Israel: What Would You Do?
The first responsibility of every government is to keep its citizens safe from invasion, violence and terror. So why is it that when Israel defends itself, much of the world sees it as the villain? David Brog invites you to step into Israel’s shoes when confronted with a real-life attack. What would you do?
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“What would you do?” That can be a very useful question. It can be both clarifying and humbling when evaluating complex situations.
To illustrate this, let’s apply it to a real-world example.
In May 2021, Israel and Hamas fought a brief war in Gaza.
Nearly everyone knows that Hamas started the conflict. Firing rockets into a neighboring country is the very definition of “aggression.”
And Israel responded as any country under attack would. Yet many blamed Israel, not Hamas, for the violence.
People are certainly entitled to criticize the Jewish state—even when it defends itself. But before you do so, ask yourself a question, the one I posed at the opening.
What would you do?
So, congratulations! You have just been made Prime Minister of Israel. And Mr. (or Madam) Prime Minister, we’ve got a problem.
Hamas is firing hundreds of rockets at our cities. Yes, our missile defense system is stopping most of these from hitting their targets. But many are getting through.
In recent days, Hamas missiles killed an Arab-Israeli citizen and his daughter as well as a five-year-old Jewish boy.
Millions of your people have been forced into bomb shelters.
The economy is shut down. Your citizens—Jews and Muslims alike—are terrified and demanding action.
What are you going to do?
You have two options:
Option One:
Do nothing.
Israel is stronger than Hamas. And, therefore, people who dislike Israel will portray you as a bully if you respond. This leads to a lot of bad press. So, to avoid a PR disaster, tell your citizens to stay in their bomb shelters and hope that Hamas will run out of missiles soon; or…
Option Two:
Defend yourself.
Use your powerful military to stop the missile fire so that your people can go back to their lives.
If you choose to defend yourself, then you’re doing what Israel does.
The first responsibility of every government is to keep its citizens safe from invasion, violence, and terror.
So, you’ve given the order to stop the missile fire. But wait. There’s a big problem. Hamas operates in the heart of Gaza’s densely populated cities. It stores its missiles in apartment buildings, hospitals, and schools. And it fires its missiles from residential neighborhoods.
They don’t care that using civilians as human shields like this is a war crime.
So stopping the missile fire will require you to strike Hamas in the heart of Gaza’s population centers. If you want to protect your citizens, you risk harming Palestinian civilians.
What are you going to do?
You have two options:
Option One:
Do nothing.
The terrorists have outsmarted you by using your own morality against you; you’re trapped by your own decency.
Tell your citizens to stay in their bomb shelters and hope that Hamas will run out of missiles soon; or…
Option Two:
Do everything possible to stop the missiles while protecting Palestinian civilians.
Before you conduct an operation, drop thousands of leaflets warning that you’re coming.
Create safe corridors for civilians to flee.
And before you strike a particular building, warn every person in that building that you’re coming. Call and text their cell phones. And then make sure they’ve actually left.
If you chose option two, you’re doing what Israel does.
Yes, you’re giving up the element of surprise.
Yes, the terrorists will most likely take their missiles and flee along with the civilians.
And yes, by letting the terrorists escape to fight another day you’re endangering your own people. But this is what Israel insists upon doing in order to protect Palestinians.
Unfortunately, not every country is as moral as Israel.
When countries are stronger than their adversaries, they actually have a third option.
Indiscriminate bombing.
For the complete transcript visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/israel-what-would-you-do

This aged so well
Apartheid Zion1sm portrays itself as the one being attacked yet it deflects from the real facts on the ground that for 75 years it has continually occupied millions of Palestinians. No occupation no resistance! Until then, even the United Nations agrees that Palestinians have a right to resist by any means necessary:
December 3, 1982. At that time UNGA resolution 37/43 removed any doubt or debate over the lawful entitlement of occupied people to resist occupying forces by any and all lawful means. The resolution reaffirmed “the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”.
Make a democratic state for everyone in the region
Now let's see how some pious devils are going to spin this to make the Israelis the bad guys.👹
Never seen a more biased channel
Why can’t we do what China 🇨🇳 does? Don’t kill the Palestinian but lock them up so that they are not dangerous.
100% support to Israel from South Korea
Did you know that David Brog is a cousin of Ehud Barak (who hebraized his last name "Brog" to "Barak").
Palestine didn’t start anything. Israel is a bully, using an American-taxes-funded war machine. Americans know this. Why don’t Americans take a vote on how many want to continue subsidizing Israel. A strong country funds itself and it’s citizens.
