My Dear Sardis, I’ve Written You A Letter
In Jesus’s letter to the church of Sardis, we learn what a “comfortable” and “compromising” church looks like. Dead Churches are so comfortable that they are not open to change and to the vision and to the generations that follow after them. Let the teaching from the Book of Revelation examine your heart and choose today to get right with the Lord.
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God bless you Pastor
Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously. Psalm 96:10
Merry Christmas Pastor Jac and your family~God Blless You and yours! We are so Blessed that the Holy Spirit lead us to you. Thank You Jesus❣️
Amen Pastor! Preach It Pastor! We as Believers, are Living in the Very Last Hour! And We Need to Be Spending Time in God's Presence 🙏in Prayer, and in Worship, Like Never Before! And Be Seeking God with All of Our Hearts, Minds, and Affections. And Deeply Desiring, and Longing for that First Love for Jesus, to Be Red Hot on Fire 🔥 and Burning 🔥 Brightly in Our Hearts for Our Bridegroom, and Very Soon Coming King! And We Need to Be Constantly Alert, and Constantly Watching, and Be Ready! Because the Reality Is, and the Truth is that Jesus, Our Bridegroom could Come at any Moment Now!! And We, the True, Bride of Christ Need to Get Ready, and Stay Ready!! Because the Signs of the End Times, are All Around Us, and Bible Prophesies are Being Fullfilled, and Coming to Pass Before Our Very Eyes! And Jesus Said, in the Bible, When You Begin to See these Signs, these Things, Coming to Pass, Look Up, for Your Redemption is Drawing Near! Amen! Maranatha! Come Quickly Lord Jesus!!☺❤
Amen Pastor Jack! Preach It Pastor! Amen! The Bible Tells Us, and Says, Awake, Oh Sleeper! And Arise, Rise Up from the Dead! Now! Now Is The Time for the True, Blood Bought Church of the Living God, To Rise Up!! And Wake Up! As Believers, In this Very Last Hour, We Absolutely Have To, and Must Be Awake, and Stay Awake!! And Be Alert at All Times! And We Must Be Watchful! We Must Be Watching, and Very Aware, and Alert, and know the Signs of the Times, that We are Living In Right Now! In the Bible, Jesus Told Us, His Disciples, He Told Us, What Signs to Be Looking For, and What Events would come to Pass,, Just Before His Return, the Rapture of the True Church of Jesus Christ!! The Signs Are All Around Us!!! Of Which Jesus Spoke About, and Warned Us, to Be Watching for, and Looking for!! In the Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, Verses 4 through Verse 14. Jesus Tells Us about Specific Signs to Be Looking for, and Watching For!! Jesus Also Said, When You Begin To See These Things, Coming to Pass, Look Up, for your Redemption is Drawing Near!! As Believers, We Must Be Awake, and Stay Awake, and Alert!! And We Must Be Watching at All Times, and We Must Be Ready for Our Bridegrooms Return, The Rapture of the True, Blood Bought Church of Jesus Christ!! Our Blessed Hope, and Redemption, Is Truly Drawing Very Near!! And We Must Be Ready at All Times!! More Than Ever Before!! For Such a Time As This!!
Thanks pastor Jack, for your message,It’s a blessing 🙏
Love these Pastor Jack, listening from NC in 2022 wish I had discovered you during the pandemic, but blessed to listen now daily.
Very good pastor Jack. I enjoyed it.
Pastor Jack- you are very good at all this. 🥰🤗🦋🦋
The Sardis should repent and give absolute love to God and the Savior Jesus Christ.
The Sadis Church are those who love the world ,but not the Father ,that is idolatry which is covetousness.
Oh my Jesus I was talking to my sister about the 7 churches we had a conflict she is a Christian, I said pray for the church, not what's inside the church. The church is Jesus house his temple. At the end she crushed me. I was crying and stayed quiet we were on the phone, I went to bed, following day I listen to Jack Hibbs, Thank you Jesus for guiding me with this video. Mercy on all of us. Mercy.
A wonderful teaching to follow again, one cannot ever get enough of God's Word, and at the touch of some fingers we can access to this priceless teaching ! So thankful!! 💓🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen Pastor! It is Time for The True Church of Jesus Christ to Wake Up, and Rise Up through the Power of the Holy Spirit Like Never Before! It is Time for The True Church to Rise Up, Speak Up, Stand Up For The Truth of God's Word, and Righteousness, and Holiness Like Never Before!!
