Joseph and His Brothers: God’s Faithfulness l Voddie Baucham
Joseph and His Brothers: God’s Faithfulness l Voddie Baucham
Genesis 42:1-11
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Oh my God. Voddie 😢. When he talked about how on our worst day is nothing compared to what we deserve nor does it compare to what the sinless Son of God suffered for His glory.
Thank you
Worst Televangelists, Faith Healers, and Religious People of all Time:
Kenneth Copeland $800 Million / Benny Hinn $60 Million / Billy Graham $25 Million / Jim Bakker $100 Million / Bill Gothard $100 Million / Shoko Asahara $5 Million / Tony Alamo $60 Million / Bob Coy $16.5 Million / Fred Phelps $55 Million / Dave Reynolds $122.9 Million / John Hagee $7 Million / Doug Phillips $23.4 Million / Jimmy Swaggart $15 Million / Mike Hintz $21.6 Million / Robert Tilton $500 Million / Mark Driscoll $12 Million / Pat Robertson
700 Club $500 Million to 1 Billion / Dr. Jesse Duplantis $30 Million/ Bob Larson $11 Million / Joseph Prince $6.4 Million / Katherine Kuhlman $94 Million / Derek Prince $300 Million / Charles Stanley 2 Million / Ken Ham 55 Million / Kent Hovind 37.9 Million / Joel Osteen 140 Million… Dr. David Jeremiah 50 million / And just for Fun the Vatican @ 33 Billion… And that's just a Small List… And it Keeps Growing Every Day… More Like 1000's… It's One Of The Biggest CONS Ever… And it's Tax Free… They All Lied, Cheated, and Robbed it's Followers of Billions of $$$$$… Religion, What a “JOKE”… Why Do They Need So Much Wealth, When God Should Be The One Providing Them With What They Need and it's Followers… If You Ask The Question: What Would Jesus Do… Well He's Not Going To Be Concerned About Being a MultiMillionaire Now Would He… And If You Believe In “Jesus” You Know How He Felt About “GREED” and “WEALTH” As Time has Shown, Man can't be Trusted… Man is Possessed by GREED, POWER, and CONTROL… (“EGO”) These People are Proof of This… Profit Over People… And This Shows How People at This Present Time are Still So Very Ignorant By Following These Types of People… Do The Research and You Can't Deny The Truth… (They Are All Just Greedy Motivational Speakers) Jesus Once Said, “It is Easier for a Camel to go Through the Eye of a Needle, Than for a Rich Man to Enter Into The Kingdom of God.” (Mark.10:25.) And by The Way Mark 10:25 Was Mistranslated… The Word Camel Was Found to be Rope…That's Just Another Mistranslation Out of 100'sIf You Can't Understand This It's Not My Problem…
As you can see Christianity is failing. The Bible is not a Scientific Text Book. Or is it a Historical Text Book. The Bible is a Book of Mythology… Examples are Fables, Fairy Tales, Folktales, Sagas, Epics, Legends, and Etiologic Tales (Which Refer to Causes or Explain Why a Thing is The Way It Is). Another form of Tale, the Parable, Differs from Myth in its Purpose and Character. Things That are Not To Be True…
Christianity, the largest religion in the United States, experienced a 20th-century high of 91% of the total population in 1976. This declined to 73.7% by 2016 and 64% in 2022. About 64% of Americans call themselves Christian today. That might sound like a lot, but 50 years ago that number was 90%, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center study. That same survey said the Christian majority in the US will disappear by 2070. Other World Religion's are Failing Even Faster… If You Have to Follow Something The Only Thing I Would Recommend is One Of The Oldest Religions…“JAINISM” Over Christianity…
Jainism Teaches that the Path to Enlightenment is through Nonviolence and Reducing Harm to living Things (including Plants and Animals) as Much as Possible. Like Hindus and Buddhists, Jains Believe in Reincarnation. This Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth is Determined by One's Karma.
