Lesbian Feminist Explains How The Equality Act Promotes Inequality
Julia Beck is a writer and organizer from Baltimore, Maryland. She helps produce a monthly radio broadcast for Women’s Liberation Radio News. Last year, she represented lesbians at Baltimore Pride and on the Law and Policy Committee of Baltimore City’s LGBTQ Commission.
Julia shared her experience being terminated from her position on the Baltimore LGBTQ Commission for reaffirming the biological reality of sex and explained why the Equality Act promotes inequality for women and girls in this event at The Heritage Foundation.
Watch the full event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMj9MOuRswc
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I’m not a lesbian, but as a woman I applaud you and I thank you ❤
God bless her for such wise words. 🙏
As a man: she's 100 % right.
"Gender" and "Sex", are indeed the same thing. One's gender is either male or female (except for a very few people with birth defects). "Gender identity" is where behavioral norms and ideas come into the picture, but Gender is biological. Sex has two meanings: 1) synonym for Gender, or 2) short for Sexual Intercourse. Gender has only one meaning. (It derives from the Greek word for Birth, which is Gene. One's Gender is the sex to which one is born, either male or female).
This is a sound healthy woman .
This video is 4 years old and it’s only now that there is some push-back against this ‘T’ rubbish. How many kids have been lost to it?
I never knew what "cotton ceiling" means. I never knew it means getting into Lesbian's underware. It is a r@_pe allegory. disgusting
I really would like to know what rights does lgbt not have. If it's affirmation, that won't ever happen.😮
Who cares if you're a lesbian? I mean I really couldn't care less about your sexual choices. I think most people couldn't care less either but that's the problem once you start to buy into identity politics. Suggest you ditch your group identity and just be a regular human who's sexual preferences brings no special or worse treatments.
Far more criminal to call a trans rapist he than the actual rape – about sums up the current madness plauging iur culture.
The fact that this was put up 4 years ago is really frightening!!!
There is gay straight and bisexual.. separately there is male and female.. everything else is a kink or fetish.. only thing I think is funny is to watch the gay folks now arguing amongst themselves so at least they're not all mad at just straight people anymore..chaos is fair..😅
Wow. This woman speaks the absolute truth. And TRUE trans folk are suffering because of these “wanna-be” fake trans who steal true trans identity for power, for sexual dominance, and have leftist allies who care not at all about truth, only power.
The world is bonkers.
Why don’t you talk about the ongoing circumcision atrocity
Lmfao!!! It’s hilarious watching people argue how many different sexualities and genders there are.
Four years ago … and it has only gotten worse.
Her integrity, her guts to stand for what is true in the midst of abandonment by her own "side" is remarkable. She truly cares about women. With that said, I do laugh when she suggests life as a woman is harder than as a man. Still respect her though.
We don’t accept this transphobic women in our lgbtq community, fake lesbian who talked shit about trans people
Is the lack of support from men that should know better allowing such obvious falsehoods bc women and girls are now undeniably out doing men from classrooms to boardrooms and what we are actually seeing is the backlash hoping women will get back to their SUBORDINATE ROLE?
Equality is for all the world and not only for a small amount of people.Your freedom ends where the freedom of others begins. That is democracy. This goes either way and not only one way.
Bravo! 👋
every soul on this earth has to hear this!
Thank you for your amazing brave and educative talk
Bless you ❤
I'm a heterosexual woman and this made me cry.
bahahahah hlesbian
There is a fundamental and inherent CONTRADICTION in transgenderism: it inherently says that the idea of MALE and FEMALE are VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT. So important that they are willing to go to surgical extremes to prove how important are the poles of male and female. While at the same time, totally disrespecting the feelings and rights of actual males and females. It is inherently contradictory.
Women ☕
We can all see that this is madness, and none of us saw this coming. Movies and books often alluded to a dystopian future, but did we ever think it would get so insidious as to come after our own bodies and brainwash our children? I grew up around conservatives and struggled to connect as a student of evolutionary biology- I lost some friends. So I think I’m liberal and move to the west coast. How shocked I am each day to see liberals twisting science like this, degrading women, sex, nature itself. How is this reality and why is it everywhere now?
When you dont understand the effects of same sex acts on the Chakras and you Guru or Teacher does not repudiate those acts thats when yo know a Fake Guru to a Divine One.The teachings of the Ancients have all been altered. Go within your hearts Temple and Ask Your True Guru.
I respect your opinion – you show there is a hope
All People concerned with this Lgbt… transformation of the human race should listen keenly and even prayerfully to this brave and sensitive lady. Whatever one's moral/spiritual convictions are on the matter, she succinctly describes how humanity is slowly turning in upon itself, typically turning against the weaker/female sex first by robbing her of the right to even be. Surely it will then move to the children, and redefine who a child is in order to obliterate their innocence, rob their childhood and molest/sexually abuse them beyond mention; then it will move to redefine what man is, within Kingdom Animalia and yes you guessed it – there will be interspecies intercourse and mingling of genes to produce miscogenated monsters. There's more, such as plants, inanimate objects etc. How am I convinced of this you may wonder – well, I found it somewhere in the ancient books of the Hebrews. This is the reason humanity was destroyed by her Creator when "wickedness filled the earth" as it is politely put. This is the substance from which our folklore (distant oral memory) derives their improbable tales of monsters, miscogenated creatures (the "unclean animals") and the havoc they created among what was left of the ordinary humans. Simply put, a world without a moral compass and with no sense of who their Creator (GOD) IS, is doomed to implode horrifically! Yahweh have Mercy! Remember this sincere lady and visit her with your indiscriminate Grace even as you have visited us too!🌸🕊️✝️🛐😢😢
she is more feminine and beautiful than the vast majority of women i know who do wear make up
amazing adult biological female…everything she says is right on.
I resent that male human beings can dictate that they be called women, and say what a woman is, and just expect to be obeyed.
You didn’t leave the cause, they left you. You’re welcome to represent lesbians in the conservative groups because we are not prejudice against gays. It’s the Trans ideas I have problems with especially the child predators and the trans rapist . So it took time for our group to accept gays but I think we are there and again make a place in the conservative group.
Trans women are men and trans men are women. Gender identity refers to how masculine/feminine a person feels instead of actual gender. Gender doesn’t exist as a psychological phenomenon and ought to refer to biological sex instead of feelings. There is nothing special about trans people except jealousy which can easily be overcome. Not everyone loves themselves but that doesn’t mean they have to pretend to be someone they’re not.
She is amazing.
In this episode of our new series, PolicyLAB, test subjects were tasked with assembling a mysterious device called a Stirling engine, an early alternative to the steam engine, and a machine that offers a perfect segway into a lesson about asylum reform — an issue critical to all Americans: https://youtu.be/Dy7A0cGV7JA