HR 1 Would Allow The Federal Government To Take Power Away From States: Hans von Spakovsky
Hans von Spakovsky joined Saturday Report with Carl Higbie on Newsmax TV to discuss how HR1 would allow the federal government to take power away from states and take over our electoral system.
Read more about this issue, here: https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/report/the-facts-about-hr-1-the-the-people-act-2021
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-von-spakovsky
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I would encourage anyone to read what's actually in the bill. On Wikipedia there's a very good summary:
Heritage Foundation puts out these proganda videos with false inflammatory fake news. Don't be a pawn in their game.
So, EVERYONE could cast a vote. Oh my
We can't blame this all on Biden. States are causing massive confusion due to several agencies involved. In MIssissippi 2020…. Already updating voter profile Thru driver license registration. Also when updating address driver license bureau does NOT verify address of domicile. In 2020, private black college was handing out registration, notaries on hand. Were they ballot harvesting? And Nonprofits were handling this activity at this college. Circuit clerks office in my county did NOT request witness signature for absentee ballot. The sec of states office has an online registration form which in my opinion needs to be done in person at circuit clerks office. Circuit clerks office should handle all voter activity amd other agencies need NOT get involved . it causes massive confusion. . .
Democrats want their rights taken away so they can back up their years of lying on their fake oppression
This administration is pure evil and lies in true form they are being revealed for all the treachery they are imposing upon all Americans shame on all democrats and the puppet that supposedly leads them in the White House what a sad time it truly is for this nation.
They have done enough election rigging already!
This is what happens when sleepy sniffy joe is our president
They committed crimes to take the office and many of the seats. It stands to reason that they are going to use that office and those seats for further criminal action. Reap it.
It was to be expected
HR 1 Basically makes the Shenanigans of Nov 3rd and 4th LEGAL, PLUS adds some More Rules to Ensure that Conservatives NEVER WIN another "Election."
How can anyone tell me with a straight face that voting works?
The United states of Venezuela
Also, another reason this bill will probably pass is because recently, most of the bills passed with a party line vote.
Worse, it is probably going to pass. It has an 87% chance of passing according to Govtrack.
It is the states' job, not the federal government.
This is not good. 😔
People need to stop getting in others peoples business (gangstalking) and start paying attention to there crooked government if they really care about the children . This country going down a bad path and is destroying its self. Sad sad sad 😥
Such a DEMonic dream…
We are in trouble!
He'll no, we're not going to make it easier for these people in the government to cheat. Why the hell would people want to vote, never knowing if the count was legit. Keep what we have. Never give that away 😜besides that it's unconstitutional
The Democrats… no, the WEF's dream is to abolish the Declaration of Independent and the Bill of Rights because they're Racist, Sexist and whatever label we are sick to death of hearing.
The Federal Government can do and say whatever it likes but lest they forget, this country was created OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE and it is the PEOPLE who should never forget that! Not the Government! The government has forgotten whom it works for and have become drunken on it's power. I think it's time the PEOPLE reminded them of who they are. The AMERICAN people need to desist being afraid of their government and let them know whose BOSS up in this country.
Instead of playing the slow game of taking away our “freedoms” they might as well just open the fema camps so we can all get this bs over with. I’m tired of living in a fake free country. This political theatre is so tiring. Sometimes I don’t wanna wait for everything to hit the fan to move to the woods 🤦♀️ when you live in the middle of nowhere the laws start to not matter at all. Start planning to live in the wilderness if you truly wanna be free y’all.
HR1 is voter fraud
There will never be another fair election. Sad days. We had a good run though!
All states must respectfully decline to comply. Executing the prerogative of the lessor magistrate. The precedent already executed in many states with regards to marijuana.
If the Senate approves the HR-1 bill you will never see a Republican in an office again. I am sure it will be challenged in the supreme court at least I hope it will