Emerging from these Three Jewels and Relating to Right Conduct are the five Abstinence's, which are the Vows of: 1)Ahimsa (non-violence) 2)Satya (truthfulness) 3)Asteya (not stealing) 4)Aparigraha (non-acquisition) 5)Brahmacarya (chaste living)
If Everyone Practiced “JAINISM” There Would Never Be Wars, Poverty, Greed, Genocide, Homelessness, Starvation, World Pollution's, The Killing of Any Creatures on Earth. Just Peace, and Harmony as One…
Christianity is Far From Any of This… Christianity Would Be Like Worshiping The Devil / Saturn,
Compared To “Jainism”… Sorry But It's True…Like all Mythology in time it all just fades away… I'm Sorry if You Can't Understand This it's Not My Problem…
Is He is a lying?
Yes! He is a lying. One of the Greatest Cons for Theft of Individual Expression and Money that has ever been Perpetrated on the Planet. And it’s legal!
There are more than 4,600 Religions, worldwide, with thousands of Gods. They’re all Claiming to be the one True Religion, following the One True God. Either Only one Religion is True or all Religions are False? How can all Religions be True?
So If He truly believes the Bible to be True… Then he's a Ignorant Fool, and Needs to be Silenced, and
If He knows that its all Lie's… Then he is a Worthless Tyrant, and Needs to be Silenced…
Ether way He Needs to be Silenced…
Sorry if You can't Understand This It's Not My Problem…
Does religion do more harm than good?
Definitely, More Harm, Religions & Religious Zealotry have led to Millions of Unnecessary Deaths over the Centuries & From What I Can Gather No Good Has Come From It At All. Religious Men & Women Including Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, Monks & Nuns Have Over the Years Committed the Vilest Crimes of Physical & Sexual Abuse Against Children & Young People in Their Care. Quite Apart from Burning People Alive & Other Horrific Deeds Historically. The Pedophilia Has Been Going on for Centuries & Still Happening Today, These People Claim the Moral High Ground on Completely False Pretenses, They are Criminal Hypocrites. Religion is Responsible For More Death, Destruction, Torture, Burning of Information, Greed, Rape, Frauds, and Theft Than Anything Else Ever in The History of the Entire History of the World…
The Historical Evidence Shows all This to be True… Sorry if You can't Understand This It's Not My Problem…
The Bible is not a Reliable Historical Source Because it does not Meet the Standard Criteria of Source Reliability used by Historians. The Bible is Not, as many Believers Assume, Eye Witness Testimony. Reliable Sources are Generally Based on Authors Who Were Eye Witnesses to an Event (i.e. it is a Primary Source). Since Any Particular Source May be Fabricating Their Story, Multiple Independent Sources are Usually Required for Confidence. Establishing the Lack of Author Biases, Including Religious Motivations, is also Necessary if a Work is to be Read at Face Value. The Bible Satisfies None of These Requirements. Based on Historical and Archaeological Research, There are Known Historical Inaccuracies in the Bible. The Bible is Considered Mythological by Most Historians. Historians Know the Gospels are Largely or Entirely Myths Because They Share the Same Characteristics in That They are an Apparently Normal Story Except: The Text is Structured to Convey an Underlying Meaning, Usually to Convey some Political or Value System, Using Symbols that are Familiar to the Intended Audience. Refers to or Retells Other Myths and Stories but Often Some Aspects are Changed to make a Specific Point. Historical Improbabilities, Occurrence of Miracles or People Acting Unrealistically. Lack of Corroborating Evidence. People Do More Research on their Cars and Homes They Buy. But Not on the Religion They Live Life By… Blind Obedience is a Dangerous Thing… Christianity May Be Considered a Religion, But It Was Actually Developed and Used as a System of MIND CONTROL to Produce SLAVES That Believed God Decreed Their SLAVERY. DOING REAL RESEARCH WILL SHOW YOU IT'S ALL BEEN A LIE… And “NO” You Can't Use The Bible to Prove the Bible. That's Not How “TRUTH” Works. That's Using a Book of SORRY'S and LIE'S to Tell False TRUTHS…
If You Can't Understand This It's Not My Problem…
The Bible is full of Contradictions and Discrepancies. The Bible is an Unreliable Authority Because it Contains Approximately 700+ Inconsistencies and Contradictions. Logically, if Two Statements are Contradictory or Inconsistent, at least One of Them is False. The Biblical Contradictions and Inconsistencies Therefore Prove that the Bible has Many False Statements and is Not Infallible or Reliable. The Bible is Full of Violence, Genocide, Prejudice, Slavery, and Injustice, Often Commanded by God, and it’s Been used by Christians to Justify More Violence, Prejudices, Oppression, and Control. The Same Mind Control Techniques are Used Today.
