Mail-In Ballots Creates Opportunities For Fraudsters: Hans von Spakovsky
Hans von Spakovsky joined The Lars Larson Show to discuss how using a mail-in ballot system would open up opportunities for fraudsters and threaten the integrity of our elections.
Read more about this topic here: https://www.heritage.org/election-int…
You can find Heritage’s voter fraud database here: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-v…
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We have had mail-in ballots here in Oregon for decades and we have not had any problems at all with it. In fact, I am really glad we do that because it means I don't have to go somewhere and stand in line for hours, it means that it is convenient for my schedule, and it is also very convenient for people with little children who then don't need to find daycare. Studies have shown that people are more likely to vote if they don't have to go to a polling place but can mail their ballot in instead.
Freedom isn't free! It requires effort and virtue to maintain, so it is with our voting rights. Polling centers should have no problem accommodating special situations like we are in now with the virus. Plus early voting prevents large crowds and can maintain 'safety.'
Well, let’s also not forget how well the DNC did with the primaries and caucuses with their apps. If there is anything we’ve learned its that forcing a new system in a short period of time without any testing will result in catastrophic failure
So this is the way I can see mail-in ballots working:
1) It must be proposed in the House of Representatives and approved in the Senate.
2) It must then be sent to the States for ratification.
3) Voters must come in at least 30-60 days before the election, prove proof of residency and citizenship (driver's license, military ID, or State ID), and register to vote for all elections scheduled for that year. That means you have to come in at least once a year to register to vote (that's right, get involved with your government instead of just trusting them to do everything for you.)
4) Ballots are sent by priority mail 15 days prior to the election and must be returned no later than one day before the election. The ballot must contain an option to request a receipt verifying the vote was tallied.
The post office is broke and wants a bail out. The Dems would give it to them if they only had the votes. Postal workers and Democrats seem like natural allies. Sure, lets put every single ballot in the country through the postal system.
Wasn’t there already “voter fraud” through the regular voting system? Lmao idk how people still believe anything that comes out of the main stream media.
What a bullshit example: "Thousands of Wisconsin voters waited hours in line to cast ballots and the National Guard staffed overcrowded polling stations on Tuesday, straining the state's ability to hold a presidential primary election under the lash of an escalating pandemic." https://fox11online.com/news/political/the-latest-polls-are-open-in-wisconsin-despite-virus-fears Both sides will cheat, it'll even out.
Fourteen potential NCO's so far.
Still, top heavy.
Brass has become ubiquitous
God gloats
Goats graze
Cull the herd
If we can go to the grocery store, pharmacies, Walmart, etc… we can vote in person…. I heard someone say "Let's by up all the envelopes & stamps so the DEMS have to go vote in person"
I don't want you to show an ID to have to vote to prove you are an American Citizen, but I would love for votes to be mailed in? Just show the nature of the Democrats. The closer you get to potential fraud and cheating the happier they are.
Yeah…and we might as well start telling people mailing CASH is safe and sound too!!!!!
My Town is very Liberal. Boxborough, MA actual, has used the Emergency Alert Call System to extend our Stay Home Order to May 15th. Also our Town Meeting and Voting is scheduled for June. They stated, all homes will receive a Paper Ballot. Hope it is illegal for November! In Person Voter ID, please, for Presidential Election. Let sick people be Quarentined, not healthy people!
No, mail in ballet! !
It's bad enough to let the left do what it's all ready done! And they are working on doing! This needs to STOP NOW!
Even South Korea did regular in person voting a few weeks ago, they just simple followed sanitary precautions. Its on their news video.
If it's one thing we know to be true, the Left only cares to change something if it could harm them so…if the Right does what they do(voter fraud), they'd be driven to fix it because their own fraud would essentially be negated and they'd fear it might even harm them more, right? They'd never demand voter-ID otherwise. Yep, sounds terrible but if it led to a more secure system, wouldn't that be a good thing?
The left in this country are a a sedition plot waiting to strike!
I'm pretty sure we have voter fraud here in Washington state. We seen several examples of it during the years.
Your prez is the only election cheat. Ok? Why do we have to make voting sooo hard? Why not have a voting holiday? Why not have the NSA secure our elections with the same vigor they have for spying on us?!!