Amen Pastor Jack! Thanks So Very Much for Preaching this Message! Yes, and Amen! We need to be Awake, and Alert, and be watching at All Times! Be Ready for the Rapture, and Stay ready for the Rapture! God bless U!
I am so laughing at the fact that you called them sardines. 🤣 I can't help it. Love listening to your messages. Thank you Pastor Jack
Listening and being blessed from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia!
Past I would like to learn under your teaching.
May you continue to be blessed by Him🙏🏼♥️ I appreciate your guidance and teachings about Him and His Word; thank you for your submission to Him!!
For I am one of ur messiahs already walking among u alll because of him above u see
He has been giving u the messages god allowed me to write to the 7 churches months ago that God allowed me to step in to time with u god is great and good and he has done sooo much alll u that u don't even realize it for u allll know his wonderful works and endless possiblities u see and for alll u believers he told me to tell u thank u jack hibbs for listening to his messagers sent ur way for god done it alll thru each one that listens to him worship him and love him he is a jealous god u see
I have never heard a preacher teach as you do directly from the word of God. Preachers read the verses then they tell a little football story and pretty much that is it. I love how you preach and teach. . I watch you all the time and sometimes rewatch precious messages. I am strengthening my Bible knowledge
When bad things happen in your life, don't say "Why me?", say "Try me!"
Yahuwah ( God) healing way for Corona Virus/critical illness
Yahuwah (God) healing way is the answer to critical illness including preventing the spread of corona virus where modern medicine and pharmacy has no solution/answer. Steps in Yahuwah (God) healing with total trust in Christ Yeshua (Jesus) , no medicine and no pharmaceutical supplements:
1. Patient or the person need to repent of all sin, believe In Christ Yeshua (Jesus) for remission of sin and receive the Holy Spirit. See Acts 2 : 38
2. Patient or the person must believe he/she is new born by Holy Spirit in Christ Yeshua and Yeshua stripes heal him/her. See 2Corinthians 5::17, John 3:3, Isaiah 53: 4-5, 1Peter 2: 24
3. Patient or the person shall eat various fruits, vegetables (herbs) and a little clean meat according to Bible instruction for food . See Genesis 1:29, Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.
Steps 1 and 2 will tremendously strengthen your immune system which is controlled by your inner man (spirit and soul) when you are at peace with Yahuwah (God), man and yourself, and will bring miracle healing wiith strong faith in Christ Yeshua. (see Hebrew 11::1 on faith) Step 3 strengthen your immune system and weaken free radical chain by eating food according to Bible instruction. Taste and see the goodness of Yahuwah (God), His amazing healing way and His everlasting love for all who choose to accept His gift of salvation plan by repent, believe in Christ Yeshua, fill by Holy Spirit and live according to His word ( Bible).
God (Yahuwah) Master Plan ( Bible prophecies recorded in Bible). To see details, right click mouse and save as jpeg file, then open the file and enlarge the picture.
Thank you so much pastor jack, you have been a blessing to me and you're teaching has made me grow . I will listen, I will continue to lift up the word to my dying day and you've been my help. I have a church that I attend,but thank the Lord for the teaching I receive from you.
Wow so good, I’m exploding inside with excitement what a great series this is. Thank you Lord and thank you pastor Jack.
Such a good message! The history you shared regarding the church of Sardis that you shared is fascinating. So much that this church had to deal with applies to us the church today. We so need the reminder to wake up and be alert. Thank you for your faithful sharing of God’s Word!
Great message. You studied under some of the best Bible teachers.
Wow. *dumps Tabasco in my eyes* I'm awake! im awake!!
Thank you for this message… Amen 🙏🕊🙏
Loved studying Number 5 Church with ya Pastor Jack . I have done 7 churches with different Bible Studies , but I never tire of it , been saved 24 years of age now I will be 66 years old this year in July , if the Rapture happens in July I will be Celebrating in Heaven with my Savior ! Even So Come Lord Jesus 🙏
God bless you Pastor, I pray your opening on the 31st will be a complete success, and that you can remain open, in Jesus Name 🙌🏻♥️
Minute 57. Please share a new video on this. It’s important- I saw lots of videos on this- please exegete this for us. We need to know ❤️
Minute 42:35 – see ppl need to know- thanks for sharing- let me watch the rest of this video now. ❤️
Pastor Jack – Thank you for being so clear I live in OC b u t I would love to attend to CCCH — God Bless you and yours in Jesus Name
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!”
(John 14: 6- 7) NLT
Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins, come into my heart, wash me clean, for You are my Lord and my Savior.
Thank you, Jesus. Amen.