Is the TikTok Bill a Trap? Rep. Thomas Massie and Rep. Chip Roy DEBATE | Glenn TV | Ep 341
One of the hottest questions happening online and at the dinner table right now is: What do we do about TikTok? The app has 150 million active users in the United States. The average American spends 82 minutes a day on the platform. That’s TRIPLE the time the average user spends on Snapchat or Twitter and twice what the average user spends on Instagram or Facebook. It’s so addictive, but why? Did you know that China has stated that the algorithm running TikTok is one of its MAJOR national security assets? A Chinese propaganda analyst has said, “The one who wins the platform [TikTok] wins the world.” We can all agree that something has to be done about TikTok … but is the recent bill from Congress the answer? Glenn reveals the full text of the bill to let you decide for yourself and brings in two congressmen he respects to help him come to a conclusion. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) are both strong champions of the Constitution but on opposite sides of the House’s recent TikTok bill. Roy was one of the bill’s lead cosponsors, and Massie has called the bill a “Trojan Horse.” After hearing both arguments, Glenn gives his final thoughts. Yes, we’re in a war with China, but we’re also at war with communism and fascism and oligarchs … in our own country! Can we repair this country by giving more power to the government?
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0:00: How China influences uses TikTok to influence Americans.
11:44 What’s REALLY in the TikTok bill?
21:22 Debate between Rep. Chip Roy & Rep. Thomas Massie.
43:44 Glenn’s final position on the TikTok bill.
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#glennbeck #glenntv #theblaze #blazemedia #blazetv #tiktok #bill #debate #trojanhorse #government #censorship #chiproy #thomasmassie #china #bytedance #congress #bipartisan #freespeech #freedom #security

The United States government has consistently, over the entire course of its existence, passed laws to protect the United States from foreign adversaries and then used those very laws against United States citizens.
And not just foreign adversaries.
Civil forfeiture was written to deprive drug dealers of their illegally obtained property (including money).
And today it is used by law enforcement to rob citizens who have the "audacity" to have cash and have committed no crimes.
Time and time again they come up with a new law. Citizens voice concerns the new law will be abused against the citizens, the government assures us the new law will not be abused against the citizens, the law is passed, and then the law is abused against the citizens.
Tik Tok is a threat, but NO to this law. They will eventually abuse the law against the citizens.
Let me paraphrase it first; "clause wasn't necessary because how the entire document was defined…"
Now let me remind you; "what is the definition of a WOMAN" according to the current American (Democrat) government???!
What I'm trying to point out is that you cannot trust in the "definition", when the Democrats are running the political show! what used to be obvious meaning of a word as a definition in the past, today can be ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and the TOTAL OPPOSITE OF THOSE under a progressive brunch of leftist government. So, was the clause necessary to be included in that document?! who ever asked for that clause (to secure a future protection), probably took notice of how "definitions" changed and still keep changing by this progressive leftist government. I think, everyone should worried in America, when the government in power incapable to define what a "woman" is?!
Giving the government more power is one thing, but giving the Democrat run government power is quite another!!!
Just look at all the things that happening under the current Democrat led government with the Bug Guy (Biden), and the Democrat party, than with the Democrat party elected judges, the politically Democrat party aligning FBI, etc. etc. etc. Do we want to give even more power to these woke leftist progressive socialists?
In my opinion, Tiktok should be allowed, BUT people should be provided proper information, should be provided warnings about potential danger (possibility of AI programmed brainwashing), etc., and then LET the people decide if they want to take the potential risk, LET the people decide how much they want to engaged on Tiktok, and although children can be influenced as their mind is still in the development process (as teachers can influence them into a wrong path as much as Tiktok ever could!!!), but adults are ADULTS, and as such, they perfectly capable to make their own research if they seems that's a necessary step they need to make, they can filter out for THEMSELVES if they want to believe, trust on what they see on Tiktok. The adult population doesn't needs its government to tell them "you can see that" or "you should not access that", because "we the government know better what's good for you", suggesting that the adult citizens are "too ignoramus" (stupid), to make the right choice. We have seen that during the mandatory vaccination, where government officials decided FOR the people if they should take experimental vaccines, boosters, mandatory vaccine passports, locked up in their home in "house arrest" for 2 years, and all because the government declared itself an "expert", and as such, "knew better what's good for the rest of us", without given the rest of us a say on the "we comply" or "no, we reject".
Thank you, but NO! thank you! I hate Tiktok, in my opinion it is harmful, but I would not ban it. But so is marijuana (harmful, very harmful), yet the governments all over the western world legalized it. So, go figure! was the legalization of marijuana the "best for us"??? Right!
Trump wanted it banned while in office, dems and rinos raised hell and said no. Once Oct 7 happened, and all kinds of anti-israel posts started, the dems and repubs agreed to ban it.
Chip Roy may be coming from a good place thinking it is actually bc of China, but he is sadly mistaken. This is all bc of the posts of Israel. That's the ONLY reason the dems and republicans agreed to a bill. The dems and RINOs know the real reason they want it to be banned or divested.
