How Socialism Ruined My Country | 5 Minute Video
Is Bernie Sanders right? Are people living under socialism better off? Brazil is a good case study. Felipe Moura Brasil, a journalist and Veja magazine columnist, explains how his country has fared under socialism.
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Many American millennials seem to be drawn to socialism. They came out in big numbers for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primaries. They rail against capitalism on their college campuses. They wear Che Guevara t-shirts to signal their socialist virtue.
I know a lot about socialism. I live in Rio de Janeiro, and I work throughout Brazil as a journalist for a popular magazine.
In the early 2000s, Brazil’s economy was growing rapidly. The government had enacted economic and monetary reforms and divested holdings in some state-run companies, giving the private sector more room to breathe. Inflation—a chronic problem in Brazil—was dramatically reduced. Foreign investors poured into the country, eager to catch a portion of our expanding economy. The future seemed promising.
But today, our economy is in shambles, unemployment and debt are massive, and powerful politicians are being investigated for involvement in the largest scandals of fraud and corruption in the country’s history.
What happened?
In 2002, a socialist politician named Lula da Silva ran for the presidency. He was a socialist, but painted himself as a modern, cool kind of socialist. He would be the politician who would heal national divisions and unite everyone. He even had a nickname: “Lulinha paz e amor,” which means “Little Lula peace and love” in Portuguese.
But the old message about the need for income redistribution to decrease inequality was still there. The media, academic elite and celebrities assured Brazilians that by transferring the money from the rich to the poor, the poor could finally be richer. But the only ones who really got rich were Lula and his corporate and political friends. It only got worse under his successor, Dilma Rousseff.
The socialists increased government spending, deficits, and debt. They called it a “stimulus.” They increased the minimum wage and the benefits of social programs. They called it “social justice.” They increased the salaries and retirement benefits of the civil service. They called it “investing in the future.” They handed out thousands of jobs in the government and state-owned companies as favors to their political allies. And they called it “good governance.”
It worked for a while. Socialism always works at the beginning. But government spending just kept going up, and then Lula’s socialist paradise fell apart and the economy fell with it. The outcome: from 2008 to 2015, government spending grew nearly four times as fast as tax revenue.
The economy shrank 3.8 percent in 2015, the worst result in 25 years. That same year, a World Bank survey found Brazil’s economy to be one of the world’s worst. Out of 189 countries, we were the 16th hardest place to open a business, the 60th most difficult nation in which to register property, and the 12th most complex place to pay taxes.
Economically and morally, the almost 15 years of socialist policies have greatly harmed Brazil. We also remain among the world’s leaders in murder and robbery, and we rank near the bottom of industrialized nations in terms of education and health care.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/how-socialism-ruined-my-country

Yeah, here we are on 2024 and nothing changed…
And now he is a big sold out to comunnist gov earning lots of money speaking greatly about socialist shit.
And today they are exerting government control all over again. Not only banning Twitter, but even fining people for having a VPN. The corruption is rampant in Brazil once again.
Época em que o Felipe Moura Brasil era bolsonarista. Hoje é um ex-bolsonarista arrependido, que cria equivalência entre bolsonarismo e petismo pelo prazer inigualável de se dizer fora da caixas.
How many college students in Brazil much like America still want socialism.
I didn’t think socialism worked even in the beginning.
If PT was socialist then I am an astronaut
Surpresa Lula nunca foi socialista
Vuvuzela socialista kkkkk
E Lula socialista pra onde a gente ta indo ? E todos os comentários são vuvuzela
However US is also Socialist country, according to Durkheim, Socialism is the government's connection for the market, and US? congratulation!
We need bias! Lots of bias!
Seeing this 7 years later I can say – It has gotten worse and none of the criminal convictions turned out to be effective. Lula was out of jail and as soon as he came back he won the presidency again. The entire South America is doomed and it will NEVER be cured from the Leftism cancer. American people I beg of you – Don’t vote for leftists ever again in your life, this Beautiful country is seriously threatened at the moment, the compliance has reached borderline insanity.
7 years later, Lula is president again. After spending more than a year in jail for more than 50+ charges. I hate my country
Socialismo é roubo com uma justificativa. Esquerdistas são ladrões.
And they choose Lula once again 😀 stupidity can't be cured
Brazil is not a socialist country,.,. never been,,,, Sorry .. ( some socialist policies yes)
Under Lula : GPD growth , reduction in public depot and inflation, 20 millions Brazilians escaped poverty ..
All the sources available on line …
É mesmo é?
Brazil’s economy has never been socialist
For a while I though he is describing biden presidency
Communism is virus
People don’t understand the difference between Marxism and actual simply put Machiavellianism and corruption
POV: you don’t know the difference between social democratic opportunism and actual socialism.
Bro does not know what socialism is lmao.
How America destroyed Cuba