Mail-In Voting Is Why Election Results Are Delayed: Hans von Spakovsky on Lars Larson Show
Hans von Spakovsky joined The Lars Larson Show to discuss how mail-in voting could impact how long it takes before we know the 2020 general election results.
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-von-spakovsky
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I only want an honest. Fair. Clean, transparent election. Trump.must not concede. The Media are biased and they don't have any rughtbti oroclzim tgevwinner. The system us so corrupt. I am ashned if being an American. Trump won if inkynkegal ballots ciuntrf, Not the dead. No ID. Those who left and live in other States. Why these massive cheatings. Trump.must never concede.
Dead people voted: see Rueben Report YouTube channel
I feel like both sides are going to claim the other cheated if they lose. Cheating may very well be going on, but it needs to be substantiated not just speculated on. These guys are setting up a straw man to some degree, and they don't discuss the issue in a non-partisan way.
Republicans need to make sure they don't start doing what the dems did with Russiagate.
Vote-by-Mail Fraud and Errors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNgCODYPCbw&feature=share
It sounds like many of these commenters do not want to honor the votes MAILED IN by the US Armed Forces and other US government employees stationed overseas. Or the votes MAILED IN by states that offer early voting. Or the votes MAILED IN by US citizens living outside the country. In other words, these commenters are opposed to the fair election process we've had in place for ages. SMDH
This is a federal election, why aren’t there federal regulations ! States should not have the ability to screw things up for the entire country!
If we don’t fight to keep it legally done
Democrats are trying to cheat, they didn't build the most extensive fraud unit to lose.
Why would you want to extend the mail in votes after the deadline of those that follow the day to vote UNLESS you want to buy more time. Why do you need more time? Smells like cheating to me. Why else? So sick of being played like a chump.
It’s been going on sense as been a live!! Ben getting a way with it so long that it became the norm!! We the Patriots got a put a stop to this crap!!!
Yes postal carriers were just burning and throwing away republican ballots.
Mark my words well here. if Biden wins. Within 6 months, Biden will either be declared incompetent and removed from office, or Arrested for High Crimes over Hunter's dealings with China, All this crap from the Democrats, is aimed at getting Kamala Harris the Presidency. Not Joe Biden!
The judge is a petto !!!!!
And it’s also how they will steal America from us
Spam mailed, Mail-In Ballots, from organizations not affiliated with an Elections Commission Board, are not the Official Absentee Mail-In Ballots!
FB fact-checked me and said the Millennial Millie video was debunked. I fact-checked them. Here is one of the groups mention in the video:
Here's what they planned for us! Demoncrats will cheat by any means necessary!
Here's Van Jones BS and my response!
Why are you telling people like, "Oh, I was just researching this?" It's beause you Demoncrats are so hell-bent on cheating and stealing the election from President Trump! You people are evil! You want to hide your corrupt fellow's crimes! You Demoncrats have such a lust for power that you will Do Anything to unseat our duly elected president! You are speaking what you evil people have planned out! You will not succeed! You dirty b_stards will have to go through the American people to take our beloved President Donald Trump out! So Stop trying to feed people a narrative! You people will burn in hell but your cheating plans will be revealed! We are Not buying what you're selling! We will not let this happen to our country! You disingenuous thug!
They are all Marxists groups! He just happens to lower his voice and mention two Conservative groups! These people value Nothing! Funny he didn't mention this when Hillary wouldn't concede 4 years ago! You people are Traitors to our Republic! Your people the so-called peaceful protests like Antifa and BLM which you Demoncrats supported which were violent riots! Now you want to change the Constitution. You will definitely see the president Evoke the Emergency Powers on you evil people!
Here's what they have planned yall!
This the Insurrection the evil Communist/Marxist Demoncrats are planning! Notice the dates!
Be AWARE!!! Some Elections Station's are passing out Sharpies instead of Ball Point Pens!!! Sharpies votes are not being registered on VOTING MACHINE'S!!!
Mail in voting is fraud, no wonder the left likes it so much… If Biden actually wins, it's because they cheated.