Is It Possible That Jesus Is Michael the Archangel?
Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason offers an answer you might need if a Jehovah’s Witness comes to your door.
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Jesus is the angel who fought the dragon in Revelation 12:7
Archangel is not an angel. Strongs defines Archangel as head of the angels, not necessarily an angel.
An angel is anyone or anything that preaches Gods message. Some examples. The Bible is an angel, Moses was an angel, Elijah was an angel, you are an angel. Arch means the firstborn and the best. Before God created anything else, he made Yashuah [God is my Salvation (Jesus)] whose real name is Michael (Who is like God). How can God be anyone’s salvation if Michael was made before man who needs salvation? Also John 1:1 is a huge mistranslation. Michael was made by God and everyother angel by Michael. That is why in Proverbs Michael is said to be the masterworker of God. He isn’t God but is if the same essence of God (the Father). All angels are “gods” but not “God” For example, Satan is a god. Hope this clears up any confusion.
Jesus was actually created as the bible shows in Revelation 3:14. There in the KJV it says that he (Jesus) is the "beginning of the creation of God". That Jesus had an origin is undisputed.
The word of God is God.
Jesus: "It is written, thou shall not tempt you lord your God."
Jesus was rebuking and talking to Lucifer like this in his human form, and no one talked to Satan like this but God. Even the Ark Angel Michael didn't wanna dispute the Devil over Moses's body but rather told him, the Lord rebuked you!"
How do we know that there was a distinction between Michael and the Angel of the Lord?
Jesus is God, but not an angel
1 "Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God"
2. "Three persons one God'
3. "Jesus said that he's going to raise himself from the dead"
4. "Three internal persons"
5. "Jesus is equal with Jehovah"
6. "Shares Jehovah's Glory"
7. "Jesus is God"
8. "Jesus is the Creator"
9 "Everything God was the word was"
*Nowhere in the Bible does it state these expressions used by Jeff and the commentator listed above 1. through .9
CHALLENGE – show me scriptures to all these expressions and words listed above. It Doesn't exist, you would not be able to find it.
Trinitarians use a lot of counterfeit expressions and words not mentioned in any Bible. God incarnate, God in the flesh, god man, Christmas and Easter etc. These tiles or expressions sounds like something religious or in the Bible but it doesn't exist. This was prophesied about by the apostle Peter. Preaching counterfeit words 2 Peter 2:3
At John 1:1 'in the beginning was the word". Trinitarians say in Greek, it is embedded in this text that it means the farthest in the past. This is incorrect, there is no Greek word listed at John 1:1 that ties in*forever in the past" in meaning. In reality Arch", Greek word it's used in a normal vernacular as we use it in our vernacular in English meaning the Chief or leader. There is no connotation or text permission to such thought of "farthest in the past" at John 1:1. Jehovah doesn't have a beginning. So the question is, what are they talking about, beginning" it is something for you to review. I could explain the beginning but that's another story.
Trinitarians believe that Jesus Christ and Jehovah is a Mighty God, so, therefore, the same person, really?
Mighty God,(El Gibbor) is a relative word. Other words, it can be applied to any person or thing. Example, the mighty mountains, mighty Angels, mighty Sea, mighty warriors etc. In definition only – Jehovah's mighty meaning with great power, great strength or much responsibility. The demarcation between Jehovah and Jesus is the word "Almighty" God. You would never find this title attached to Jesus Christ. This is an absolute word since it can only be applied to Jehovah God. Almighty is supreme the highest in power and authority. Exodus 6: 3 Genesis 6:4 Revelation 19:18
2 Thessalonians 1:7 2 Kings 24:14
Trinitarian state, Jesus is claiming to be God in relation to John 8: Here at John 8: 56 to 59 Jesus is not identifying himself as God the "I AM" of Exodus 3: 14 based upon the discussion that was going on between Jesus and the Jews. They were not talking about IDENTITY but they were talking about TIME. How so?
