I Used To Be Antifa
Gabriel Nadales was an angry, bitter, and unhappy young man — the perfect recruit for Antifa, the violent left-wing group which claims to fight against fascism. How did they find him? And how did he find his way out?
Check out his book “Behind the Black Mask: My Time as an Antifa Activist” https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Black-Mask-Antifa-Activist/dp/1642937320/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?dchild=1&keywords=antifa+book&qid=1602017970&sr=8-17
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There was a time in my life when I was angry, bitter, and deeply unhappy.
I wanted to lash out at the whole fascist system: the greedy, heartless power structure that didn’t care about me or the rest of society’s innocent victims; a system that had robbed, beaten, and stolen from my ancestors.
The whole corrupt edifice deserved to be brought down; reduced to rubble.
I was a perfect recruit for Antifa, the left-wing group which claims to fight against fascism.
And, so, I became a member.
Now I was one of those who had the guts to fight against “the fascists” who were exploiting disadvantaged people.
I wasn’t ‘a card-carrying Antifascist.’ There is no such thing as official Antifa membership. But I was ready at a moment’s notice to slip on the black mask and march in what Antifa calls “the black bloc”—a cadre of other black-clad Antifa members—to taunt police and destroy property.
Antifa stands for “Antifascist,” but that’s purposefully deceptive. For one thing, the very name is calibrated so that anyone who dares to criticize the group or its tactics can be labeled “fascist.” This allows Antifa to justify violence against all who dare stand up to or speak out against them.
A few groups boldly declare themselves Antifa like “Rose City Antifa” in Portland. But most don’t, preferring to avoid the negative publicity.
That’s part of Antifa’s appeal—and strength. It’s hard to pin down. There’s no identifiable leader.
To be part of Antifa you must adopt two basic principles. First, you have to have the mentality of an “Antifascist.” And second, you must be willing to enforce that mentality.
To adopt an Antifascist mentality means to reject everything that is fascism. But that begs the question: What is fascism?
While most Americans associate fascism with Nazi Germany or modern dictatorial states like Venezuela, China, and North Korea, to Antifa, fascism means Judeo-Christian values and capitalism.
As an Antifa group said on its Twitter account in 2018, “The fight against fascism is only won when the capitalist system is smashed.”
And they mean smash: breaking windows, tearing down statues, throwing Molotov cocktails, looting and burning businesses, and harassing and physically assaulting people.
We saw it all in the summer of 2020. In Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, and other cities.
Antifa is not solely responsible for all left-wing political violence. Not every attack by a left-wing radical is an Antifa attack.
But Antifa exemplifies the worst of this dangerous ideology, which is becoming bolder and more prevalent in American society.
Joining Antifa was the worst decision of my life.
How did I get out of it? Like anyone who gets out something bad; I encountered something good—the very system that I had sought to destroy. Friends—people who turned out to be my real friends—pointed me to challenging thinkers like Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, and Ben Shapiro; and eventually organizations like the Leadership Institute and PragerU. What they said just made sense. And offered me a better way to live. Antifa and the radical left did not care about building a better society, they cared about control. They could only offer me more anger, bitterness, and unhappiness.
I always expected to keep my past a secret. But as I saw cities around the country struggling against the rise of left-wing political violence while left-wing and even liberal politicians said nothing, I knew I had to speak up. If people like me who know what is really behind Antifa don’t, the Left will obliterate what it means to be a free American.
So here I am.
For the complete script visit https://www.prageru.com/video/i-used-to-be-antifa

How are you all so goddamn stupid, I feel like you all have no idea what antifa actually is, cause this video described it horribly.
Like we all knew… the guys behind the Antifa masks look like teenage computer nerds.
Welp. Civil war is going to be interesting. 😂 maybe a couple a wedgies and an Indian burn and it will all be over
A Little late but… yu da man Gabriel! I hope you become a speaker very soon
"Critical Thinkers like Ben Shapiro"
Never been exposed to anything else?
Do you mean having money?
