What must atheists steal from God to make their case?
Dr. Frank Turek explains why there must be a standard of right and wrong, much like God, to account for the existence of evil at all.
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Wow… A guy who says that we humans can't be good without a deity who condones slavery, rape, genocide, the theft of lands, and bigotry in his so-called holy book. Despicable…
Even if the Christian god existed I wouldn’t worship him because he’s petty and sends people to hell who don’t agree with him
Everyone cries out to god in a time of trouble. Almost fall off a roof and even the atheist says "Oh my God" or "Jesus Christ" …. But the atheist usually believes that we came from apes… But no one says "Oh my ape." They often then say "Oh my God" is just and expression. Yeah and expression for your creation…!?!? EXPRESS YOURSELF!!!
All I hear are a bunch of assertions with no good explanation or demonstrations of why they are correct.
Evil is my subjective opinion of what I consider to be bad for well being.
Also when I imply there is good in the world I imply that subjective standards of good exist and that good and evil is a social structure that changes
Sometimes I like to watch these videos raw, instead of through the lens of atheist youtube channels, just to see if they're representing theist arguments accurately, and I'm as disappointed as you are to say… yeah. They absolutely are. This was pathetic to listen to.
So morality is obeying what someone else says seems. Like for example in one verse he said this about babalon "See, the day of the Lord is coming — a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated." (Isaiah 13:9–16 NIV) tldr God says this is how you should treat non Christians and acording to this "O daughter Babylon, you devastator! Happy shall they be who pay you back what you have done to us! Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!"(Psalm 137:8–9 NRSV) with glee
And they forget the murders the church has committed and blame it on the other religions and atheists
Reason is incompatible with faith, so atheists are not borrowing from your religion when they reason. Atheists don't get their morality from the Bible, nor does secular society, which is why hardly any of our laws are compatible with the Bible. Science also does not come from the Bible, but rather from logic and reason, and it disproves the Bible. When an atheist says something is evil, it is usually because it is an affront to empathy and a sense of fairness, not because 'God said so'. Here is your definition of evil, which you requested: Any behavior or thing that causes unnecessary harm to others. Why do I define evil this way? I have empathy and a sense of fairness. You are pretending to have an objective morality, when you cannot give a single objective reason for why murder is wrong. Note that I did not reference good in my definition of evil, showing that you are wrong about that too. When I say there is good in the world, I am not saying that God exists, genius, especially since I am not convinced he exists. As it is, your god is patently evil, so I am obviously not saying he exists just because I say some things are subjectively good. What I mean by 'good' is anything that is not an affront to empathy and a sense of fairness that makes us happier in life. Frank Turek must be off his rocker, if he thinks his god is morally good. Any god that brutally slaughters children and tortures souls forever is immoral, and is not good.
His phone number, that's all I need to "steal".
How is God good?
God is fake
How can you steal from someone who doesn't exist?
Good exists independently from God you dumb shit
Turek, you are a total fucking idiot.
This guy is a doctor? Lol guess I’m gonna be a doctor too
You can tell when atheists share between them a video and encourage one another to unlike it and comment bad arguments 😂👇🏼🤷🏻♀️
You can not steal from someone who doesn't exist.
You need to prove there is a God before you can claim anyone stole from him or her.
Looking at the acronym he offered:
Causality: What caused God? Can you answer that without a special pleading argument?
Reason: What reason does anyone have to believe a God is real?
Information: What actual information do you have about your supposed God, aside from the assertions made in a number of old books?
Morality: Morality comes from ourselves, not from a God. Societies and individuals determine for themselves what they consider to be right and wrong.
Evil: I have no doubt that many proposed gods exhibit this trait, especially the God of the Bible.
Science: This stands in direct opposition to religion. Science starts with an observation, and we use the scientific method to investigate the cause of this observation. Religion assumes its conclusions from the outset and won't even allow investigation,
And the abrahamic religions and their god stole from older religions. So what?
Why must Christians make such elaborate – and rather silly – arguments, rather than just providing one piece of good evidence that their god actually exists or even one piece of good evidence that any of the magic stories in the Bible actually happened?
Oh, yeah, it's because Christian apologists don't actually have anything, huh?
Turek just has to be convincing enough to sell Christians on what they already believe and really, really want to keep believing. Clearly, that's not very difficult. Apparently, you can make a good living selling people the lies they really want to hear.
Atheists just don't believe in god. Thats it. Stop complicating things.
Is this man serious!
He starts out with his unfalsifiable claim that his God does exist and then builds his case on that.
Notice the malformed question here, why is there so much 'evil' in the world. The word 'evil' has religious connotations. Atheists do not ask the question why there is so much 'evil' in the world, but why there is so much suffering in the world if there is a loving God. But frank Turek builds his case on the straw man argument that we atheists accept there is evil in a religious sense.
Frank Turek is a very intelligent man. You have to be to have flown fast jets in the U.S. navy. But what's interesting here is how intelligence [or lack of] has nothing to do with believing in nonsense.
Does Mr Turek really believe in what he preaches or is this how he makes his living? I have yet to make my mind up on this.
goodness: Eating a chicken is good for the consumer, bad for the chicken.
That lion eating the gazelle, good for the lion , not good for the gazelle.
God or no God, we base all of our Morality on what's "good" for our species.
Who is this idiot? After 3 seconds of listening to him I knew to keep a good hold of my wristwatch and wallet. This moron is a confidence man. That I knew IMMEDIATELY.
Evil is morally objectionable behaviour which causes harm, destruction or misfortune. No god required.
You cannot steal from a fictional entity.
There are no good reasons to believe in a god. Change my mind.