John 8:57 the Jews said to Jesus "you're not even 50 and yet you seen Abraham"? This is why the Jews wanted to Stone Jesus because he's not even 50 and yet he's saying he saw Abraham which would make him hundreds and hundreds of years old. Get it?
The King James version, the vernacular is sometimes ambiguous, it's difficult for the scripture to be understood properly. Here's a few Bible translations that will help you get the correct understanding of John 8:56 to 59
Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been" -New world translation of the Holy scriptures 2023
1935: “I existed before Abraham was born!” The Bible—An American Translation, by J. M. P. Smith and E. J. Goodspeed
1869: “From before Abraham was, I have been.” The New Testament, by G. R. Noyes
Straight to the point. Jesus is the son of God in a normal manner. If you take a look at Isaiah 9:6, it's latter portion. It mentions that Jesus will have a PRINCELY rule. Emphasizing on PRINCE, WE DON'T HAVE TO DEFINE WHAT A PRINCE IS BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW WHAT A PRINCE IS. JEHOVAH, OUR GRAND CREATOR is not a PRINCE. The only existing beings in the heavens referred to as a prince are angels, and that's inclusive of Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 Daniel 10:13
Therefore, Jesus is a king and a prince or King angel. So do the Bible ever mentions a king angel? Yes! Turn over to Revelation chapter 9 verse 11. This is no other than, Jesus Christ. Hear this angel is a king at the same time!!! Jesus said, at Matthew 28: 18 "all authority has been given me in heaven and earth"and that would include the abyss. Genesis 3:15 the first prophecy uttered says that Jesus will crush the head of Satan, ultimately killing him. At Revelation 9:11 it gives the angel of the abyss two other names ABADDON, Hebrew for destruction and A·polʹlyon, Greek for destroyer. The demons know that Jesus will soon destroy them. Mark 124 Some religions teach that the angel of the abyss is Satan. Really? Turn over to Revelation chapter 20: 1-3 Emphasizing on a KEY that was given to the angel of the abyss here's the key again and this Angel which is Jesus Christ is chaining Satan and throwing him into the abyss. The demons know that Jesus has the authority even over the abyss Matthew 8:31
Trinity has been shown to be fraudulent and it acquired its start at the council of nicea of 325 A.D it's full blown version at the Constantinople meeting of 381 A.D. the decision made at the Constantinople meeting, were they correct? According to the bible, absolutely not. Frankly, at Isaiah 40:25 the Bible States Jehovah God doesn't have an equal. So if God doesn't have an equal, how could he be Trinity? Also, first John 3:2 the Bible States that even the apostles didn't know what God's elaborated form was. The elaborated detail of God's form, his Spirit body is not granted for us humans to know. This scripture above is mentioning that once a person dies and is granted access to heaven and appears before God's person, then he will come to know the elaborated form of God. He has granted us that he is a spirit John 4:24
Jehovah God is not a trinity in any variation. He doesn't have an equal Isaiah 40:25. Nor is he three and yet one Deuteronomy 6:4 Besides, Jehovah says at Isaiah 46:9, 10 ' I am God and there is no one else, I am God and there is no one like me and I will do whatever I please". In contrast, Jesus says "I cannot do whatever I please"and you wonder why? Just as it is with other angels and humans, we cannot do whatever we want to. Not even demons can do whatever they want to. Jehovah, our grand creator is the ultimate in authority that we all will answer to. Romans 9:28 Jesus is the son of God in a normal manner. Matthew 16:16,17 At Isaiah 9:6 in the latter portion he will have a PRINCELY rule. Since he is a king he will also be a PRINCE a king prince or a king angel. Angels are sometimes referred to as a prince Daniel 10:13. Jehovah God is never called a prince in this sense and we know what a prince is, it needn't be defined. Isaiah 9:6 states that Jesus will be a king, as well as, he will have a princely rule. He then is a king Prince or King angel. Does the bible ever mention of a king angel? Yes!!! at Revelation 