New BOMBSHELL Report on Electric Cars will change everything | Redacted with Clayton Morris
A new report shows that a switch to electric cars could wreak havoc on the environment. Because, all of that power has to come from somewhere ya know! Research from the Climate and Community Project and the University of California, Davis found that a switch to EVs would require three times more lithium than is currently produced in the world plus a heck of a lot more water and land because making electricity requires both. Those of us following the resources already know this. So is this proof that EVs will be a shift to cars we cannot drive??
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6:02 So there's knowledge that EVs cuts emissions by 24% even when their electricity comes from fossil fuels, and we should ignore that? Should we also ignore the further reduction in fossil fuel needs when more electricity gets produced without burning fossil fuels? Banning ICE vehicles is stupid for sure, and it shouldn't be done. But moving to a technology that is better for us makes sense. Even when people don't care about the environment, which they should, not having to breathe exhaust fumes will do us better. Cities without all the gas pollution will also have nicer views – we've seen how that's like when the world took a break from driving around normally. We breathe that crap. Just because EVs are not the perfect replacement doesn't mean people should push back against it when it's so obviously better. Of course it has challenges, like ICE vehicles had in their early years. But a lot changed since, hasn't it?
It would be nice if said governments would provide unbiased scientific proof of climate change, instead of silencing contradicting voices.
I save alot on my ev. Why pay for fuel when it's going to go up in the future with inflation. Why depend on oil and gas from the middle east ? But see the oil and gas companies don't want to give up
After 100 years of oil and gas u don't think there is better technology? There have been inventors which have invented cars that run on air and water… but those inventors have been killed in mysterious circumstances.
If ev energy is made from renewable energy (wind solar hydro biofuel) coupled with a giga battery there is no GHG emissions. I mean u have free energy that can be harvested by earth's unequal heating from the sun.. Nikola tesla discovered how to harvest that .
You people still don not Get It, They want YOU to have No cars ,you stay in you pen and walk around until its time to feed you [maybe
Government will have only more control over your driving with EV's….and that comes from the mouth who drives Tesla since it came out. I see how gov had influence on Tesla software in EU, forcing them f.e. to turn off functions in autopilot. Also Tesla itself who sneakingly lowered the battery range by ca 40km on model X from 2019. I can imagine what more they (gov) will do when all have EV. Where will allllll that electricity come from? Living in NL the gov already forbids to build new houses on gas…so houses, appliances, cars and all that powered by electricity?!…..yeah….no way. They will measure your carbon footprint, block your car to drive if lack of electricity won't do that first. And yes, charged battery doesn't hold charge, even in summer. You loose every night some wattage.
back to the drawing desk: hydrogen, magnetism, solar panel???
Finally the truth begins to slowly oouze out. NOW How Will It be spun???? Is the truth going to win out. Hard ti think positively about it. I will find a way. I hope other's will be able too.
Our weather patterns change back and forth from hot to cold. A few years ago it they were saying we are going to have a Winter cold and no heat. Then it was heat was getting too hot. This year we have had both last summer with a hot summer and this winter has been colder than usual. It's goes in ups and downs and is caused by sun spots that can cause both, This Green thing is all a lot of bunk to put $$$$ in the pockets of the elites! Then the lithium will be a big problem to dispose of and can poison our underground water supply. Wake up America!
where we gonna store used up old batteries???
If we were to be honest about all this, the EV push was never about saving the planet, it’s always been about control.
Have you heard about solar cells and that you can charge your car with them, and that most people who have an electric car also have solar cells
Oh, I saw the 15-minute city vision the second Natali started the report…. WEF will win again — this is just playing right into their hands! 😡
I'll not buy or drive an EV while there is a hole in my arse.
The 3rd host (with the white glasses) looks like PAINTER WARDEN in Clash Of Clans.
Not to forget, that electricity looses an average of 20% from the generation point to the consumer. The 20% loss is converted to heat over the power lines. So 20% more electricity has to be generated
The West attempted electric cars once before and it ended dismally. Nothing new to see here folks.
Hey Natalie, just to remind you, California now has all kinds of water thanks to Global warming and the massive snow drop that it has caused.
Рио Тинто- предузеће за рударство, хоће да подмити владу Србије и да уништи пола Србије а другу половину отрује. Народ не жечи да преда своје поседе , међутим , држава дозвољава преваре које Рио Тинто припрема .
It's tom foolery, they never talk about electrifying planes or trains? Heavy goods can't be transported in electric vehicles. Never mind the war industry, where are all the electric missiles, bombs, tanks troop transporters?
Petrochemicals are the real problem because fertilizer and insecticides are made from crude oil. Starve baby starve!!
They have been saying for 50 years that we are running out of oil to make gasoline. So what are we going to use when oil is gone. Electric cars have nothing to do with zero emissions.
They know it will blow the grid, they've already mentioned that here in Woodstock, apparently many tesla's, I see at least 10 a day at the least
There is zero part's of going zero emission idea that anyone who believes and signs on is like putting your iq on your forehead
There's barely enough Cobalt on the planet to make the batteries to run even half the combustion powered vehicles in the world.
Since 1980 the world has greened by 40%thanks to carbon! Even the coral needs CO2. Greenhouses need an abundance of CO2 to grow our food
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