Interview: Mark Mittelberg on How to Have “Contagious Faith” — Stand to Reason Podcast
@ColdCaseChristianity talks to Mark Mittelberg, author of “Contagious Faith: Discover Your Natural Style for Sharing Jesus with Others,” about the five styles of evangelism people’s personalities and gifts generally fit into, the book’s curriculum, and the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics.
0:00 Why take the time to learn apologetics?
1:58 Announcements
2:38 Introduction to Mark Mittelberg
4:57 Why Mark wrote “Contagious Faith”
11:41 How diversity in the body of Christ can serve evangelism
20:44 The five personality types we’re given by God
46:50 Making a case for Christ is a team effort
48:14 Why use the word “contagious”?
49:48 Why do are so many Christians not interested in preparing to share their faith?
52:32 Where to find more resources
#StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #Evangelism
Mark Mittelberg: https://markmittelberg.com/
Mark Mittelberg’s books: https://markmittelberg.com/books/
“Contagious Faith” book website: https://www.zondervan.com/p/contagious-faith/
Contagious Faith curriculum: https://www.christianbook.com/contagious-training-discover-natural-sharing-others/mark-mittelberg/9780310121930/pd/0121930
Assessment of your style of evangelism: https://zondervan-reflective.involve.me/contagious-faith-assessment
Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics (Colorado Christian University): https://www.ccu.edu/strobelcenter/
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