Important News from End Times “Ground Zero” | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I discuss the rebuilding on the Temple Mount as a significant end times prophecy. I also explain the importance of the red heifer to the rebuilding of the temple.
Paid subscribers have access to exclusive content where I answer questions such as “Do unbelievers receive their eternal bodies before believers?” and “Is it appropriate to refer to the “restored” temple during the Millennium as the 4th Temple?”
Visit https://endtimes.com to access this entire video.
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By looking for the establishment of a Third Temple, these earthly minded dispensationalists fail to recognize the finished work of Christ at Golgotha. ✔️
I've news for the Jews & Christians… The truth must prevail no matter what…
Islam the Natural Way…
Peace & Guidance…
The temple perhaps may be built after the Rapture, cause that's when God main focus will be on Israel not the church 😮.
I can't listen to this, knowing they are going to burn one of these cows
Sabbath Shalom
The red heifers definitely significance to restarting the morning and evening oblation.
I'm new here looking forward to listening to some more of your teachings. May we all be ready in the day 🙌🙏 life is getting crazier all the time.
I think there might be something here you have been wondering about🤔
Rood Weekend Live
Torah observant Messianic❤
YeHoVaH bless your Sabbath
Happy New Moon day well the sun just set here so it is the second day of the sixth month on God's calendar.
Those red heifers are old milk cows by now..
He, (the Holy Spirit), which hinders, must be taken out of the way… (via 'the Rapture of the Church').
One of the 5 red heifers has been disqualified because it now has some white hairs.
Hi guys- I’m sure there used to be a passage in the bible about “you won’t be allowed to eat meat in the last days” but I can no longer find it not even online like I used to. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thankyou
We attend faith Bible in Edmond and have a favorite Sunday class there
Wish we could hear this more in the main sanctuary
More updates etx
I just recently heard from a missionary from Israel that the Jews have struck a deal with the Muslims and gave them a different land site and it's now a go to rebuild the temple. This is just what we were told about two weeks ago.
Yeshua Saves, Just like His Name means. Salvation He saves! Thank You Lord Yeshua!❤
It's interesting that you mentioned 7 hills. Rome was built on 7 hills. Washington D.C., on 7 hills. Moscow, on 7 hills and even Jerusalem. Also, 70 weeks had to be done before the gospel went to the world, and revenge for our Lord and Saviors death. In 28 AD Yeshua was murdered. After a 3 1/2 year ministry in Israel and surrounding areas. Three and a half years later they stoned Steven for no reason, but the truth. The seventh week has been fulfilled. Even Yeshua when asked how many times you must forgive the brother said: Unto 70 times 7. A prophetic warning to the Jews. Now we have another problem. All this stuff (money shifted….) that you mentioned as being done in secret, you've now told the world. So is it really "secret"?
Yes! God is so Gracious and Kind. God's way of reconciliation is beautiful and guaranteed. His Love is a sure foundation.
Simply believe the Gospel of His Grace and Love. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. That Jesus died for your sins, was buried and on the third day rose again according to the scriptures. Believing this message is what saves us. We are all sinners that have fallen short of God's perfect standards. When we look to Jesus, understanding His complete payment for our sins, we are FORGIVEN!🤗FOREVER!🤗
God forgives ALL our sins, past present and future sins. We become NEW. We are clothed in the Righteousness of God IN CHRIST JESUS. It is a beautiful reality for those who simply believe on Christ.
He is the SAVIOR. We are the SAVED.
We are saved by Grace through Faith and it's not of works lest any man boast. It is the GIFT OF GOD. Ephesians 2:8-9.
For God so Loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in Him should not perish but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. John 3:16.
We are saved and sealed by the Spirit of Christ/Holy Spirit, the moment we simply believe in what Jesus did for us on that cross. Ephesians 1:13-14.
We are safe In Christ and Him in us, the second we place our trust/faith in Him alone.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Acts 16:31.
Simply believing in Christ's finished work, is what saves us.
It is nothing of ourselves, it is His Gift to us.
❤God is Love❤
The Grace of God is truly remarkable.
I hope this Gospel of His Grace and Love is what is being proclaimed.
Blessings and kindest regards David from Australia.
Yes, these developments are shadows of the coming time, when this world will be thrust into a terrible time of trial. But, between now and then, many things must come first. Including, possibly, the red heifer sacrifice. The book of Revelation and other prophetic books talk about this time in great detail. Many things MUST take place after Christ comes for those who are in Him. Here are a few things that precede this implementation.
The removal of His body from the earth. The inauguration of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. The two witnesses in Jerusalem. Actual angelic messangers flying through the heavens, for everyone to see and hear, the Blessed Gospel. The rise of the man of lawlessness with the false prophet, who can call fire down from heaven, and will show many false signs and wonders, which will bewitch the unbelieving world.
The converting of millions if not billions of people won to Christ. All this, and more, has to be in place before there is any mandatory requirement for 'the mark of the beast', for instance. The mark is a sign of worship to the god of this world and his beast system.
NONE OF THIS HAS HAPPENED, AND MUST HAPPEN, after the Bride of Christ is gone, way BEFORE THE MARK.
It's imperative that we remain focused on Christ being established In Him, in His Grace and established in His beautiful Gospel. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
We must be wise and aware that the enemy doesn't use the current world events to distract us from Christ's Love and the assurance we can only have under His BLOOD.
If we believe the Gospel of His Grace. 1Corinthians 15.1-4. We are sealed and ready for Him to come and get us with fulness of assurance and joy.
