How to Solve Illegal Immigration: Build the Wall | 5 Minute Videos
The migrant caravan has reached the U.S. border. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.
Can America solve its illegal immigration problem both justly and humanely? Yes, but it requires first building a border wall. Washington Post columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Charles Krauthammer explains why – may he rest in peace.
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Why not just let people in so the whole worlds workers can compete with the whole worlds workers.
End birthright citizenship.
I will never happen and it wouldn't work anyway. Let it go and find common ground with real economists and we can make progress.
Why do people want to leave these countries and come here in the first place?
Illegal immigration is so easy to solve…
note what he says about keeping people in. as long as these migrants are here, anyone useful is going to leave.
Or they can climb the wall
PragerU is my favorite unintentional asmr channel.
The best video on the subject I've seen.
Hmmm, logic and common sense?
Wow, this plan will work
It’s not 11 million… it’s 30 plus million! And that was 30 years ago.
RIP Dr, Krauthammer, but now I will respectfully disagree.
1. Complete the Wall ASAP
2. Make 1st time Illegal Entry a Felony with 2 consequences; Immediate deportation and No Possibility of EVER becoming an American Citizen or documented worker.
3. Felony Convictions and Financial Penalties on any and all American employers who are NOT using E-Verify, along with loss of voting rights and right to bear arms.
4. End Birth Right "Citizenship."
5. End Chain Migration.
6. End Lottery Migration.
7. Tax all Churches who aid and abet providing "sanctuary" for illegals.
8. Cut ALL Federal Aid to Sanctuary States and Cities….pronto!
What about the VISA-overstayers. Do they get a pathway to citizenship? They came to here legally.
My best friend Juan spent 8 years and 10's of thousands of dollars getting him, his wife, and daughter here legally. It isn't fair to him to allow these people to stay. They broke in send them home one by one and stop the anchor baby problem.
0:00 Wow, look at all those poor, poor migrants. Yup, just a bunch of starving widows with their malnourished children and totally NOT a bunch of perpetual brats looking for some free gimmes.
I live in Florida and I'm completely fine with millions of immigrants living in California.
So many illegals in Florida. They have severely depressed wages in every sector. Families who used to be able to build savings now scrape by and are under endless financial stress. The quality of life is nothing like it was during the 60s and 70s.
Offer them to serve in the army for 3 years service if they do that and they get an honorable discharge they can receive citizenship if not then they get deported back to their native country.. And yes I realize that not everyone can serve so we can say it this way if a husband serves or his wife the family gets to stay he/ she gets a paycheck and he families get the army benefits just like anyone other soldiers family today if he /she gets an honorable discharge when finished with the 3 years serves then his/her wife/husband and children and or anyone relative that is dependent also receive citizenship ..
Get REAL numbers.
Oh & stop giving free Medi-Cal benefits to illegals. I've never understood how the state of California & others can give things to illegals and NOT turn them in for being illegal.
100% AGREED!
No work, no Illegal immigration. Some homeless people are citizens.
I didn't always agree with Charles Krauthammer, but he was a very intelligent man, R.I.P.
Democrats are doing it for power. Once the humiliating loss to Trump in 2016 happened, they are desperate for power. The children of illegals vote blue. The only reason AOC is faking her reactions.
This video is crap! ..It is Time to defend Our Country!. 1st- we have more than 20 million Illegals in this Country NOT 11million! Build a Wall ASAP! 2nd ..No Welfare of ant kind for any Illegals! No exceptions! Take care of our own before anyone else! 3rd..Only accept immigrants who have applied correctly in their own Country! No one breaking the law should be rewarded. 4th Only Asylum Cases that are not from Countries that had to pass other Countries accepting Asylum before reaching the US should be reviewed, All others should be immediately denied! 5th- No Chain Migration! 6th- No Immigration Lottery! 7th- NO Sanctuary States. 8th- No Tax Paid Legal Representations for any Non American! American Tax dollars are for Americans! 9th- Activate E-Verify, No employment for Non-Americans, Non-Residents or Not Authorized! 10th-Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Assembly are Rights for Americans… Illegals should NOT be protesting against our Laws or Country if they are NOT Americans! Let them protest & correct their own Country!
Illegals are breaking the laws & should be removed immediately! No Detention Centers are needed! If we defend & protect our Laws, then everyone will respect them!
These illegals committed a crime against our country by crossing the border without our permission. They need to be removed from US. By saying we can keep them here and not having any problems in the future is like having a burglar living in your home and expect him not to steal from you. Maybe the Demo-CRAPS can understand the issue now.
If you want to fix immigration, you need to fix the issues in the countries the people are fleeing from. But who' s responsible for that, if those leaders are corrupt or inapt?
The communists in this country don't want a wall until they achieve ultimate control, and then they will build a wall to lock us in!
No build 3 walls this time. Dems cancel 1, we get backup. Stop playing. RIP Charles k
Prager University doesn´t exist. You are a bunch of lunatic living your own fantasy. A fake university can only produces fake videos. And, by the way, in America illegal are all but native americans.
Actually it is about 20 Million illegal immigrants currently in the US. Slowly make those illegals into legal but as one does so reduce normal immigration by a matching amount… You can have effective social services or open borders but you can't have both.
If you deal with them Humanely , you've taken away the deterrent and
lost the battle, you need to make it so that no payoff could possibly be worth the risk and hang the employers, this a war on our society, fight it like a war.
22 million illegals according to a Yale study done this year.
Language matters, protect our country on both ends Canada & Mexico. Many figure the issues come from the South but ignore the North. Trump is not the best at transmitting the message but to his credit, he has brought up a controversial issue no other president dared to tackle. The real cowards are the families who use innocent children & expose them to human trafficking.
Why is this not common sense for some people? It is the simplest thing.
Greetings from tiny Hungary (where we don't have an issue with illegal immigration, because we have a border fence since 2015)
I don't understand why democrats are against securing our borders. If we manage illegal immigration, it would mean higher wages and more money for benefit programs for the poor and needy that we already have. I would vote Democrat immediately if they did that!
Rest In Peace. It will be done as one.
Brute force would stop it yesterday . Every one knows that, that's why they come in mass .we don't have the stomach for it and they know this. The rewards are way bigger than the risk .the punishment is food,housing, medical and Lawyers if caught.
Personally, I'd place 50 feet Towers and equip with 50. Caliber and Snipers every 5 miles and place Land Mines. 🇺🇸 Build the Wall and No More Illegal Parasites!!! 🇺🇸 MAGA AND TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
What a great video! I wish his voice of reason was still among us.
I blame the Republicans for not securing the border.
Crime shouldnt be rewarded with United States citizenship. Crime has its prise, with illegal immigration its deportation.
This way will also deter future problem.
Got leftist ad before the vid
Do it!!