Or do you mean the gated community elites. Never having contact with poor people
Challenging Thinkers? Hmm?
Hi ChatGPT, what have milton friedman, thomas sowell and ben shapiro in common?
Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, and Ben Shapiro are all prominent American conservative economists and public intellectuals who have been associated with the conservative movement in the United States. They have each written extensively on topics such as economics, politics, and public policy from a conservative perspective, and have been vocal advocates for free-market capitalism and individual liberty.
Nothing says challenging thinkers as some mentally challenged conservatives
Bleached teeth, light blue shirt and leather jacket. I bet he even has manicured hands.
There is no way in hell you were in the Antifa. He probably got out after he realized it wasn't a shampoo company.
He used to be Antifa, but then he became true antifacist by joining the fight against the real facists, the radical left! 😆
Antifa actually stands for Absolutely Fascists!
Lying much?
Thanks for clarity on the movement
AntiFA=Anti First Amendment
Antifa aren’t extreme enough! Change my mind
I used to have a brain before I sold out to billionaires
I am Fa
so he grew a brain?
Fix Yourself (Personal Responsibility):
-Make sure you do not sleep too late.
-Get up early.
-Clean and organize your house.
-Do exercise to stay fit and healthy.
-Stop interrupting random people.
-Stop forcing random people to love you.
-Stop comparing yourself to others.
-Stop being a spoiled narcissist.
-Have delayed gratification.
-Have gratitude.
-Have self-discipline.
-Make peace with your family and your friends.
-Take every opportunity that is given to you.
-Get to school on time.
-Get to college on time.
-Get to work on time.
-Stay educated.
-Save up money without wasting it.
-Pay your house bills on time.
-Drive responsibly.
-Do not drink alcohol.
-Do not do drugs.
-Do not gamble.
-Do not smoke.
-Do not have too much sugar.
-Do not have too much sex.
-Do not have kids out of wedlock.
-Do not join any radical groups.
-Do not commit crimes.
I have a message for confused human beings around the world of every generation especially the younger generation coming from a young man myself born in 1998. I believe the younger generation needs to fix themselves rather than trying to fix other people in this world because in my honest opinion you cannot fix people it is up to people to fix themselves period.
Мы разжигаем пожар мировой
церкви и тюрьмы сравняем с землей
Nice propaganda
While I am also not at all a fan of extreme violence that groups like Antifa endorse, you completely mischaracterized some things. Antifa was not founded recently at all. It was formed in the 30's as an opposition to the rising power of the Nazi party and would engage in armed conflict with Nazi Germany throughout the 30's and 40's until the fall of the Axis powers. To say that it was formulated to make it immune to criticism is stupid, and you should feel bad. Also, I don't think a quote from Breitbart is even remotely applicable in regard to "leftism is the default." Rhetorically, you guys (PragerU), are trying to fearmonger your viewers into thinking that today's children are being tainted on the daily and are moments away from a communist revolt. Statistically, I would say that is not the case as a vast majority of interests on the internet are also pretty divided politically. Please, PragerU, do better. All of your videos are either strawman, or just lying by omission. I have no issue with consuming content from the right, but this is just bad. Your producers need to get canned.
Evil Snowflake Groups;
-Al-Qaeda: Scum
-Al-Shabaab: Scum
-Alt-Right: Scum
-Antifa: Scum
-Aryan Brotherhood: Scum
-Black Lives Matter: Scum
-Bloods: Scum
-Boko Haram: Scum
-Crips: Scum
-ISIS: Scum
-Lashkar-e-Taiba: Scum
-Ku Klux Klan: Scum
-Me Too Movement: Scum
-Mexican Mafia: Scum
-MS-13: Scum
-Neo-Confederates: Scum
-Neo-Nazis: Scum
-Proud Boys: Scum
-Skinheads: Scum
-Taliban: Scum
-The Great Replacement: Scum
-Westboro Baptist Church: Scum
As a Black Australian zoomer male myself of East African Somali descent from Lakemba, New South Wales, Australia I truly despise all of these cheesy pathetic groups because they are such disgusting monsters which they spread nothing but trouble. I myself look up to firefighters the men and women who work extremely hard to help our society with compassion & courage period not these annoying cringeworthy stupid groups that I have listed who are a bunch of parasites. Whenever some radical violent people with different beliefs fight against each other around the world it seems to me that these people forget we are all human beings absolutely depressing. To all my fellow human brothers and sisters around the world always remember be genuine & take care of one another.