For God so Loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in Him should not perish but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. John 3:16.❤
We must REST IN HIM. Not being distracted/tossed and made drunk with all this sensationalism, unwise surmisings and speculations about possible prophetic events, which can't come until many things come first.
If we are in Him we are His.
Under His precious eternal BLOOD WE ARE SAFE in this messed up fallen world.
The sacrifice of the red heifer could happen before the body of Christ, HAS been removed. We are not to fear these developments, but be encouraged. Jesus shows us these things to keep us informed, but not to worry us, because it won't affect us. We'll be SAFE with Him.❤
Look up for our redemption draws near. ❤🤗
Comfort one another with these words.
As believers in Christ, we have NOTHING to fear.
He has promised never to leave us or forsake us or forsake us.
For God so Loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in Him should not perish but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.
John 3:16.
Greatest News Ever! ☝️☝️☝️
Blessings and kindest regards David from Australia
Remember, Only What You Do For Christ Will Last!
Only what you do for him, will be counted in the end, only what you do for Christ will last.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36-37 KJV
If it ever was a time for one to consider there end, and seek the Lord with there whole heart, it is now that time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
Jesus is soon to come!
Allow the main thing of the main thing to be the main thing in our lives, so we can indeed be vessel’s unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use and prepared unto every good work. 2nd Tim. 2:21 KJV
Why We Must Be Born Again
The Way Back To Pentecost
When Jesus told Nicodemus, except a man or person be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. St. John 3:5, he was telling him who needed to do it. Now, watch it. Matthew told what to do, Mark told why to do it, Luke told where to do it and John told who to do it. What’s missing? Didn’t nobody tell how to do it, until the great day called Pentecost when Peter stood up to preach.
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38 KJV
What to do? – repent and be baptized. Who? – everyone of you. How do we do it? – in the name of Jesus Christ. Why do it? for the remission of sins. What’s the result of doing it? – and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Jews did it. Look at the 8th Chapter of Acts, verse 4, “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the Word.” Verse 5 “Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.” Verse 12, “But when they believed Phillip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.”
14. Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:
15. Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:
16. (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Acts 8:14-16.
In Acts 2, the Jews did it. In Acts 8, the half Jews did it. In Acts 10, the Gentiles did it and in Acts 19, the Baptist folks did it. They all did it because God said that’s the only way to do it.
Of the 66 books in the entire Bible, there’s only one that don’t fit in with any of the groups. That book is the book of Acts, because the book of Acts is the only book in the Bible that tells you how to get save.
And, until Jesus Christ returns in the clouds to call his church away “1st Peter 2:9-10,” this gospel is to be preached by us to every nation and is still in force today till that great getting up morning when the dead in Christ shall rise first, we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air, so shall we ever be with the lover of our souls.
Will you be saved today, according to the Holy Scriptures? Acts 2:38 KJV is still in force today till God’s body, “the Bride of Christ is completed.”
Not For Sale!
Proverbs 23:23 (KJV), Buy the truth and sell it not…
When the Bible says, “buy it”, that means get it, acquire it, invest in it, procure it and own it!
But the only way to get it is to get Jesus. Truth is not on sale at Walmart.
It does not come in cans.
You cannot buy truth by the bag, bottle, package or pound. To get it, you have to get Jesus.
Since Jesus is the way, truth and life, there can be no other way, truth and life:
Without the way you can’t go, without the truth, you can’t know, without the life you can’t live.
St. John 14:5-12; St. Luke 24:47; Acts 2:36-38; 4:9-12; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 3:17 KJV
There may be 5 red heifers but 2 have imperfections at this time.
By the way, in the New King James Verson and other similar versions Daniel 9:27 and I'm quoting; And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week; But He (capital H) shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. End quote. A real possible situation here is somebody else may make a covenant with many. Most Christians should know what is coming up in September of 24 which "could be that covenant, NOT saying that it will be, but it is possible and at that point "after" the covenant" the Antichrist could step in.
Here is my problem with many, many preachers, almost every preacher "assume" that it will be the Antichrist who makes the covenant. If one is paying attention, he (as in the he shall confirm) is in lower case. Later in this verse the He is in uppercase. That is a big difference, but many preachers assume that it will be the Antichrist, well, it very may well turn out to be someone else. ONLY time will tell.
Same thing with Revelation 6:8 and I quote; And I looked and behold a pale horse! And its riders name was Death and Hades followed him. And they were given "authority" over a fourth of the earth to kill with soared and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beast of the earth.
The same can be said regarding Rev. 6:8, the majority of preachers clam regarding the pale horse. Nowhere does it read that the rider WILL kill a fourth of the earth "but has the power" to do so. But yea again, the majority of preachers "claim" that the rider of the pale horse WILL KILL a fourth.
There are many, many possible false statements that preachers here on Youtube, other social media and TV that "very well" be misleading Christians into false statements. I know of a lot of bad interpretations that preachers claim to be as fact, when in fact, they could just as easily be wrong.
This is bad teaching in my opinion and Christians should critically think-through of what some preachers are teaching.
Just saying.
We all sin after we have been saved. Please get in a quiet place and ask Jesus to help you live for Him. Pick up your bible and begin to grow close to Jesus. By reading the word every day you will begin to grow again . Trust Jesus He loves you and died for you. I did the same thing and God has restored me. Praise God! I am praying for you!
You keep watching this endless red heifer B.S. and you'll miss the greatest event this world has seen in over 2000 years!