Mike Howell on Immigration Crisis: Pres. Trump Telling Human Traffickers “Business Is Over”
Mike Howell joined Fox Business, Wednesday, August 21, to talk about the latest on immigration, the Trump administration’s move to end the child separation policy, and benefits to the approach from the administration.
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Stop dangling the Carrot (Sanctuary Cities and Free money) and they'll stop coming.
Every time Donald Trump comes up with some common sense approaches to Illegal immigration the Democrats and the leftist opposed it I'd like to see it go further I should be being tested for disease like they did at Ellis Island also for drug abuse what's the test for IQ what the hell do we need any more dumb people in America for a we have plenty of Our Own and everyone uses Ellis Island like they just let everyone come through no they checked you to see if you were sound bone and healthy those who were sick or sent back they didn't get to come into America why did we drop the standards for letting people into America
Child trafikking a disgrace!
That would be for legal immigrants.merit base
Please, please, please vote Democrats out of all government positions . Take our country baaaaack,!
Not responsible of giving illegals a Hilton hotel . Don't come!
Financially we can do it because we’ll have fewer and fewer illegals!
Guess what if they want to go back to their home country GO, these illegals children have it extremely better then many American citizen children. DISGUSTING…
The. ACLU. Once again processes to work for the rights of the individual. Which individuals? Those that break the Law or Americans who work very hard
and pay Taxes.
Immigrants are welcome but only when they enter legally. How hard is it to pass a comprehensive Immigration Reformation Act? Apparently completely out of the question.
We have a completely incompetent
Congressional Body comprised of those from all political parties.
Human trafficking is of the highest priority for sustainability of human life. It is neferious and evidence of everything evil, evidence already Intel's.
The cartel network is a very BIG concern
Thank God child trafficking is being addressed by President Trump as more light is being shed on the fact that children of no relationship to the adult are coming across the border in hordes.