Israel forever 🇮🇱🇺🇸
I can’t 100% support Isreal and their is a lot of things I don’t like about Israel and it’s founding but I can respect them for irresponsibly endangering their own to protect Palestinians.
Israel MUST accept all muslim refugees that have lost their livelihoods in these conflicts and offer them a path to citizenship.
Israel NEEDS diversity more than anyone else. If I was Israel's prime minister, it would be such an easy choice. Not to mention the economic benefits that would bring, it would render foreign aid obsolete.
It upsets me that the choice to avoid action in order to protect enemy citizens is presented as correct and just, I think that the enemy must be harmed at any cost. (Of course not to harm civilians for no reason.)
They have used white phosphorus on arabs there. What would you do when someone uses white phosphorus (which is a war crime btw) on you?
Let me guess, blame it on hamas? 😂😂
Israel literally spark and raid Mosque Al Aqsa before Hamas did anything and not to mention how Israel get 1 billion dollars for Iron Dome and get 4.8 billion for other kind of defense from US
Clearly, Israel are not the aggressors.
"What will you do?"
Start respecting international law.
Israel is doing too much decency against its enemy!
0:24 So the Gaza Strip/Palestine is a "neighboring country" to Israel? Not really, as their borders are effectively under Israeli control. Israel is oppressing the Palestinian people by blocking off the Gaza strip and practicing segregation in the West Bank with unequal treatment of Palestinian residents and allowing Israeli settlements that involve displacement of Palestinians. Furthermore, Palestinians suffer more death and destruction than Israelis any time there is a terrorist attack like this. While it does have efficacy as a deterrent more innocent people than necessary end up getting harmed. Apartheid states are not fair to everyone, and that's the problem with how Israel deals with the Palestinian population. I don't think a two state solution will work, and eventually, I can only see full citizenship and equal rights to Palestinians as a peaceful solution. It will take a long time for the wounds of their mistreatment to be considered wrongs of the past. And land reorganization/compensation is also necessary. Terrorists should be arrested and prosecuted, but by a system that isn't biased against their ethnicity and religion. Unfortunately Jewish nationalists still have too much influence in Israeli politics. My hope is that the law of return will eventually be suspended as well.
I would go back to Poland and hungary
PragerU, an organization that loves to reduce government spending, yet is willing to send government welfare to Israel. Logic.
"Israel literally owned congress" – Donald Trump
We need to stop sending them welfare
Um I'm sorry but if the Palestinian civilians allow humans to operate among them then as far as I am concerned they are partly responsible. And furthermore if you say carpet bombing of civilians is immoral than all of our bombing of Germany and Japan was immoral. But if your not prepared to do that than you would have to be prepared to negotiate with Nazis.
the zio ists are such weasels acting like the victim. just say that you think of arabs, that you see them as dogs and want to exterminate them from the promised land. even prime minister recenrly said it as it is saying its in the bible to a journalist.
It's good to see the "pro-life" party openly condoning the open murder of women and children and civilians, of the Palestinian people.
Standing up for human rights is not anti-Semitic.
Ok you guys keeps talking 'oh hamas use human shield' when we talking about literally the most overcrowded place on earth. Meanwhile you will never mention Israel forces killing AMERICAN journalist then asaulting the funeral of said journalist , killing paramedics with snipers, stealing other people's land to make way for new settlement.
A jewish man talking about palestine
OK. Fine. Israel attacks because Hamas throws rockets at them but why did Hamas started attacking Israel in the first place?
I'd end Israeli Apartheid. I'm a Jew. #freepalestine
Not steal people's land and cry wolf when they get mad cough israel
I don't support a nation that kills journalists
Free Nelson Mandela
option 3 : give back west bank and east j let palestine become fully independent and live happy ever after i know isrealis gonna spam my fcking ancestors used to live there 3000 years back, ok but that doesnt justifys occupation
Israel is the most moral country in the world whether people believe it or not. The media will never cover this part of the story. Thank you for this video PragerU. Always was and always will be on Israel 🇮🇱 side. Love from India ❤
Free Palestine
Prager U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMzjvpsYf8Y
what is up with this israel shilling?
and they do all of this while being dependent off of American foreign aid, not so self sufficient after all.
If i dont steal your house someone else will
Yacub 2021
Wasn’t bombing the USS liberty an act of aggression by Israel?
This is the dumbest video I have ever seen.