In 24 Hours EVERYTHING changes for Biden, and Trump is ready | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris
Super Tuesday’s election results will change everything and the field will be set. Meanhile President Trump announced a new strategy during a weekend campaign event while the same time Democrats are focused on getting illegal immigrants to vote.
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On Today’s Show:
0:00 Countdown
31:02 Welcome
35:41 Mass Election Fraud
1:06:06 Germany Leaked tapes
1:23:26 WEF is Scared
1:41:52 San Francisco
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Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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So felons can vote now ?
No more voter registration cards ?
Ok so if your government is letting in illegal immigrants and allows them to vote in elections, thats a coup, thats grand treason, they all need to be prosecuted. Simple as.
Hollywood is not turning away from wokeness, they didnt learn anything. Its just Villenueve.
Any one coming to USA or Canada, immigrants, refuges etc… SHOULD NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE FOR A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF YEARS. AND NO MATTER WHAT EVERY VOTER SHOULD BE OBLIGATED TO PRESENT AN ID… It's ovious that Biden administration and Trudeau's Liberals are triying any way they can to stay where they are… WEF globalist's plan must go on…
The USA is one big JOKE
Great Galloway won but it is on issues that are not entirely British! Guess who voted for him. Wake up Britain!!
Sadly some people will still want o vote for Biden …even if he is not on the ballot box!
I doubt there would be such a push to get Trump kicked off the ballot if they couldn't use taxpayer funds to do it.
so they are still telling minorities that they are too stupid to get id's.
i cannot wait for bidens state of the onion address…. comedy gold!
If the demoRats could important illegal aliens from space to help them win, they would. Of wait, they do! All those 80IQ+ military age male scientists and doctors😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Go Mr. GALLOWAY but for heavens sake watch your back!
Oh make no mistake, they know damn well what's coming. They just won't take any responsibility for it since we are the ones paying for it all!
Natali looks really beautiful in that color. It's your color Natalie. You are a beautiful lady & this color accentuates that beauty! You & Clayton are a gorgeous couple.🕊️❤️🕊️🙏🕊️
The Coocie-Witch retired. Is it another rat leaving the sinking ship, or is infigthing on the home-alone party in the W.H?
When you vote you become a citizen???? Did that get snuck in on a bill? Coming from the mouth of a man born in Kenya.
I love David and all but hes always interrupting. Maybe there's a delay?
❤….Then l have….White Rural Rage…..❤
This bs is one way to install Global ID🤔
To add to the Dune conversation… I have read all 6 books from the father, have most of them on audio cd as well, and have all 3 movies and one sequel on home disc.
I have to disagree with either David or Philip on the new Dune movie. The 3rd movie was extremely woke. Just as an example, Chani's father was a woman of a completely different skin color than her. I found the new remake extremely woke to the point I will not pay to see this one in theaters.
I did watch David Lynch's version on the big screen. This new one, I will not.
What’s with the stupid delay?
WTF white rual rage ??? Sick fkn demoncrats
Send them back