only for America and all of humanity, but also myself. God bless
Maduro needs to get the hell out same with the communist Cubans and Russia
It's destroying the Catholic Church, too…
"Russia will spread its errors" – Our Lady of Fatima, 1917
The whole idea behind Socialism is first brainwashing. I see this happening here very much. And second….taking away rights so we are at the mercy of the government. Sad that people believe this. Socialism is responsible for more deaths than any war or natural disaster on Earth.
Stats socialist don’t want us to know..
Death Toll
1. Communism/Socialism – 100 to 200 Million
2. WW2 – 50-56 Million
3. WW1 – 37 Million
4. Cancer over 50 years – 29.5 Million
5. Fascism – 20 to 30 Million
6. The Plague – 25 Million