How Socialism Destroyed Africa
Equating capitalism with colonialism, Africa’s nationalist leaders rejected it and adopted socialism in the 1960s. Foreign companies were nationalized, a string of state-owned enterprises were established and a plethora of state controls on rent, prices, imports and foreign exchange were imposed to capture the commanding heights of the economy. But nowhere in Africa was the socialist experiment successful. It was a miserable fiasco in country after country including Angola (under dos Santos), Benin (under Kerekou), Ethiopia (under Mengistu), Ghana (under Nkrumah), Guinea (under Toure), Mali (under Keita), Mozambique (under Chissano), Tanzania (under Nyerere), and Zambia, among others.
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In my country, PNG🇵🇬, we have the Department of Agriculture and Livestock. This year 2023, the PNG gov't created the Dept. of Coffee, Dept. of Oil Palm and the Dept. of Copra.
Latins are doing this to African Americans in America today
Several problems with his argument. Not all the leaders were corrupt and rob the people although it has happen a lot. Corruption happens in capitalist societies as well and is not an inherit part of any from of government. Most leaders come to power with money already just like they do in developed countries. These countries are very young so how can they be measured by America and other developed nations that are hundreds of years old. The older countries have gone through all the things including instability these nations are facing now. Most important it is completely false that problems started when leaders won independence and change to socialist government. Apartheid, colonialism, classism from Europeans played a far bigger problem to destabilization then was mention. Many wars were fought to change these things and no development can occur when there is war. The state has to increase it participation ,(socialism), when it is needed. He talks about farmers only receiving 10 percent of the production without mentioning The world bank is milking the country dry taking sometimes 60 of the nations GDP in loans. Big companies like Shell, Hersey and Firestone reap big benefits and get most of their products they sell abroad without paying the Africa continent barely anything for those products. The problems simply go well beyond the few topics he touched on.
Why are former leaders like Nkrumah practically worshipped by many Ghanians and even Africans of other countries? I know he led the country to independence, but he also led the country down the drain. Many Youtube commentators will claim that the Western so-called imperial powers colluded to destroy his governance. Do you have any thoughts on this claim?
It definitely makes sense to exploit Africa for multiple hundred years and then blame Socialism on everything. But capitalism in South Sudan, Congo or Nigeria is great and brought a good quality of life to it's citizens, right?
I think that academicians (middle class) is materially interested in keeping this social system as is at least and reforming it at best — such is our brother professor here. I think we who are workers, particularly black people, need to look to Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the theory produced by the man — African Internationalism. The professor in this video has not traced the origin of this social system so his critique of the problem is misguided
I guess Burkina Faso when Sankara was president wasn’t socialist (also did not want any aid from any country) the West doesn’t want socialist countries succeed dummies
Nothing explains socialism's failure as eloquently as Popeye and Bluto. Once Bluto discovers he can stop pedaling and the bike stays in motion (for a while) he stops contributing. Eventually everyone stops, also- harder pedaling gets you no further/faster. Eventually, the bike stops when nobody pedals. It's physics
Swiss Bank Socialism
F………….k Africa they are the kings of racism corruption and will starve in the millions , they all free of the colonials they can vote but they can't afford to eat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this speaker gets it but he is not a politician
Everyone says Africa is socialist but nobody can can tell me which countries are socialist and which ones are capitalists. So I can’t compare success rates.
This man should go to the dept of hell. Capitalism and the west not leaving us alone is destroying Africa. Wtf is this western backed organization talking about. You people have destroyed my country with Imf debt and foreign corporations stealing our resources.
It really is a shame. Zanzibar was one of the richest African countries before Nyerere brought independence and socialism.
This title is gold. Capitalism had nothing to do with Africa's problems. Africa was perfectly fine before independence. /s (obviously)
The same thing that happened in Cuba and it is happening in Venezuela!
I witnessed the failure of socialism in several african countries.
The 'cocktail' produced mixing it with their tribal systen was lethal for all of them.
The stupidity of their leaders was "the icing of the cake".
Wish they had put the speaker’s name in the description. It is Dr. George Ayittey, in case anyone wants to know the spelling.
the nordic countrys are not socialist thy social democratic
Isn't it about having a mixed economy combined with a good legal system to support it? All developed countries have some sort of mixed economy. They all also have developed legal systems. This is what makes their countries work.
socialism was sabotaged in africa and the african countrys wher to backward to impliment a good socialism
bullshit, socislism works fine
God bless him, this really helped me with my senior thesis on the failure on Ujamaa
Socialism is a system guaranteed to fail.
America is gonna be next to learn the hard way because they are woke
You can’t justify socialism it’s been horrible all over
Since when has there been Socialism in Africa?
The African continent spent centuries under the control of European capitalist nations, but we're now to believe that Socialism was what destroyed Africa? The same Socialism that Western powers of all stripes all but stamped out by manipulating internal politics and assassinations? 🤔🕵️♂️
You might wanna look up Burkino faso and Thomas sankara. The reason socialism hasn’t worked in Africa is because USA overthrows the leaders
Socialism destroys nations. It creates "citizens own labor camps" where money is controlled by the government. It destroys checks and balances and give ultimate power to the leaders. Its never achieved anything except Democide. Why do you think People flee to America? For Apple Pie?
What!!? Socialism doesn't work!? I'm shocked shocked shocked. Lol. Well at least this guy explained it in an interesting way. Thanks.
sure thing, it wasnt the european colonialism over CENTURIES of exploitation that destroyed africa, it was the commies
Should be labeled how dictators destroyed Africa.
Imperialism destroyed africa
After listening to this. could it be said that both Socialism and Capitalism are foreign and cannot be used as a form of governance?
America is on the road to 'shared' misery . . . just like much of Africa.