How Do We Verify the Validity of the Gospels?
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (http://amzn.to/2AW8bc5)
READ: Unbelievable? Four Simple Principles to Determine Ancient Historical Reliability https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/unbelievable-four-simple-principles-to-determine-ancient-historical-reliability/
J. Warner Wallace, author of Cold-Case Christianity, was interviewed by Bobby Conway (The One Minute Apologist) and discussed the four part template we use to determine eyewitness reliability. Can this template be applied to the Gospels? (For more information related to Bobby’s great ministry, visit: http://oneminuteapologist.com/)
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Mr. Warner, thank you so much for your teaching! I've learned so much from you. Mr. Warner, what do you think about the quran?
J. Warner Wallace a retired detective who looked at the evidence and came to a rationale conclusion that the Gospels are legit
You know who else should meet J Warner Wallace? Former Presbyterian Christian minister and a convert to Catholic Christianity, Scott Hahn. Because Scott Hahn wrote a book that refuted and disproved Richard Dawkins book.
Appreciating you in the Lord and from NC!