Joe Biden Has Undone Trump’s Effective Border Policies | Mark Morgan to Dana Loesch
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined TheFirst TV, Friday, May 28, to talk about the border crisis, the Biden open-borders agenda, and why we need to get back to the effective border security agenda from the Trump administration.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLlJD12QyvY
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This is pretty simple. Bidens letting in his future voters.
We know. What are you doing about it?
And now Kamala is encouraging outsourcing our companies to provide work for the countries who are having their people come here-so Americans would lose jobs so these countries could get our companies? Doesn't she realize that until these countries are no longer third world countries and can pay their workers as much as they can make in America, they will KEEP flooding here? They want to send money back to their countries-not many of them are coming here due to unemployment-they want the free education and higher wage! Easy fix-reinstate stay in Mexico. Finish the wall! Does Biden REALLY think that what he is doing humane-with the overcrowding, human and drug smuggling and deaths?
Joe Biden has done NOTHING other than provide America's enemies (many of whom are AMERICAN) with a pliable puppet.
They don't just move people like this randomly, this was planned and for a while.
Under this Administration, we are Witnessing the Systematic Destruction of the Ecomony and
The United States of America.
Among the HUNDREDS of Executive Orders Joe has Signed, (IMO) The WORST was Stopping Construction of The Keystone XL Pipeline, followed by Stopping Construction of The Wall.
CALLING ALL South Americans to come now at the border of U.S-Mexico, its now open, wow, their fake president is very generous, Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! before Pres. Trump takes over.
children are born, adults are raised parents are needed, not the government. sex trading is sick and we let it happen.
What about buses or vans with children going to Tennessee and Kentucky, arriving late at night?
What a joke, I miss Trump on this one
I almost forgot I was watching the Heritage Foundation when I saw Dana. Thank you Heritage Foundation and the First🙏🏾🇺🇸
They want to keep the border open so they can drive down the cost of unskilled labor. When people have to compete for jobs, business owners win. If businesses have to compete for employees then the workers win.
Crash and burning