Left but Really Right | 5 Minute Video
Successful liberals live by conservative values. It’s true. The liberal musician, the liberal chef, the liberal writer–all swear by things conservatives love, like competition, earned reward, and, yes, profit and the bottom line. Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of, “How To Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct”, explains.
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Did you know that all success in life is based on conservative principles?
Well, it’s true. As I explain in my book, How to Be Right: the Art of Being Persuasively Correct, if liberals applied their no-score, no-winner, no-loser belief systems to their hobbies or professions, they would fail miserably.
Success relies on absolute truths, on supply and demand, on work and reward, on competition, and on achievement, not group identity. As the old saying goes, it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. Conservatives catch mice. Liberals buy them cheese — with your money.
It’s interesting that people who participate in professions that require conservative values are so often on the Left. Here are three examples you might not have thought of.
Example One: The Musician
You’d think all of them are liberals in their personal lives, but only a few can actually afford to be. Smart musicians are often the most conservative people on the planet. Someone has to pay for the gas, the guitar strings, and the antibiotics. When you see your favorite metal band, you can bet that the whole tour is mapped out not as some hippy-dippy road trip, but as a meticulously planned endeavor to wring every penny of profit out of it.
Maybe it’s not surprising then that the most successful rock band in history is headed by someone who studied finance and accounting at the London School of Economics — Mick Jagger. (And, yes, it’s true “Satisfaction” was about the joy of capital gains).
Example Two: Fitness
As a former editor of a health magazine, I can attest: the government cannot give you six-pack abs (unless you get them to pay for the implants).
Exercise is perhaps the best example of conservative thinking at your disposal. For the amount of effort you put in, you reap the reward you deserve. If you pump iron for two hours, three times a week, your body will change as a direct result.
Fitness is one bank where you deposit effort and you build a portfolio of reward. There is no affirmative action in exercise. One muscle doesn’t get special dispensation because it’s smaller or weaker. There is no minimum wage safety net, or unemployed bennies for your glutes — you’re either in shape or you’re not. No one is gonna redistribute my awesome pecs. As President Barack Obama famously once said, “You didn’t build that.” Sorry, but I did.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/left-really-right

“There is no feelings behind that knife”
Do liberals chefs have sex with their food before hand?
Is this a parody?
0:05 lies not every success is center aroun conservative principles
This video didn't age well. Your GOP now defends a convicted felon.
He's right
This reasoning is not valid. It is based on the invalid principle that consistency implies validity. That an example is a general rule.
Employers have an unfair advantage when seeking an employee. If employers had their own way, they would pay people nothing.
And they would get employees. There are examples of this in volunteer positions and internships which pay nothing.
And have no end of applicants.
Minimum wage and unemployment are basic needs of those during difficult times to make it through those times to better positions.
The principle of survival of the fittest where the fittest is the one who can most ruthlessly produce, is not Christian.
The reasoning in this video is very poor.
Consistency does not imply validity.
Was the LSE around when MickJagger was a youngster? I don't know if you got that right Greg 😛
Greg should talk about the MOST IMPORTANT PragerU short ever made… "Left or Liberal?"
whoo hoo! Early Greg Gutfeld!
3:08 The jobs of chef, waiter, and dishwasher are all working-class positions. These people are not capitalists, but you already knew that.
Leftists LOVE to enjoy the fruit of the right's labour but don't want to put in the effort it takes to have it.
these videos are like if communist had a youtube channel instead of having yourself choose to go right or left they trying to froce you to go right lol
This argument is particularly weird. Politics and personal life are two very different things. Politics is about the public not the private
Oh, so getting by in a capitalist society means you have to work by the rules of capitalism? Who would have guessed! Obviously living in a capitalist society you’re going to have to capitalize to be successful. This video is just preaching to the choir.
Hugh Hefner st As rted his famous magazine on his kitchen table with risk taking, idealism, and hard work — those are conservative principles, which some liberals would hate to hear.
This hasn't aged well at all. The left hasn't been liberal for years. He's describing leftists, and calling them liberals.
The left in America falsely call themselves liberals. But liberalism is right wing ideology.
People getting money for not doing anything irks me the most. That's why I'm for a 100% tax on inheritance why should somebody be rich just by being lucky enough to be born to a rich family.
That’s right! Pulling your boot straps up. 🤠🇺🇸 It’s not complicated.
A lot of people who belive in traditional conservative values seem to vote contrary to their beliefs. For example, religious people and this includes Jews, Muslims and Christians.
It may be more accurate to compare classic liberals with progressive liberals. Progressive liberals are actually illiberal. Jonathan Haidt, among others has spoken about illiberalism.
He isn't saying anything just vague statements and isn't defining what a conservative is or what even a liberal
This is the most idiotic arguments I've seen from pragru and that's saying something
Basically trying to say that hard work and intelligent planning I'd only conservative? ….
Wonder what would happen if the dude was born mute. Try all you want pal you ain't gonna get a word out
Take a liberal and give him/her/it everything he/she/it wants and see how quickly he/she/it becomes conservative.
As Rush Limbaugh once so famously and profoundly said: "Liberalism is a mental disorder!"
So true!
The leftist workout community has a saying: "a fascist worked out today, did you?"
i dont see how feeding mice is a bad thing soo im all for it brah
This is why people still Lobe and will Love and missing movies nd music from 80's 90's and early 2000 years. Dont you think 🙂 they just have Conservative values center values making men to women close to each other, not turning against.
Half left wing ( they are marxist actually) politics ( supporting abortion) media, jurnalist profesors and BLM movement should be face jail for inciting and deceiving into this ideology of critical race theory. they doing this special to dividing people. in this way, the Politics democrats ensure for themselves a constant and continuous votes. this method is called " using hatred ". Democrats did it also because they were afraid that some of their voters would switch to the republicans side, because people are good by nature. So democrats manipulate their own voters by telling them how to think, distorting the truth and spreading fa*ke ne*ws.