Mormon Role Play
“Elder Kunkle” role plays a Mormon for a group of unsuspecting Christians. After the reveal, Brett Kunkle challenges the group to grow as ambassadors of Christ, in the areas of knowledge, wisdom and character.
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There should be a part 2: how to effectively evangelize a Mormon.
Not a very thoughtful or eloquent audience. They are walking into a buzzsaw when they encounter an intelligent Mormon.
I enjoyed this. Only one correction. Joseph Smith didn’t write the Book of Mormon. He translated it in 65 working days. It would be impossible to write such a work in that short of time.
what a great demonstration of a church that is Biblically illiterate . How sad it was to listen to a stream of people who couldn't defend the scripture ,nor quote it with any clarity , great job pastor .
Awesome, thanks for the work you do for the kingdom of God. God bless you all through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Great video….
Excellent. Well done, STR! This seems to be a very effective and necessary tool for Christians. The responses from the people show exactly what atheists love to point out: most Christians don't know what they believe or at least can't verbalize it past the main points they hear in sermons once a week (or sometimes less). But like Brett said, better these terrible answers get spoken in the church than to someone when it really matters. I have my own growing to do, so this is just a great all-around reminder.
Well done Mr Kunkle, great work.
I'm going to start supporting your ministry after watching this – that's how much it motivated me.
I just downloaded your Guide to Mormonism as a starting point.
Just one thought, how exactly would you answer the question "What is a Christian?" so you could intelligently and graciously engage a Mormon?
Thanks for posting this Brett and STR always good to see him in action.
The woman at 25:00 needs to learn how to let someone respond to a question. 44:10 We are getting tired of you defending Mormonism too haha.