HR 1 Is a Radical Leftist Takeover of Our Elections | Ken Cuccinelli on SiriusXM Radio
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined “Julie Mason Mornings” on Sirius XM Radio, Tuesday, March 9, to talk about the latest on HR 1, why the legislation would forever destroy fair election in our country, and why the Left is pushing so hard to make it law.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNXCVePwSIw
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And BTW, democrats are way more center-right than left. Try leaving your American-centric bubble of a worldview for one day and you'll see how limited the American political spectrum is. There is no leftist party.
Haha only Republicans would whine about a bill that lets more people vote. They know know can't win against the majority.
There is no way this bill can pass the Constitutional test!
This has been happening in California for decades. That's why there is currently a Democrat super majority in the California State senate that is essentially victimizing its own people.
About right.
It’s scary as hell.
The left will not stop their
satanic stupidity, they lust for death, hell, and power to run our lives into the ground. They need to be cleansed from the earth. They are Filth personified and are the love of Hell.
Bidens administration has lost their freaking minds. Bunch a freaking criminals.
It's an unconstitutional power grab, but is SCOTUS going to be too intimidated to rule against them again? Probably.
It's going to get to the point where all this bullshit that you Sekulows think is important is not going to matter. When the bullets start flying in a new civil war, you can kiss all this law crap goodbye (to paraphrase Ripley from Aliens)
Alex Jones and many other news sources say this trial vaccine is a genocide vaccine. Wake up, its world wide.
But thd founding fathers gave the states these responsibilities so a coop in Washington could not kvercome the individual ststes.. if the individual states give up their rights then thd entire country is screwed.
There should be a vote in every state to decide if ghe people want to do this…
From here they can over ride the other states rights, like their laws concerning thd amendments… etc…
I knew about this over a month ago I've contacted the senators in my state twice to vote no
Why is voting considered exempt from the same sorts of requirements for identification that almost any other action isn't? You may be asked to show ID if you buy alcohol or cigarettes or do any number of activities, but for some reason voting shouldn't demand the most basic act of verifying that you are who you say you are? Absurd.
Every patriot should be troubled by this power grab. 🙌🇺🇲
this is the typical Marxist power grab they all try to do. look at Venezuela, China, Germany
Demand recount of the elections by force if necessary This was a hostile takeover and where is the military to protect it’s citizens and if the military doesn’t do it we take over that as well
Why are we surprised?!?! We knew it what’s going! Over the last 8-10months..Duh?!? Did we care about our country & tried to vote? and leftist are using DOJ and SCOTUS to manipulate their agenda to their favor?
Recounting of the election By force if necessary
It's unconstitutional. Time for Convention of States?