Interview: Mike Winger on Progressive Christianity — Stand to Reason Podcast
Tim talks to @MikeWinger about different aspects of progressive Christianity and the core belief that ties it all together.
0:00 Introduction and meet Mike Winger
9:25 How we should tackle progressive Christianity
15:30 What do progressive Christians think about faith?
23:10 What do progressive Christians think about Jesus?
28:35 What do progressive Christians think about LGBTQ issues?
42:25 What do progressive Christians think about the Bible?
54:00 Mike’s diagnosis of progressive Christianity
#StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #ProgressiveChristianity #Worldviews
Mike Winger’s website: https://biblethinker.org/
“Divorce and Remarriage: Everything the Bible Says about It”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2pC6ZikbYo
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I love his deep deep dive into "Women in Ministry." So good and helpful. Praise God for Mike.
My son and wife are progressive “Christians”. They, along with my little granddaughters, attend a “church” that incorporates the Nicine and Apostolic Creeds but the blasphemy that comes from the “teacher’s mouth”
is horrendous. My daughter in law is a teacher and has no problem with drag queens and kings reading to children.
The tough part is talking to them so they avoid us essentially. We see the girls but are challenged about discipling them in biblical doctrine while mom and dad are contrary.
After all, right and wrong matter.
You are much wiser to go by what you know, not what you "feel".
In the 1960's the "if it feels good, do it" hippie era idea led people down the path to pain, destruction, and death. The thing that "feels good" in the moment could destroy you a little farther down the road.
Mike knows his stuff!
Mike a long time ago a Christian brother councilled me to cease studying debating etc with others to prove they have wrong doctrines. He said most of this is mostly our egos defending and re enforcing our own convictions. He simply said focus on Jesus and ask the H.S. to lead you, and by denying your ego centred self be transformed into His likeness. I asked God our Father to baptise me with fire and subsequently I entered what many refer to a wilderness experience. It was the beginning of literally being changed from the inside out. All my former self effort in outward intellectual scriptural knowledge was brought to nought. In the stillness of reading and meditating in the Bible only I began to see with the eyes of my heart many aspects that were counter to my former Evangelical fundementalist teaching. Years followed of non church going with little fellowship, but yes there was inner Christ centred growth anchored in experience the inspired scriptures and church tradition especially the early church fathers. Again years later I discovered my faith had much in common with our so called progressive brethren that you are denouncing be it ever so cordially👍. We have to admit unlike the first two or three centuries, organized Christian Institutionalism has not been a great witness to the world. The root cause is that the church has mirrored the world and only by grace have we seen Christian based social advances in the western world. However there has never been radical transformed and never will be. So let each one of us continue to seek transformation and be the aroma of Christ to those that we have to do with. Let us not judge debate and argue with one another over interpretation and doctrine. Let us judge simply by the fruit of God's Spirit of those that differ in understanding of Jesus the scriptures etc in their daily Christian walk. No one has an ironclad ultimate answer, otherwise we would not have so many denominations through splits and schisms etc. Yes there is one universal God centred church! And that church dispays the image of Jesus the Christ who has shown us God's grace and mercy expressed as sacrificial love on the cross, to reconcile ALL of creation to Himself. As it is written" Even if we are without faith it is His faith that sustains us…for He (God) cannot deny Himself. ❤️
Jesus as a boy hungered for God and followed the Judaistic tradition. As He grew in stature and with H.S. insight, did He become progressive in the eyes of the religious, who drew life from the inspired written words of their scriptures. Did they manifest the LIVING WORD full of grace and mercy? No they reacted (enmity between the flesh (ego) and the Spirit) and they murdered Jesus. Thankfully they do it now only with words. New insights yet the same as that of Jesus re emerging! We can only weep as the Pharisaical spirit drawing on the authority of a book, above that of the Spirit of the Son in them, is alive and well.
Inner knowing and the voice of God outside of Scripture a a part of contemplative prayer that Alpha and Prayer24/7 promote. It is becoming very common in evangelical churches. Thanks for this discussion.
WE ARE AT WAR WITH VERY STRONG PRINCIPALITIES… OVER OUR NATION… WHAT IS PROGRESSIVE IS THE EFFECTS OF REMOVING GOD FROM EVERYTHING BEGINNING IN THE 50 s…. Schools Tv Hollywood Disney) Goverments..even the CHURCH..seeking security in World systems etc etc New age mixtures..He comes as angle of light
I'm still waiting for a simple explanation about why God would reject homosexual relationships – obviously monogamous and legal, as rules forbidding adultery and fornication still stand IMO. I can read the texts that are used to condemn homosexuality, but they don't seem to make any sense when compared with God's nature elsewhere. So other interpretations (based on things like the men/male difference in the original text, bringing us to an understanding of a rejection of "unequal" relationships") seem much more sensible. That aside, I think I'm a bit progressive (although I don't like the word), but I don't think I fit in to any of those descriptors you use).
So much for Respect these guys !!! My brothers in christ. Big love from Londinium
I pray that the Lord gives Tim and Mike wisdom to continue what they ars doing and I pray for the people in the comment section too.
I'm progressive.
Not as progressive as Jesus.
Do sexual ethics come under 'faith' or 'the faith'? If a person/church/denomination disregards traditional Christian teaching about premarital/same-sex sexual relations, are they still holding to 'the faith'?
"What about your 'inner truth'"…
This is resurgent gnosticism.
Clear thinking Christianity??? Lmfao
That is the oxymoron of the century.
You people have no demonstrable evidence of your childish beliefs, all you have is warm touchy feelings and a bag full of logical fallacies
“We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man." – CS Lewis
Compared to many Christians
Mark Winger is very progressive
First question to ask your progressive christian friends:
52:50 'can God trump your heart?'
Great advice that can be used straight away in discussions.
Want a good summary from Mike of what progressive christians believe ?
From 48:30 'your inner knowing trumps scripture'
These guys and several others YouTube channels are key people in the exposure and defence against often very subtle yet dangerous attacks on historic Christianity and biblical based theology.
So called 'progressive' christianity.
These are not just about minor issues but core major issues of denial of biblical truth such as denial in the existence of certain sins, God's judgement, heaven and hell, need for repentance etc.
I was totally ignorant until I started educating myself biblically with the help of these superb guys.
Please share these YouTube ministers with your Christian friends!
Will Mike Winger respond to Randal Rouser’s critiques?
There is no such thing as "Progressive Christianity"!!!!
Such a great podcast, love both these guys