Major End Times Deception Warning | Marking The End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I want to talk to you about false prophets and sorcery. Recently, there has been a significant rise globally in psychics, false prophets, and fortune tellers. I talk about the significance of this trend related to Bible prophecy.
In the subscriber portion of the show, I answer your questions, such as, “We read Acts 1:7 in church on Sunday. It says, ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.’ How would you explain this compared to your encouragement for believers to look for signs of the times? Am I missing context?” and more!
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It’s all a hoax the truth is the whole world is going to crash’ and those who denounce the true Yeshua the Black and those others must go back to there planets.
This earth is for the black family this is paradise for the black family only
Don't forget stargazers
Thank you so much for this. I do have one question. I have stopped watching a Christian prophesy site since this young man has a daily "God told me" podcast. It just seems like he is just throwing things out there. It worries me that Christians may follow people who claim to be prophets that aren't truly. Does that make sense?
Wow, thank you for sharing this ❤️⚔️✝️
Thank you for sharing this. But I think people don’t want to hear the truth they love living in the lies of satan through governments and news and news media. They have been caught up in these lies for so long that the truth hurts. Such as climatic change, fossil fuels ,vaccines, EVCars and it goes on all these lie bought and paid for by the globalist billion heirs, satan ministers for pure evil.
Many Christians, including myself, believe Pharmakia includes toxic deceptive vaccines.
Too many seeking truth fail to find 'cos they're easily led astray by worldly logic, high sensuality, vain imagination or specious mysticisms. I know I was. I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager. I used to be into so much "spiritual" stuff: trance channelings, ancient wisdom, gnosticism, psychedelics, hindu gurus and buddhist variants. I was illuminated by the kundalini (serpent) spirit then 7 years ago I got rightly enlightened by the HOLY SPIRIT who showed me what a fool I was before. Spirit led me to the REAL Yahshua/Jesus Christ and everything changed – paradigm shifted. I'm BORN AGAIN and it's an ongoing surprise to me 😁
The end-times are dead ahead; a time of tribulation and Antichrist is near. It escapes the notice of our self-absorbed, glamour-saturated world that we're in a spiritual war for souls, the immensity of ignorance is astonishing: the dark powers bedazzling the minds of the masses (Ephesians 6:12). We've inherited ancient spiritual subversion: the Earth is fallen. The holistic fields of nature are fallen state. Life kills and feeds upon itself. Mankind is a spiritually fallen race highly prone to deceit and delusion. Frankly, we need a Saviour and by JESUS CHRIST we have a GLORIOUS ONE
As a new ager I couldn't believe it but in the Light of Spirit Jesus really is the Way, the truth and the Life just like He said: no one comes to God except through Jesus, there's no other way (Matthew 7:13-14). Being a neo-vedantist I wasn't convinced (I was damn sure I knew better) but turns out the Bible is Spirit breathed, written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is vividly portrayed and endorsed in the new testament, in fact he's apparent in the old testament too (Luke 24:27 & 44) and by His Light we're allowed to see that and know Him. Any previously perceived discrepancies or contradictions are ironed out and the supernatural narrative flows most beautifully. The Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Every time i click on one of these there is 283 likes.
Just remember, if the Lord calls you and you don’t answer or you turn your back, or you hang up or you ghost Him, He’ll shake your dust from His feet.
I think it’s important to note that America isn’t the only country where murder has risen. I mean, there have been 3 genocides that I k ow of in the last 4 years alone. Look around.
I’ve seen more good Christians doing things like “manifesting”, divination cards, Wiccan groups… and see it slipping into certain ministries… and it can be so tempting! When people feel like waiting on God is taking too long and they’re at the end of their rope, it can be so tempting. Who can blame them?
How do we call them back? By reminding them this is a sign of His coming? To stay true to their faith? To stay patient?
The fourth question (Where do you get your information from, and how do you know it's right) is easy to answer. Brother Mark gets his information from other people. NOT from the word of God. How do I know this? Because the pre-trib rapture CONTRADICTS what Jesus taught. How do I know this? It's called BIBLE STUDY. Notice I did NOT say bible reading. There's a big difference. In Jn6:39-40,44,54 Jesus said he would raise (Resurrect) believers on the LAST DAY. Then in Jn12:48 Jesus said the unbelievers would be JUDGED in the LAST DAY. Was Jesus talking about TWO last days? Of course, not. In Jn5:28-29 Jesus said "ALL" that are in the graves shall come forth. (Just and unjust together) Where does Jesus teach anyone LEFT BEHIND? Now ask me where I got my information from. You either believe what Jesus taught or MAN.
Spiritual evil is pure evil.
Love you videos …but I also have to ask what brand is your shirt..my husband has Commented on them several times. Would like to get him one.
We will know the end when it happens, until then stay in prayer, God has his people and then he has his creations. He's sent for his lost sheep of Israel and will return.
Jesus takes care of me. I only trust Him
Are you kidding? You have more spiritual mysticism, false prophets, doctrines of devils, and evil seducing spirits active in the churches today more than ever before.
End times started 1948 anyone born after and lives long enough will be the generation to witness God's return the rapture is close 🙏
no one seems to know that yoga is NOT exercise! each stance is a worship of a false God. the woke YMCA loves yoga especially for kids childcare!
An algae bloom of spirituality.
The only way to the Father God is through His Son, Jesus Christ!
I have done research and am a student. Studying false christs right now.
Pray that my heart stays true to Jesus. Praying for all of you.
