How historically reliable is the Quran?
In this interview, Alan Shlemon explains that the Quran is historically unreliable, especially in comparison to the Bible, by the standards of manuscript evidence and source criticism.
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The Bible ALONE is the authoritative, inspired and preserved Word of God. The Quran has been changed from when it first came down all the way to the year 1924. There is NO Quran from before 1924 that looks exactly like the Quran of today. Trust me so many Muslims have no idea about this fact.
Cristian brother : I love Jesus, He is my God.
Muslim brother : I also love Jesus(peace be upon him). Because he is one of the great messenger and massiah of Allah.
Cristian brother : He will come again.
Muslim brother: Of course, after the antichrist to kill the antichrist(dajjal) near Jerusalem.
Cristian brother : When the anticrist will release.
to know more reply me,
What a joke of a video. The Bible is by far has no reliability compared to the Quran. And for the smart person, he think he is, in the video, the source of the Quran is directly from God/Allah
Biggesr of lies lol, but okay
of course you christians have to lie to make a point because you already think Jesus already died for ur sins. You have zero accountability about straight up lying to people's faces. Dispicable. You are gambling with your very own soul by playing the dishonesty game with God's word.
Bible passed with flying colors? lmao…that's straight out lying. are you illiterate, sir?😆
Man speak truth, don't lie.
What a load of nonsense who is this guy and what are his credentials
Full of false statements about the Quran! Don’t take your info about Quran from a priest!
The main method of transmission of the quran was oral tradition. If it was only scribal then there would be absolutely no way to avoid contradiction in the future. Also the quran does not pull from sources just because it has info that is contained within apocrophyl works that the christans do not accept.
😅😅😂 fairytale Christian who follow Christ lol
If he was qualified to talk about this, he would have. Any historian will point out that the New Testament is mostly ahistorical narrative: the alleged census of Quirinius and false Bethlehem birth, the inconsistent paternal genealogies of Jesus, stories of Jesus’ life that suddenly appear in manuscripts centuries after the original. Dr. Ehrman’s “how Jesus became God” is a great place to start.
Christianity always claims that it is not a religion, but a relationship.
In reality, it is people’s relationship with a religious narrative based on largely ahistorical myth and the incredible immoral concept of vicarious redemption—all written down decades after by those who never knew Jesus or his disciples.
Christians are no more accurate in their perceptions of reality than Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, etc. And it would be better for everyone if we all awakened to what our beliefs truly are and why we feel it necessary to cling to nationalistic, egocentric fictions as our ultimate interpretation of reality.
I laughed out loud when you said, "The Bible passed with flying colors" based on the historical consistencies from past manuscripts… What a joke. Guess you never heard of Dr. Bart Ehrman's lifetime of work as a former evangelical Christian, former pastor, turned Theology PhD professor, multi-best-selling author on the unreliability of so many points of the Bible. Gilgamesh was written centuries before the BIble and has the tale of a world flood, blah, blah, blah. The Legend of Sargon, also written before the Bible describes a baby was sent by raft down a river to safety later to rise to be a leader, blah, blah, blah. I guess if the Bible is the "Word of God", God plagiarized some of the content. And to this day, there is zero archeological evidence (or any type of evidence) that the Exodus with Moses (supposedly over 2 million people) ever occurred in the geographical areas claimed. None. Zilch. Nada. There is archeological evidence of other migrating groups all over the world, but nothing about the claimed Exodus with Moses. Evangelicals claim the Bible is inerrant (ie. without errors)… I guess that is why they call it "blind faith". But there are some redeeming virtues of all organized religion. Friendships, caring for one another, charity work, encouraging moral behavior, parables of life lessons, etc. are truly good reasons to gather.
The Quran is full and Allah protects it.
This is the proof ————> Sunan Ibn Majah 1944
Muhammad is reliable and Allah protected it.
This is the proof ————–> Quran 22:52, Bukhari 3175
If all the historical records of his time and the immediate past confirmed that Abraham Lincoln, the son of Thomas Lincoln, was the president of USA at the time and that he died by assassination.
Then 600 years after his death, a fellow hailed from and in Argentina begin to assert that by a spiritual revelation it has been made known to him that the president of the USA in those days though was Abraham Lincoln was not the son of Thomas Lincoln and he was also never assassinated but died of malaria.
bible passes the test ???
did judah hang himself or did he fall & get his guts out ?
this video shows you're lying
Thanks to Islamic “scholars” for hiding their sources, misinterpreting Quran meaning, not letting Muslims ask question, prosecuting independent investigators, etc. Hell is not good enough for them.
Yes Quran is fake the religion of Islam is based upon lies and its whole thing is fake
Lol. Absolute NONSENSE. From beginning to end.
Omg. Sooooo desperate. No evidence, citing ‘research’ that hasn’t been published. This man has zero understanding of the compilation of the Quran and presents nothing. Bro you can convert a billion muslims just by debating many muslim scholars out there by bringing your proofs. Lets be clear. Jesus pbuh didnt compile the NT. It was a pick n mix of various writings that affirmed the beliefs of a set of individuals. Their beliefs. Not necessarily the truth. A lot of writings did not make the cut. Why? Not because they were wrong, but because they didnt fit the theology that men wanted
The Quran claims the injeel Is Holy. Injeel is our Aramaic written Bible, the Peshitta. We have copies going back further than the birth of Islam. So when the Injeel claims Christ died and rose from the death how is it then possible that the Quran claims he was drugged and did not die on the cross but Judas did in his place? Please Moslims, answer me without any bla bla which I am used to. How can you say something is Holy YET it contradicts your own scriptures. Wake up folks, not much time left
Source: "trust me dude"
Zero evidence. Nonsensical claims
This guy is funny. Please people, listen to Bart Ehrman or read his books!
How can the Quran take from the Bible when it corrects the bible on historical and scientific matters ?? (With Proof)
Alan seems to claim many things without evidance. A typical pattern of people short of knowledge. Alan needs to read more. As for Christians, Bartman is a knowledgable and pure in his approach towards bible. In short, I would like Alan to read and read more.
What are the "sources" its pulling from why don't you quote or put anything up? Your just speaking out your bum.
In Uni your papers will not fly if there aren’t any sources cited, it will just be rambling. Right guy? What kind of Uni did you go to?
Blaaaa. Blaaaa. Blaaaaa……..