Lying Liars
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How many times can someone lie to you before you stop believing him? Popular podcaster Tim Pool applies this question to a source you might be trusting a little too much.
How many times does someone have to lie to you before you call them a liar?
One? Five? Twenty?
It seems like many Americans are okay being lied to over and over and over again.
Here’s just one example.
Michael Brown was a young black teenager—a “gentle giant”—who, on August 9th, 2014, during a routine police stop in Ferguson, Missouri, raised his hands and pleaded for his life as he looked down the barrel of racist white police officer Darren Wilson’s gun. Brown famously held his hands up and yelled, “don’t shoot,” before he turned and ran.
Wilson shot him six times in the back, killing him, dead.
If you bought that, you bought a lie.
Here are the facts:
Michael Brown was 6’4” and weighed 292 pounds—80 pounds heavier than Officer Wilson. He was a giant, but there was nothing gentle about him.
Brown and his friend had just robbed a convenience store. Wilson, in his police car, spotted them walking in the middle of the street—the two men matched the description of the thieves. Wilson drove up and told them to move to the sidewalk.
Brown refused, blocked Wilson from opening his car door, punched the officer through the open window, and reached for Wilson’s gun. Wilson fired in self-defense, striking Brown’s hand.
Brown ran. Wilson got out of the car and pursued him. Brown then suddenly turned and charged Wilson. Wilson repeatedly told him to stop, but Brown kept coming. Wilson shot Brown until he collapsed.
A local grand jury and federal investigators from the Obama justice department concluded that Officer Wilson was justified in his use of deadly force.
There is no evidence that Brown ever held his hands up and yelled, “don’t shoot.”
The whole story was manufactured by the media.
It wasn’t the first time. It wouldn’t be the last. Not by a long shot.
The biggest whopper of them all was the Russia Hoax—the entirely made-up story that Donald Trump the candidate and then Donald Trump the President of the United States was a Russian agent. This dark fantasy preoccupied the legacy media for three years. It involved dozens of interlocking lies, almost all of which were planted by Trump’s Democratic opponent.
Given the sad state of our corporate media, it is perfectly fitting that The New York Times and The Washington Post won Pulitzer Prizes, the highest award in journalism, for dutifully reporting each lie as if it were the gospel truth.
For the full script, visit: https://l.prageru.com/3mFNppE
#politicalscience #timpool #lying

Why do people still watch and follow the constantly lying and spinning pet Democrat media?
Leftist Democrats reporting on Democrats, this is just favorable spin, lies or non-reporting of unfavorable stories. Anyone else? The Democrats media blatantly lies and makes things up to smear Democrat opponents. 👎
3+ years of the daily Russia collusion hoax? Daily lies, for years!
I've never listened to them since.
Great video. No one should watch TV news. Not even leftists, IF they care about the truth.
Your account is a lie! The store owner said that there was no theft. It wasn’t reported and the Police saw him and ordered him out of the street. You are a racist political pundit and liar. I'm a Republican but you are using the "how to tell if someone is lying to discount racial biases.
I love Tim Pool
Thank you, this video has been a long time coming and I hope everyone gets to see it.
That native American war vet stole valor. He wasn't even in the branch he said he was. He claimed to be a navy seal. Lie!
Misinformation click bait. Pretending that this is not Trump’s propaganda IMHO seems unbelievable. You want a fabricated story how about “Weapons of mass destruction” excuse to invade a country. Or the story of that President Barack Obama is not an American. Those fabricated stories did not make the cut. The choice of examples, in this current political climate, is deliberate propaganda. Like the video says, you make your up your mind.
I'll give you the 'Nazi' labeling and I get that the left wing media has attacked Trump from day 1 with whatever they could. Just because they have been doing that doesn't mean Trump is innocent / not culpable for his actions. He clearly uses language to incite folks and play on their fear and uncertainty about common subjects – like fake news, border crossing, etc….(just watch any speech he gives where he labels, makes fun of, calls names – like a damn 6 year old). Every once in a while he says something that makes sense. The rest of the time he rambles about himself…
In fact, every politician and almost ALL media sources stretch the truth, make points that are clearly meant to sway opinions vs spreading facts, or pander to whomever will pay them and give them views. Biden and his administration are just as bad! As is CNN, FoxNews, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, you name it (even PragerU). This video is evidence of PragerU doing that.
We need truly neutral reporting and we need consequences for lying to the public (especially from high profile and influential people). Biden, Trump and every.single.politician AND media source that does it, should be held accountable. Period.
The latest wrinkle of the laptop lie is Hunter was selling influence but his dad had no part in it. That does not even make sense but they will push it anyway.
You guys actually made a good video, more of this.
Bruh tim pool is the 🐐
Irony. A fake university promoting a fake journalist about being lied to. Ultimate irony. Tim pool is to Journalism what Dave Rubin is to comedy. A joke.
My favorite part of this was when they forgot to address that Don Jr was trying to get dirt from Russian actors, or that Manafort was a Russian agent, or that Trump literally requested help from Russia and got that help that night.
Tim Pool is full of doo doo. You gotta love how he proved that the first story was manipulated only to then not give evidence on the following stories and why they were false. All her said was that the media was lying and that's it.
"The mainstream media lies to you," says Tim Pool, guy who has said a total of maybe two true things in his entire life.
Anyone who tells you that the "Devil's Triangle" isn't a drinking game, and that "boofing" doesn't mean farting, is a Communist and they want to kill you and groom your children.
Lmao yeah, Trump himself didn’t get indicted and found to have been in correspondence with Russian officials; it was just a shit ton of people around him and on his team that were found doing so, and arrested.
I dunno, Timmy…how many timed do YOU have to lie to us before people stop listening to you?
Lmao Tim Pool says the black guy murdered by police was "no angel" lmao
Easy to see why the Allen texas neo nazi shooter was a Tim Pool fan 😂😂🏊😂😂😂😂😂😂
I came here immediately after I found out that tim pool was in fact, an actual liar 😂 who spreads fake news, another L for prageru