The magnitude of the deception to come after the Rapture, during the Tribulation, will be intense. You see, because the Israelites reject the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, they await the return of Elijah and their Messiah. So, when the Two Witnesses (likely Moses and Elijah) appear in Jerusalem, they will hail one (Moses) as their Messiah. Now, the Muslims also await two individuals who will usher in the end-times: Imam Mahdi and Prophet “Jesus”, who perfectly parallel the Holy Bible’s Antichrist and False Prophet. We know that the world will reject and hate the Two Witnesses, but champion the Two Beasts. Most will mistake the Two Witnesses as being the Antichrist and False Prophet (which, of course, they are not). This will be the strong delusion that God will send upon this unbelieving, Christ-rejecting world as a judgment.
Don't be deceived and listen to pastors who say revelation is not literal and people who believe it is are crazy
The only end times veiw that is real is the one that teaches a pre trib rapture tribulation antichrist and coming of Jesus at the end
My ex roommate in NYC became a famous psychic in Londons he is from London.( I wasn't saved then) please pray for her salvation her name is Lilith.
Great words of wisdom. Thank you Pastor Mark. Maranatha!
Aslo pastors who flatter the people to live for gain and power and postion saying God has a dream for you they say dream big dream wild .. a alternitive Gospel no expectation of suffering to gain heaven .. deuteronomy 13 addresses new things offered 🤔❤️🔥
Hysterical: the ad that played as I finished watching this was for a psychic
Leviticus 19:31 “’Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God”
You can add to witchcraft the popularity of getting spiritual information from near death experiences instead of the Bible.
As in “vaccine”? Take heed that no man deceive you?
Our Lord called it an abomination..period
We have everything we need for life and godliness-I & II Peter.
Thank you Dr. Hitchcock for sharing God's word.
We are supposed to trust Him. Not calendars or charts. That's why it isn't more clear. 👆🙏
Babylon is clearly and undoubtedly America. Its description matches perfectly in every way. America will be destroyed completely in the span of 1 hour.
Great message I appreciate Marks Vidios. 1Timothy in latter times many shall depart from the Faith giving Heed to seducing Sports and doctrines of demons. Many are departing from the Faith. I saw a young Lady wearing a acdc T-shirt at Church traggic a Bible believing Church. This is evil. The world and it's astrology.yoga and false Beliefs. We know we are of God and the whole world lieth in Wickedness. Satan is the God of this world the giver of every unclean Spirit. The world is willfully following Lucifer. Mark forgot to bring up the entertainment industry. The filthy of these woman entertainers. Beyonce kardi b the demonic Taylor swift. The unclean debauch rolling stones touring and recording music at 80 years of age it is deeply occultic not to mention. The movies and demonic Hollywood. You notice that the entertainers are on the same page as the Liberal politicians.and they are in know of the economic system. And like the pope support pure evil. They are unified in destruction. And the Anti Christ
Jack Parsons was a strange character… he founded a jet rocket lab and dabbled with magic in his spare time.
Trying to understand the rapture? Paul spells it out for us.
2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
…by our gathering together unto Him….
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
…day of Christ…
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
…that day (when we are gathered to Jesus/day of Christ)… will not arrive until the apostasy happens and the man of sin be revealed. He even warns you not to let any man deceive you in these matters.
I use ROKU to stream shows and movies and I've noticed an increase in Paranormal, horror, witchcraft, new age, etc. Very few shows I can watch that's actually safe to watch. Even half of the "faith" category is based on Catholic and new age movies. Lot's of blending in these last days. Have to have discernment to overcome all this deception.
I personally feel a stronger pull toward the bible and God in these times. I dont really understand the pull of psychics and such. Its sad others are. Best to pray for them.
Just think, in only 13 months, after Trump is back as POTUS, the post-Rapture world will have this interesting cast of characters in place, ready to help facilitate Trump’s ABRAHAM ACCORDS vision of worldwide peace, protection…and especially prosperity:
King of the West – Trump
King of the North – Putin
King of the East – Xi
King of the South – Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS)
How convenient when Bibi recently said Israel’s war should take only about a year to conclude. Then, via the ABRAHAM ACCORDS, everyone can get back to making money again. Because, with Lucifer, the Beast, Gog the Assyrian, and all the rest of Satan’s gang of thieves, it’s all about the gold. 💰
“They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say, “Alas! Alas! You great city, you mighty city, Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.” And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn for her, since no one buys their cargo anymore.” (Revelation 18:10-11)
It seems so simple to stay away from witchcraft as a Christian. Yet, so many justify their dabbling in it. “Oh it’s just a book. Or it’s just a game… I’m not really practicing those things”. 🤨
With Israel’s Saviour Trump clearly fulfilling all OT Antichrist prophecy to a tee—and with Trump’s ABRAHAM ACCORDS (aka BABYLON THE GREAT) now on everyone’s lips, as the ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT/RELIGION, so desired by this final kingdom of Satan’s, as a way to bring peace to this world—I’m more inclined to recognize the end times FALSE TEACHERS (mentioned throughout the Bible) as any internet preacher with so little discernment, he doesn’t see and speak the obvious.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Paul said, before the Rapture, along with the obvious apostasy of the Church, we’d know the identity of the AC, so as to warn others. And we do. It’s Trump. To date, only JD FARAG is starting to speak the truth. Everyone else would prefer to waste our time.🥱
Actually pronounced Farm-muh-kay-uh…😁😁