Newt Gingrich on the Stimulus Package
Newt Gingrich commenting on the Stimulus Package
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Newt Gingrich commenting on the Stimulus Package
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holy shit he sounded like ron paul right there
The strimulas that was passed that fall, was passed under George W. Bush!!!!!!!!!!
Damn straight
No one wants to hear the truth
The truth is hard……its coming and its going to bury us all
Gingrich sold his soul to the highest bidder. A sell-out always takes the best offer.
I Believe This Was A Video Clip Of ABC News' This Week With George Stephanopoulos' The Roundtable Report On Newt Gingrich On The Stimulus Package On Sunday Morning, February 8, 2009.
Of course he will say all of that. He wants people to lose faith in the Obama admin so he can get elected.
@enduro0276 Yell in ten years after millions of people waste their lives in poverty and destitution.
@shawno66 Newt Gingrich is an idiot. He hasn't said or done a correct thing since he resigned as Speaker of the House – FOR CHEATING ON HIS WIFE – after impeaching the President of the United States for the same thing.
When are people goiing to realize N. Gingrich has no idea what he is talking about? There is no way you could let the entire US auto indusutry and half a dozen major banks all fail. The result would have been a total economic disastor. I remember is 2000 Mr. Gingrich raving about the incredible foriegn policy team GW Bush would have. Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice. Not to meantion Mr. Chaney. Boy, we all know how that turned out.
Newty you served divorce papers to your first wife in a hospital after she underwent cancer surgery.
Then you became a dead beat daddy to your daughters. CRAWL BACK INTO YOUR HOLE!!
The problem is that our government cuts taxes and raises spending when times are good and then again when times are bad. In the Keynesian model, you raise taxes and cut spending in good times and cut taxes and raise spending in bad times to stimulate growth.
Very interesting analysis
Newt knows what he is talking about….unlike Obummer who is clearly out of his depth.
Newt is awesome! The guy is brilliant. And not to be mean, but Robert Reich ("no white man need apply") can barely see over the table. I think that that is a fitting metaphor for most things on Reich's intellectual horizons.
Right on Newt!
AMEN TO THAT.. Look what we got going here. Check out Glen Beck's Socialism is coming .. Funny and tragic at the same time. Had someone say to me the other day that Capitalism wasn't that great anyway.. ARE THEY SERIOUS?? It only produced one of the strongest, most free countries on the earth!!! It seems to be in its death throes at the moment tho. But I am not giving up. How did we get Mccain BTW??????
Newt for PREZ in 2012!
LoL! @ CRAPCANNONS "stink-dwarves" comment
"allow people who have failed to fail"… why is this so difficult for people to understand. the a priori that 'something must be done.. (read: 'by govt and in the interest of making failures fail a little later and at enormous costs') is the most simple minded metallity. its primitive, reflexive thinking, not good enough for the modern world.