Joe Biden Should Reject Amnesty For Illegal Aliens in Address Tonight | Chad Wolf on Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Wednesday, April 28, to talk about the border crisis, Pres. Biden’s open-borders, anti-law enforcement agenda, and why the president should reject amnesty for illegal aliens in his address before Congress tonight.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upRv2nyhrAM
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WHO would have Guessed that this Administration was going to create a DISASTER at The Southern Border?
NO amnesty for illegals nor for those who support their illegal ingress.
The old adage is you vote for trash, you get trash pure and simple.
President Trump told you what Biden Admin would do, don’t act surprised. This administration that the media glorified is taking this country down fast and furious, their motto.
This is crazy instead of talking about this nonsense that really doesn't matter because our government has now collapsed our society. They have spent 19 trillion dollars in under a year, it's all over it's done who gives a s*** about some illegal aliens.
Why are they looking towards the commander-in-chief to help them when he's the one that did it AOC Harris they all were pushing it two years ago anybody paying attention you voted a man you helped destroy this United States
Joe Biden, like too many politicians, is a political panderer. He proposes things that sound nice but can never explain how his proposed benefit works or the the cost or the drawbacks. He's extremely superficial, and too many citizens bought it because they, too, are shallow thinkers.
Just digging a deeper and deeper hole
Joe Biden will not act on behalf of Americans, he is compromised.