Meet the Left’s BIGGEST hypocrites nominated for a ‘Hyppo Award’ | Glenn TV Preview
In this preview from Glenn’s Friday exclusive, Glenn announces the nominees from the first category of the inaugural Hyppo Awards. Who will take home the top prize for ‘Best Pampered Politician’?
Watch Glenn announce ALL the categories and nominees only on BlazeTV.com.
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Got to love this guy
The mayor of Chicago!
❤️Glenn and Stu. 😄
These governors do look like hippos 🦛
I love it when politicians tell us how to live our lives and what we can and cannot do, but they can do the opposite because they are better than us!!!! BTW, De Blasio also said that he better not see any New Yorkers out during the New Years Celebration because it was dangerous, but what did we all see on TV that him and his wife were doing…………they were on a float, floating down in Temple Square for the celebration and dancing. You know what he was doing the whole time…………laughing at the people of NY, laughing in your faces at how he got to celebrate in Temple Square but you had to stay home and watch him out celebrating the New Year! DO NOT PUT THIS MAN BACK IN OFFICE!
Lujan-Grisham is a piece of crap. NM got a surplus of money to be given to state employees. She gave her cabinet 17% raises and all other state workers 1% after she promised 3%!!! She also went to Hawaii when she stated that we were to all lockdown and then upon her return she did not quarantine for 2 weeks as was her policy if you leave the state of NM!!!
Is area 51 locked down? Lol
Thank you for your work
Thanks for the shout out Glen we're in peek a boo. Mode abq.n.m.
I live in NM and MLG is the worst! She wins in my book!
No John Kerry? Private jet, Climate Czar?
Is there a longer version? More awards? Link?
If Lori Lightweight is the "face" of the City of Chicago, I would suggest that the city needs a face lift …
Beck didn't make good decisions before. Glad he sees the light.
Nancy pelosi #1 hypo can you vote twins. Chicago mayor ties with her.
Chicago's mayor looks like Beetlejuice.
This was a good show.
Lightfoot: "I am the face of the city."
What an ugly city.
I vote for DeBlasio's wife for losing $850 Million Dollars(no investigation) slated for the severe mental health problem in NY
Let those in the swamp drown in their own slime!
God Bless America!!
I thought this said HIPPO, and I was like, oh man, Stacy Abrams got this in the bag.🦕
You guys are hilarious, but only people can be hypocrites. These aren't people.
There’s a long line, and it’s called the swamp! I can’t believe this lot actually collects a pay check! Unbelievable!
💓 Stu "not a pretty city" 😆
I'd have to vote Pelosi on this one, she claimed she was "set up". What an ultra maroon!
Michelle Lujan Grisham is the governor of NM; they keep calling her mayor but she’s the GOVERNOR of the whole state of NM. I live here, and she’s turning my beloved state into another California. My fellow New Mexicans need to wake the hell up. MLG is an embarrassment to the entire state of NM.
And what do they mean “there’s no one that lives there?”. Excuse me, Glenn, 2 million people live in NM! Half of them live in Albuquerque. And yes, NM IS an American state; did you not take world geography?
If Lightfoot is the face of Chicago, then they’re doomed. She looks like a damn zombie.
Stu, I think the description you were looking for to describe Mayor Lightfoot…I mean the city of Chicago…is Beetlejuice.
That was Lori Lightfoot's audition photo for "50 Shades of Grey".
Beetlejuice hair dresser has to be the worst ever!
I think that Dr. Rachel Levine is Lori Lightfoot's lesbian girlfriend. That is a Double Ugly! LOL So disgusting
If Lori Lightfoot is the face of the city, then that City is a Very Ugly City
Somebody please tell me that when they look at Lori Lightfoot they don’t actually see beetle juice?!?!
Maybe I’m just aging myself!
This is sidesplitting stuff. Keep up the good work gentlemen.
God this was so funny! Love it!
Light foot = Beetlejuice!
The New Mexico governor says they spend all of their time protecting Roswell from ET's?
PELOSI, sorry but the whole "Let them eat ice-cream" really gets me.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 yep I go for the New Mexico chick
Light foot became a lesbian because she couldn’t get a date with any guy and gave up and decided to try dating women and found one and has been with her since
Glenn: "Lori Lightfoot says she is the face of the city…"
Stu: "Property values are dropping…."
Mayor beetlejuice of Chicago
No Gavin Newsom, what a snub
Lori Lightfoot looks like Beetlejuice.