Is a Mistranslation Responsible for Christian Opposition to Homosexuality? | Stand to Reason Podcast
Greg talks to Frank Turek from @CrossExamined about the upcoming CrossExamined Instructor Academy, then he chats with Alan about a new film that claims Christian opposition to homosexuality is based on a mistranslation of a Greek word in 1946.
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Sounds like this film is yet another attempt to justify unrepentant sin. If I call myself a Christian and am doing that , no matter what the sin, then I need to examine my heart and my relationship to the Jesus of the Bible.
Homosexual is a MIS-translation for sure, the translators ADMITTED it. Monagamous civil unions were not happening at that time and place in history. "One who lies with a male as with a female" is against bisexuality, obviously. ALL these majority straight people bring so much of their dominant bias into God's Word. Judge God's Word, and God will judge you judging His people. Seek Truth.
Hey, all you Bibliolaters out there…
Tell me this. How many verses, Hebrew Texts and New Testament, can be interpreted as being against homosexuality?
How many verses, Hebrew texts and New Testament, prohibit usury… even to the imposition of the death sentence?
How many of you Bibliolaters are usurers? How many of you are involved with lending money at interest? Where is the outrage of the Evangelical Bibliolaters about this?
One of the most irritating things about you latter-day Pharisees, especially to those of us who reject your hubristic triumphalism, is the cherry-picking approach to your God-Book.
But then again, Evangelical Bibliolaters (you are NOT Christians, but idolaters of a book) treat their book like an oracle.
Maybe I am wrong. If so, I have infinitely more faith in God's compassion, understanding, and forgiveness than I am in the heart and mercy of those who claim to be his followers.
And they are clearly lying about Levitcus and what those verses actually meant in the context of that time. To be a woman was senn as the worst possible thing to be. Women were the lowest of the low and had no power.
But none of these "scholars" can point to where in the Bible Jesus says that homosexuality is a sin, Paul is at best, inconsistent and has made many gross errors regarding many other situations and predicaments. The mistranslation is important because it is man with man verses man with boy/child. Unfortunately these "scholars" are just jumping right oever that point. Their arrogance is blatant.
The Bible, Old and New Testament describes the ACT of Homosexuality as sin. THE ACT itself! Of course the word Homosexual is a modern term. If they want the original word, fine, how about SODOMY and SODOMITES. These people are clowns.
For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
Why does anyone care what the Bible says. The book says buying and selling people is okay! This book clearly demonstrates the flawed thinking of men…… Leviticus 25:44-46 New International Version 44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
Has anyone ever told you you sound like Jeff Goldblum? 😁
Romans 1:26& 27 is plain as daylight.
The obsessive,incessant,and destructive focus that fundamentalists have on homosexuality is reprehensible. For a religion supposedly based on love, you in fact make a mockery of that word. The pain you directly cause these fellow human beings is disgusting. They are sinning? Please!
Perhaps you’d instead work on the immense sinning from the top down within your religion- child pornography, rape, adultery, theft, fraud, the list is endless. Retreating from your responsibility with Jesus-who-died-on-the-cross-takes-our -sin-away-we-are-forgiven is an immoral cop out. Hypocrites.
Stand to Reason: Interesting trajectories with which you start this potentially very serious question: bringing in Dan Brown’s fiction to draw a parallel to the information presented in this movie, and then minimizing the qualifications of man who brought this to the attention of the RSV translators “why should we listen to a 21- year old?” Both utterly irrelevant. Do you not realize how grasping you come across?
Here’s a question I’ve yet to have answered by a Christian: Why does homosexuality exist in non-human animal species? Scientists say it’s common. Christians often claim that people are homosexual by *choice*, not by divine design or genetics. None of this can be applied to animals however. How do you respond?
Sorry about your butterfly.. it doesn't fly… the actual and more boring reason for this word is the insect was originally callled the Flutterby because it fluttered by. And people simply found the letter substitution easer to say, which then stuck
Wow. All kinds of wrong on this panel.
It is also helpful to consider how the earliest Christians understood the Bible's teachings on homosexuality. I am sure they were in a better position to understand the original teachings of Christianity on the subject than a 21 year old seminary student.
Did he really just say Alan looks like a terrorist? What?
Agree with Alan at 26:55. And what are they going to do to distort other sections of Scripture such as Romans 1:27 where it explicitly explains "homosexuality." eg. vs. 27…"and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men."
Simple Answer: No
More complicated answer: The movie called “1946” is a horrible excuse for Biblical scholarship and only appeals to the uneducated.
"Call it 'butterflies' if you want." Spanish speakers are way ahead of you, Greg.
You can be lgbtq and Christian no problem
It looks like the kjv didn’t have a word for homosexual but translated “abusers of themselves with mankind.” Hmmm
Thank you so much for this interview. Now I can be equipped. This reminded me of the time, years ago, when the person who gave me the Da Vinci Code for a weekend read also told me ‘Remember, this is fiction’.
I’m going and I can’t wait to be there!
Starts at around 18:20, you're welcome.
Thanks for your work. I hope you can add the Join button soon.