How to Help Young People Build a Case for Christianity
For more information, read So the Next Generation Will Know: Training Young Christians in a Challenging World (https://amzn.to/2CftJza)
Read: Simple Suggestions To Challenge Young Christians Toward Spiritual Maturity
Simple Suggestions to Challenge Young Christians Toward Spiritual Maturity
Why is it important for young Christians to be able to defend the truth of the Christian worldview? How can we, as adults and leaders, help them to do so? J. Warner joins the hosts of the Lead-Defend Podcast to discuss these questions.
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Loved this talk. Especially the points explaining objective and subjective truth. I've heard it many times but never get tired of hearing it. So powerful and needed to be introduced and taught in public schools. If I had this knowledge growing up, I believe I would've been able to discern claims and navigate the truth much sooner and easier.
I like how Jim formed a band with his fellow brothers in law enforcement…
I guess that makes him…
A beat cop.
Truth is all that matters, not what someone thinks, feels or imagines. Truth can be put to the test and we are instructed in the Bible to put everything to the test and hold fast to that which is good. The scientific method came from this Biblical method. Science does nothing, but Scientists can have imaginings and tell lies! People who say they believe in science need to wake-up and realise that scientific conclusions change over time as new discoveries are made, but Truth doesn't ever change. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, nobody comes to the Father except through Him. That won't change. Maranatha
Hi J!