really? Ben Shapiro, a challenging thinker? Im glad you've become less angry but you don't seem to have become smarter…
I don't understand. You say you were recruited and became a member of Antifa, and then make it clear in the video that there is really no "group" to be a member of. I also don't really understand how you or any American can be against being against fascism. I also don't understand what led you to characterize people on the left as being anti-Christian and anti-capitalism rather than opposing real "fascism." Although there are a few radicals who hold those truly false beliefs, my experience with most people on the left is that they are thoughtful, they understand what fascism really is, they understand and respect, even if they don't agree with, a completely free market capitalism and libertarianism. I also don't understand how you got the idea that the majority of people on the left are comfortable with violence, arson, looting, resistance to legitimate authority, etc.; the number of Black Lives Matter protests in which these terrible things happened is very small compared to the total number of BLM protests in the US and around the world, and the number of protesters who participated in these criminal activities at those few protests don't represent the majority of those who were there. My life experiences seem to be very different than yours. But, of course, I never joined an "antifa" group. Help me to understand. Who were these nut-jobs who "recruited" you? Did they ask you to commit crimes? Did you? I want to know more about your experience because it is so far from mine. I know a lot of people on the left, but have never met one who committed violence, arson, etc. I don't know any who want to tear down the government. The ones I know just want to fix it so that it's more equal and less authoritarian. Help me understand your experience.
He forgot to mention that antifa are literally modern day brown shirts also known as "SA" ( the left leaning Nazis of hitlers party ). They pretty much do the same things as them
Antifa are like the secret police for the left
I got fired from Antifa LLC for accidently leaving my Bible in the break room. Upon discovering I was in a religion they didn't like, they put me in a registry and banned all flights into the country from my homeland. Also they shot up a dance club, a mall, a black church, and then stormed the capitol bc they were so mad at me. That's why I left and joined the always reasonable Right who challenge the libs with complex thought experiments like "Why don't beach home owners just sell their homes if sea levels rise?" and "Why don't you go back to where you came from?"
Pay me lots of money to be wrong in one of your videos, Dennis.
"Fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists" (c)W.Churchill
I thought the starting bit was hilarious with the starting video and lines saying "There was a time in my life when I was *Facial expression changes* Angry, bitter, and deeply unhappy"
I claim neither party. It’s crazy how they are at each other’s necks.
So ANTIFA is another Russian Revolution but in America right? Their ideals seem a lot like those of Karl Marx and other communist leaders.
I still am, and you are fascist!
Antifas ideas of controlling us will result in people revolting against them and illegally buying guns and ammo and will kill antifa
Antifa’s only goal & accomplishment is tearing down/destroying whatever property, statue, vehicle, protest,person that has Nationalistic values, they hate humble, rational, calm citizens who are grateful they were born in America. As a group of people, Antifa supporters find common bonds with others who are emotionally unstable, permanent victims, severely depressed, anxiety ridden, nervous, overly self-conscious, self defeating individuals usually with substance issues ,in therapy, unemployed, unemployable,prescribed multiple mood stabilizers .
Antifa despise America & everything it stands for, they have no plan on how to create a better Country & future , all they want is to lash out, express their frustrated negative emotions, poisoning everyone they come in contact with by exposing them to their negative emotion electromagnetic forcefield.
The American Idea. Thank you Gabriel
This is horrifically scripted and for anyone else to believe otherwise is a fool.
Respect to him for owning up to his past mistakes. Iam happy that he has found a better life.
Riots are the language of the unheard
Yo what's nice recruiting area? Can't name any? It's almost like it's not an organization and instead just ideology. :0