Liz Wheeler on our ‘POST TRUTH’ society: Democrats are peddling ‘DELUSION’ | Glenn TV Preview
Liz Wheeler, host of The Liz Wheeler Show, joins Glenn during his Friday Exclusive to discuss the culture war currently waging between conservatives and the far-left. She says though we’re now living in a ‘post truth’ society, there IS one sector in which the right may be winning the battle — and the Democrats’ recent attempt to ‘peddle delusion’ with the term ‘birthing person’ likely doesn’t help their efforts…
Head to BlazeTV.com to watch Liz’s full interview with Glenn.
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I am a mother, not a birthing person. Men can't give birth or breastfeed. Case closed.
I’m not calling anyone birthing people or person. If you are a biological woman, you only can breastfeed.
So so dumb!!
Every disaster that ever came about in the usa has had harvard connections
You have got to be kidding! So, we have to have our kids grow up saying, "Hey, birthing person, I need help with my homework!". Forget that. Give me a break. I hate this world. It's such garbage.
When you destroy our language you destroy communication.
Mental illness is alive and not well. Mental illness now has the worst form of mental illness. Extreme far left woke Marxism!
Liz is so smart. Love how she clarified Critical Race Theory's origins – very helpful. How many people know about what she just said? Hardly any, but everyone needs to know.
Glen, I would love to see a sitcom called ‘All in the Socialist Family’. This could be a podcast airing weekly about the life and Times of the socialist family but throw in American kids and families forced to be socialist. I can see that being funny as hell.
Going by their logic, the democrat party should be renamed the Batshitcrats because it precisely reflects who they are.
crt is critical Racist theory! It's OK to be White!
Birthing mother sounds like language the CCP might use to start birthing camps for organ harvesting. Changing the language in the law changes all kinds of things, even the Constitution. Toss the term birthing mother, it sounds so clinical and compassionless. We are not bowing down anymore with language regarding people that get their feelings hurt. This is insanity inside insanity. Marxists are a bunch of sociopaths.
It's still simple. A man, whether or not he pretends to be a woman, cannot give birth. One's choice to live in fantasy land does not obligate me to participate. I won't do it. I'm not mentally ill.
The Supreme Court should explain that done individuals living in fantasy world does not obligate everyone else to participle. But even if they never do I'll never participle. I choose reality. Actual science not science according to feelings.
Love Liz Wheeler👍
I guess the left will have to go after the hells angels because nobody uses the word 'mother' more than they do. So go get em all you lefty birthing person Effers!
As individuals we all have a wonderful rhetorical weapon at our disposal when standing up for the truth. When arguing the existence of "truth" or "objective truth" with a progressive, if you push hard enough you can usually get them to proclaim: "there IS no truth" or "there IS no objective truth". They MUST say this or most of what they argue falls apart otherwise. BUT, when they say "there Is no truth" they have just uttered what THEY consider to be an absolute truth. When you point that out to them, they're done. Because even THEY believe in the existence of truth….if it serves one's needs. The battle for objective reality is ours to be won, and without bloodshed.
Serve the antiChrist attack western ideology and culture bring it down! Whahahaha
The west all western nations are under attack by commie liberals serving their master ch i na!
These are re tards running our country! Split deliberately for algorithm
In America It's "Mother".
It is the Left who.are the Fascist. The Left vomits out dangerous rhetoric that being white is a incurable disease.
There is no difference in calling a Biological Woman a Birthing Person from calling her a Breeder. It is a offensive term. It is the Left who are Racist,Sexist and Anti Semitic. It is the Left who are the
What a Beautiful Human with such a Good Soul Liz is.
Liz is f**king brilliant. ❤
Time for the republicans to get their shit together..for America …a woman is woman…a man is man!!!
A birthing person…sounds like something hitler did back in the 30s.. to create his perfect race!!!