How Will Jesus Use His Power? • Firstborn Ep. 9
Under levitical law, touching anyone unclean would make you unclean too. But when Jesus touches people who are unclean, they get healed and become clean instead––it’s like his holiness is contagious. In this episode, Tim and Jon talk about the way Jesus uses his power and authority as the cosmic firstborn.
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A unified story leading to Jesus. Y’all are doing it. Great job. 👏
The Bible proves there is enough. It is finished with Jesus we have all we need. How amazing is our God. Praise Jesus. Thank you Bible project for all the wisdom and knowledge you share in all your videos and podcasts more truly grateful.
There is enough. You’re so right brother . God has enough time, love, compassion and agape love for us all. Wow that’s such an amazing statement. God showed us in the flesh this love and triune God and love all in Jesus. We have our trust and validation of this Love and creation all in Jesus. ✝️
This podcast is the best thank you both.
Furthermore: had a revelation while listening to this series I found an article on:
Since the Bible, and the New Testament especially, presents God as a Trinity (three Persons but only one God), Genesis 1:26 and 3:22 can only represent a conversation within the Trinity. God the Father is having a “conversation” with God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament hints at the plurality of God, and the New Testament clarifies this plurality with the doctrine of the Trinity. Obviously, there is no way we can fully understand how this works, but God has given us enough information to know that He does exist in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the preeminent and perfect image of God: “The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God” (Hebrews 1:3, NLT; see also 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15). To see Jesus is to see the Father (John 14:9). To know Christ is to know God. Jesus Christ shows us what God meant when He said, “Let Us make man in Our image.”
Love meditating on the Bible with you all. Thank you. Wanted to add this being that it always confused me until I found this:
Both Mathew and Mark refer to the disciples being caught sleeping but only Luke observes why they are in this resting state. Luke observes that their sleep is due to the fact that they are 'exhausted from sorrow. ' I have always thought that the disciples were human and therefore weak and that is why they fell asleep.
Man , I could just listen to you guys all day. I LOVE and Cherish and THANK GOD for you, you have brought me the Word in a way that reaches my soul. SAVED IN JESUS
Beautiful…. You people are doing great. God bless you in abundance.
Let's find out.
you guys are so cool, this is just what all need to ponder
thank you Lord for using your power for our benefit
Transition music is always heavenly, God bless.
Love it
Brilliant loved this talk about blessed so glad I get to hear tim and John happy Sunday guys thanks 🥰
What about a third born.
Guys I need your help
To me Jesus is Yeshua
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Did Tim voice Prismo from Adventure time? His voice is so calming😂
I have never heard anyone explain so clearly what purity is, and what it means in relationship to contacting other pure things. Touching the dead, blood, are all examples of what is unclean, which is meaningful. How then, can we affirm the relationships of those who insert themselves into fecal mucus cavities and or place what was in an anal cavity into their mouths? How can we as Christians reconcile how blood is not pure but fecal mucus is? This is my dilemma. Someone please help me understand. Im not being hateful or non-inclusive, how do Christians reconcile that anal sex and feces is pure if touching blood is not?
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Thank you for this message.
Maybe what John is trying to communicate is God is so great he can be at all places at once. We experience time in a linear fashion, so it’s difficult for us to grasp this concept.
What is the difference between true righteousness and self righteousness?
Jesus brought in the 2nd Covenant God promised offering Salvation to us all The last perfect sacrifice. I pray Gods Kingdom grows by legions everyday and his Wills done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
He wants to share thecdelight of being God's beloved firstborn?
So he doesn't use his honor as being chosen to Lord it over us. But to share it?
Isaac wasn't actually Abraham's one and only son, because Ishmael was also a son, so that has to mean something different! I've never seen that before! And in John, the glory meaning the shekinah presence of Yahweh, wow! So much more vibrant!!! Thank you!
He's second Adam! Chosen as firstborn!
Gospels say Pilate knew they'd delivered Jesus over to him because of ENVY.
So the devil was envious of us, thus wanted to mess up our "joyful obedience " just like Cain did of Abel. The envious want the good person to die.
Cain somehow wasn't doing right if God spoke to b him like that. Something was off that he had to overcome. Matthew Henry pictures him as the pharisee praying with himself in jesus's pharisee/publican story.
I think you guys should invite others in your podcasts, so we can have alternate school of thoughts on this issues from maybe Christian youtubers. Truthunedited, 119 ministries, fuel projects. Just a suggestion
Praises to the Lord for what you do. I have grown in knowing God with your podcasts and network playing a major role in easing some complex devine teachings. All nations are being disciples through this network. Listening from South Africa 🇿🇦.