One of the earliest official accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Mark addresses the basic questions of whether Jesus was the true Messiah for whom Israel had been waiting. And if so, what kind of Messianic king was he if he suffered and died?
#Mark #Gospel #Jesus
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The video URL has the word "fame" in it
So far, this is the best graphic/animation I've seen here – and there are LOTS of them… it's MOST of them really.
Mark's gospel is amazing
He is not writing about a Jewish Messiah. The very first verse tells you that. The ignorant have no clue what they are talking about.
Thank you.
One thing wrong I noticed is that Mark never said the person waiting for Marry at the tomb was an angel! Other gospels did but not Mark. I find it very disrespectful that you change Marks account by reinterpreting his words. This is the Bible we are talking about after all. Other than that, well done!
The sound design really lets the points made in the video sink in. Well done!
Cold you do a series on the gospel according to john and the gospel according mattew?
Really good video and good animation
Great audio and visual explanation of the Book of Mark. Love the work you all do Praying for your ministry this morning.
help us Lord to see who You really are and not who we want You to be!
You guys do a really good job
I absolutely love the videos the drawings and now I'm going through the teachings online and I love every one of them. I'm a pastor and a student of the Bible and I am learning a ton even in my middle age. Many things I had never seen before that the Hebrew words help make so much more clear. Thank you for the hard work the beautiful art I have supported you in the past and I pray God gives me more to support you in the future.
You guys are doing a great job and I pray the spirit never departs from you.
This is bogus, by missing the most important thing, the mist important declaration, THE VERY GOSPEL. The one, Sunday Christianity is cursed by another gospel about Christ instead of according to Christ.
If that isn't of primary importance, I'll eat my broccoli.
Mark 1:14-15
As true as the message of salvation is, doth not make it the gospel according to Christ. Only the gospel according to Christ is the one gospel.
Jesus Is Awesome!
🙏🏻❤️ Thank you!
That the last verses of Mark 16:9-20 were added after is discussed with arguments against and in favor
This is beautiful
Jesus is King!
My name is Mark Blessings and Hugs 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Amen ❤
Regarding Him saying onto them to keep quiet and the times He permits them is to both humor the honor laws of the cultural period, for if wind be caught too quickly His mission would be cut short and be hindered with annoyances that will have made documentation, difficult.
So thus His trial was 3 staked in nature.
We know the first.
We know the second.
And now you know the third.
Thank you
Love the painting at the end! Crucifixion changing to Christ on the white horse!!
Spred the word
The animation is astounding! Amazing work!
Thank you, Jesus
I like the way you guys explain things.
How did jesus real remove the cast of demon
Look it now you cannot believe this
Now watch
May god blessu
i love these so much, some people have a hard time reading the Bible, and y'all make it easier
I love Mark because it feels like a quick summary recap.
I'm continually flawed by Christianity, the more I look into it. I knew the Bible was ancient but I had no idea just how groundbreaking and eternally relevant it was to us living today. I'm so happy to call myself a Christian. Something I can always turn to. Christ is my anchor.
Thank you so much for clearing up my confusion as to why Mark’s Gospel ends the way it does. God bless you and all who watch!
i love Jesus 😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 He sacrificed for us and i love that 💗💗💗💗💗
You people are annointed. I bless the Lord for you. You make studying the Bible enjoyable and simple yet deep. Thank you 😊
This is done so so so well!! I think what perfects the stories are your voices. It's meant to be😇💕💕💕
Very beautiful overview! God bless you for this
Do you narrate like gay, generation z kindergarten teachers because that is the only way your audience can understand you? I guess maybe that works for reaching the imbeciles we have in our youth today, but it is really annoying for someone who is more knowledgeable to listen to your act. I just hope your way is working to plant the seed in people, but after that, I sure hope they seek more light and water from less elementary sources. May God bless your work. I really hope it works for some people, even if I can't listen to it.
The animation by you is outstanding whatever the style, just breathtaking, I second the demand for a film by the top commenter!
you can't dislike this becueses it's good im saying it's not a catoon it's the goood news
thank you for your videos. Love your graphics!
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