9: 11 the Bible talks about the king Angel of the abyss, this is Jesus Christ. Revelation 20: 1-3 3 He also has two other names mentioned in this text which means in essence a destroyer or destruction. The first prophecy Genesis 3:15 Jesus will soon crush the head of Satan the devil destroying him. And so this Angel of the abyss is given these names meaning he is designated to soon destroy Satan. Since Genesis 3:15 says Jesus will kill Satan, do it make sense an angel will do it? Jesus is the Angel of the abyss. It is up to you to be humble and accept what God is telling you this day. For the Bible and it's truth can remove deeply false entrenched things. 2 Corinthians 10:4 simply put, the story of Abraham and Isaac foreshadows the reality above. Jehovah, our grand creator, is the greater Abraham. Jesus, our appointed King by jehovah, is the greater Isaac. No more no less. It was a great sacrifice that the almighty sent his first born son Jesus other known as Michael to the Earth that through him him we have the hope of everlasting life. The sacrifice of his dear son was the greatest pain the almighty have ever experienced that Satan inflicted. Satan would love to destroy his chief enemy, which is Jehovah God, but he can't. So he does the next best thing for himself, he hurts those whom God loves, therefore, he hurts God. Get it? And as long as people believe in Trinity. Satan hides this greatest act of love of God; that he sacrificed his only begotten son for us. John 3:16
.So this is what Jehovah has said get up and get out of the mist of her if you do not want to receive the plague that is destined to come upon her, false religion
2 Corinthians 6:17
You know the saying study long, study wrong
If Jesus is God then why did he pray to God… There is only one God, and that is the Father in heaven…
John 1 v 1 shud read in the beginning was the word and word was with God ton Theon and the word Theos a god ? That how John 1 v 1 is surposed to read
1:34 wrong.
Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Uriel, Palomni and Raphael are under God just as the ANgel of teh Lord is under god, not under Jesus.
In other words, if Michael bows the knee then he has committed idolatry because he has worship a man (son of man — Jesus) instead of God.
Also the name of Michael means someone who is like god without a question mark. Michael is chief of teh ANgels. Michael is a Ruler, a Great Ruler or Prince and guardian angel of Israel.
Mat 13:41 The Son of man (JESUS) shall send forth HIS ANGELS, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
Rev 12:7 And there was war in heaven: MICHAEL and HIS ANGELS fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
Rev 12:7-10 And there was war in heaven: MICHAEL and HIS ANGELS fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
(8) And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
(9) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
(10) And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the POWER OF HIS CHRIST: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
Jesus = Michael
Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus ever state that he's the Alpha and Omega. The spurious text at Revelation 1:11 stating Jesus as the Alpha and Omega was omitted in recognition of being spurious. In some modern translations. Revelation 1:8 where God's name is properly placed, it opens up at its premise that Jehovah is the Alpha, Omega and using pronouns, the vernacular referring back to him as so. that's it. end of the subject. If you take a look at Isaiah 9:6 it's ladder portion says Jesus will be a a PRINCELY ruler. We don't need to Define what a prince is. Only creature that exists in the heavens referred to as Prince are the heavens angels Daniel 10:13So we tie in Jesus as a king Prince or King Angel. Does the Bible ever mention a King Angel? yes. revelation 9:11 it talks about the king Angel of the Abyss who was given a KEY which symbolizes Authority and do remember. Jesus was given "all authority in Heaven and Earth" which is inclusive of the ABYSS Matthew 28:18 which is no other than, Jesus Christ. Jehovah God our Grand Creator cannot be given Authority, underscore, given Authority. Jehovah can't be given Authority, we couldn't say it enough. He always had it Isaiah 33:22 Some religions state Revelation 9:11 is referring to Satan. This is not true. Revelation 20: 1-3 shows the same angel of Revelation 9:11 he has the KEY of the Abyss yes, the same angel of Revelation 9:11 once again with the KEY which means Authority. This Angel chains Satan and threw him into the Abyss. Obviously, it is not the devil. You heard the truth, be humb,land accept. Being fulfilled in our time Daniel 12:4 Matthew 24:14 Romans 10:13 – 15 Isaiah 43:10 Jeremiah 31:31 acts.5:42
Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus ever state that he's the Alpha and Omega. The spurious text at Revelation 1:11 stating Jesus as the Alpha and Omega was omitted in recognition of being spurious. In some modern translations. Revelation 1:8 where God's name is properly placed, it opens up at its premise that Jehovah is the Alpha, Omega and using pronouns, the vernacular referring back to him as so. that's it. end of the subject. If you take a look at Isaiah 9:6 it's ladder portion says Jesus will be a a PRINCELY ruler. We don't need to Define what a prince is. Only creature that exists in the heavens referred to as Prince are the heavens angels Daniel 10:13So we tie in Jesus as a king Prince or King Angel. Does the Bible ever mention a King Angel? yes. revelation 9:11 it talks about the king Angel of the Abyss who was given a KEY which symbolizes Authority and do remember. Jesus was given "all authority in Heaven and Earth" which is inclusive of the ABYSS Matthew 28:18 which is no other than, Jesus Christ. Jehovah God our Grand Creator cannot be given Authority, underscore, given Authority. Jehovah can't be given Authority, we couldn't say it enough. He always had it Isaiah 33:22 Some religions state Revelation 9:11 is referring to Satan. This is not true. Revelation 20: 1-3 shows the same angel of Revelation 9:11 he has the KEY of the Abyss yes, the same angel of Revelation 9:11 once again with the KEY which means Authority. This Angel chains Satan and threw him into the Abyss. Obviously, it is not the devil. You heard the truth, be humb,land accept. Being fulfilled in our time Daniel 12:4 Matthew 24:14 Romans 10:13 – 15 Isaiah 43:10 Jeremiah 31:31 acts.5:42 😊
It’s not exclusive to Jehovahs witnesses
Plenty of Christian commentators outside of JWs have came to the same conclusion
John Calvin thought Jesus was Michael
Matthew Poole thought Jesus was Michael
Matthew Henry thought Jesus was Michael
Joseph Benson thought Jesus was Michael
John Gill thought Jesus was Michael
EW Hengstenberg thought Jesus was Michael
JP Lange thought Jesus was Michael
Adam Clarke thought Jesus was Michael
Geneva study Bible commentary equates Jesus to Michael
Origen called Jesus in quotation of the Septuagint at Isaiah 9:6- “the Angel of Great counsel”
Justin Martyr called Jesus the highest angel
2nd Century writing “Shepherd of Hermas” called Jesus Michael at book III similitude 8 chapter 3
Bart Ehrman NT professor wrote that Paul viewed Jesus as the chief angel
Let’s not act like JWs are the only ones who equated Jesus to Michael. Universally across orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism we see respected scholarship outright calling Jesus Michael or equating him with the highest angel. Angel just means divine messenger. Jesus is clearly the highest of those. Read Daniel 12:1,2 and tell me Michael isn’t the Messiah.
Arch/Angel/Micha/El literally means
“Chief/Principal Divine Messenger who is like God”
In Hebrews 1–3, the author sets out to demonstrate that Jesus is superior to the prophets, angels, and Moses. We’re told Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God (1:1–2), the Creator of the world (1:2), and the exact imprint of God’s nature (1:3). After explicitly stating He is “much superior to angels,” the author of Hebrews writes, “For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son, today I have begotten you‘?” The obvious answer to this hypothetical question is that God never said that to any angel. Rather, in Mark 1:11, God says to Jesus, “You are my beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.”
Read more from Tim Barnett at the below resources:
Is Jesus the Archangel Michael?
Ready for the Knock on Your Door