The Bible’s Descriptions of Nature and Natural History are Hopelessly at Odds with Science. Science Uses Facts and Evidence. 1) Defining the Problems, 2) Making Observations, 3) Forming a Hypothesis, 4) Conducting Experiments, 5) Drawing Conclusions, 6) and Peer Reviews. The Bible uses Faith. (No Evidence No Facts and No Reviews. Just the Bible to Prove the Bible.) Just Believe??? Definition of Faith: Strong Belief in God or in the Doctrines of a Religion, Based on Spiritual Apprehension Rather than Proof.
The Bible Was Written By Ancient and Primitive People, to Explain the things They Didn't Understand, and Has No Value to Modern People Anymore. Christians Can’t Even Agree on What it’s Saying, So Who Cares if it’s True or Not. Either Only one Religion is True or all Religions are False? How Can all Religions be True?
(Use Logic and Reasoning to Set your Mind Free) Sorry If You Don't Understand, It's Not My Problem… “No amount of Evidence will Ever Persuade an Ignorant Person.”
The Books of the Old Testament Were Written from Approximately 1400 BC to 400 BC. The Books of the New Testament Were Written From Approximately AD 40 to AD 160. So, Anywhere Between 3,400 and 1,900 Years Have Passed Since a Book of the Bible Was Written. In This Time, The Original Manuscripts Have Been Lost. They Very Likely No Longer Exist. Since the Time the Books of the Bible Were Originally Written, They Have Been Copied Again and Again by Scribes. Copies of Copies of Copies Have Been Made. In View of This, Can We Still Trust the Bible? (“NO”) Just Looking at all the Mistranslations Have Caused 100's of Contradictions in the Bible… As of September 2020 the Full Bible Has Been Translated into 704 languages, the New Testament has Been Translated into an Additional 1,551 Languages and Bible Portions or Stories into 1,160 other Languages. For 1000's of Years and 100'S of Mistranslations are in the Bible, and They are Significant… Even Christian Can't Agree On What it's Trying to Say… So Know One Really Knows What The Bible is Truly Saying… Your Just Guessing or Manipulating Mistraslations. Using Historical Process, and Scientific Process We Have Proven This to be True… Even After Nearly 2,000 Years of its Existence, and Centuries of Investigation by Biblical Scholars, We Still Don't Know With Certainty Who Wrote its Various Texts, When They Were Written or Under What Circumstances. Sorry if you don't Understand this… It's not my problem…
Thank you for this public sermons. I am following your Programm being part of the Baptist church from Hamburg Germany. I am a brother in Christ. I am from the founding church of baptist Europe named Oncken in Hamburg.
Your YouTube videos are such a blessing for my life and one day I gonna come to visit you at your church. 😉
Just one question. I always thought everyone has a free will but Gods will is above it all and nothing can stop his plan. Like the light can’t be stopped by darkness. So Whatever anyone decides God sovereignty won’t be taken away…
It is such a small thing and ones again. Thank you for the whole programm. Just wanted to say that and maybe get an answer.
I know Gods way is best for my life.