More Than 6,000 People A Day Trying to Cross Our Border Illegally | James Carafano on Fox Business
James Carafano joined Fox Business, Friday, March 5, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, the border crisis the Biden administration has created, and why we need to abandon their radical open-borders agenda.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbt_FAubpc0
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Don’t bother with the word 'crisis' – current events are only a drip. Jan 2020, UN director of the office of migration studies predicted more than 2 Billion international migrants expected with the majority preferring US-Canada The UN specified management efforts at the border with cages & walls are irrelevant because the expected volume will just push everything down
What do you think about this Fox News??? Money????
Time for the militias at the border.
Who's paying to print out all of those t-shirts?
Unbelievable, America has voted for self destruction. 'Just sit back and wait China'.
Tyranny continues America two choices! Do you want freedom or do you want tyranny the floodgates are open because you voted for him now your livelihood is jeopardized resell value of your homes will skyrocket and you won’t be able to afford living there any longer but the illegals have a grants have section 8 housing and they’ll move in to your home when you can’t afford to be there any longer remember what you did you voted for Biden now deal with it enjoy your misery!!
Maybe finishing the wall would help?