Also, every social media company steals our info, the govt has all our info. China has infiltrated our universities, corporations, govt, and buying up land. If our govt was so concerned about China, they wouldn't be allowing them to be in our country.
Say no to Tik Tok!!!! China and the US government are already spying on us!!!! Let's not give them anymore help!!!!!!!!!!!
Best discussion I’ve heard on this issue, ever! I’m glad you invited these two to talk about it!
I’ve never been attracted to use TikTok, ever! I deleted my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts along with the emails associated with them! YouTube is the only Social Media I like using. I used Truth Social for a very brief time and deleted my account. I recently started using Rumble again because I wanted to see the j6 footage being released, but I don’t know if I will keep it after I have seen and heard more of the content video of j6! I think there was definitely a concerted effort to conceal what happened that day, and I definitely believe they are twisting the narrative to go after Trump and bankrupt him to remove him as an obstacle for their political goals, so, anyway, I’m glad to hear a legitimate discussion about TikTok and not just one side attacking the other with no real substance to the bill itself. Glad you had the discussion/debate; didn’t really seem like a debate but an informative view of the bill. I really get tired of the way Democrats just go on attack mode, and the fact that so many are onboard with it gives me pause as to how the language of the bill could be twisted; because I see that done a lot lately! Thanks!
Banned tik tok especially from china so please Banned them dont allow Evil
If those that voted for this cared so dam much about our national security, they'd jump through hoops to close our f**king border..
If you like the way Jack Dorsey ran Twitter you'll love this
Totally Agree! No more power to the government. We actually need to be minimizing their power and if the Senate and Congress were actually doing their jobs correctly, that would be what they’d be doing.
Glad I don’t have tick tock.
Maybe instead of limiting individual apps,you should limit how algorithms are used.
I, too, do NOT want gov. to have more power !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The American people need LESS GOV. NOT MORE RESTRICTIONS ON OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our own gov. Is a clear and present danger, and they are spying on the American citizen. What about our constitutional rights ?????????
H.R. 7521 cannot pass. It IS a trojan horse intended to take down Twitter (or anyone else that opposes the establishment regime), and by extension, Elon Musk. They don't need this Act. They just need to ban TikTok without the U.S. govt's involvement.
the papacy lost its power in1798
They shouldn't ban it. Maybe individual States can, MAYBE
Pass the bill and let them sell the platform. The owner supports the CCP and his success goes in Xi's pockets
I don't like the bills ability to put more power in the hands of the president……..before a company is banned it should have to be a Congressional vote……….and then ratified by the Senate……….and then signed by the president……….power should be spread not concentrated……….repeal the direct election of senators and have them go back to being appointed by the governor and confirmed by the staterepeal the direct election of senators and have them go back to being appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state………..the people have a house……..the state needs a house to…….
Constitutional Republic
I have never used Tik Tok and I don't imagine I ever will but I can't understand how it is more of a national security threat than our own "three letter" groups that spy on us and sell our information and steal from us everyday. I also am always shocked that all of those hundreds of people that we have up there in Washington representing us can't sit down and come up with laws that actually fix problems. I'm with you Glenn, no more power to our broken government. 😢
Freedom > Security, therefore Massie defeats Roy.
It's just math…
Why do we handle China with kids gloves?? If they are spying on us its time for diplomacy and call China out on their b.s. not endangering the American citizens right to liberty of information
For a few years now the public can that see alot of talk about attack on free speach. Obviousely its been happenig .
I have seen chip roy talking in congress , so far i trust him , but alot of congress i dont trust, because example , biden and hunter, and trump , topic i can clearly see some people truth , then i see others blatantly lying while the whole country can see that blatant liars in front of the publics , eyes.
Education, science, patriotism… and family, faith, food recipes. That’s what my kids are watching on eg. YouTube Shorts. And they hate TikTok. I hear other kids too are like that. Some of the kids are alright.
That is a false dichotomy. Pass the bill or do nothing. How about we get a bill that deals with tiktok without giving the government more power. 🤷♂️. Never downloaded tiktok or twitter.
"Those who trade their liberty for a little security, deserve neither."
Just like the patriot act was, and IS, a trojan horse for authoritrian domestic assualt by our government.
Or as much as the Democrats in the news people have tried to brainwash people into believing Trump is a Russian asset won't be too much longer before they say that about all Republicans and everything of ours will be censored
It's weird Glenn, everyone is so astranged more and more no one knows what to do how to stand up I live in rural Oregon
It hard to do anything when you are ranching 24 7
You want freedom of speech. The China gave it to you and now you complain about that 😂
They just want to force them to sell tiktok because tiktok will passed YouTube , Facebook, X …
If the government bans Tiktok I will find my old phones just to download it on so they see activity. All bans have an easy work around. The government does not have the right to ban ANYTHING!!!!!
▪️There are so many the conservative voices on this app and I don’t see them on FB or Insta… they would be silenced. Also wonder if tik tok shop is taking Amazon shoppers away?
YouTube, product reviews