Oh SH*T, here we go again! | Redacted with Clayton Morris
The WEF, Bill Gates, and members of the U.K. government want to push a new form of lockdowns durng the next pandemic. A pandemic they say is coming soon and will be more severe than anything we’ve seen before. The Lockdown Files reveal how the British government knew that lockdowns would be devastating for the population and yet they did it anyway.
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Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Fear mongering
Do not comply who do these people think they are, they answer to the people
The UK HM was caught talking to one of the politicians about whe should we release the new variant? A few days later it was announced on the news. Fact
8 Canadians poison shot free
And yet Boris has a PARTY.
2025 from Spain
So I keep hearing every podcast you're talking about getting out of debt before hyperinflation or this digital dollar and or collapse scenario… Can someone anyone please explain to me what will happen to those of us who are in debt when this proverbial it hits the fan? What will happen to those of us in debt? Are we talkin about debtors prison here? What is the worst thing that can happen to us?
Creo que hay falta de comprensión de oratoria. En ningún momento escucho de un próximo encierro. Están hablando de los errores del pasado.
Sad…THAT IS BORIS JOHNSON NOT MATT HANCOCK… if you get this wrong what else have you got wrong and this is easy man… this is sad
My word for "bottom surgery" is PENISECTOMY.
You can not buy or sell without the mark of the beast. It’s coming folks
"Pre meditated murder" – That's what this was.
They'll have to shoot me
It’s just all so gross
Time for all to stand up against all this lockdown and manipulation bullshit. They can hardly for half the world to comply with this ploy.
How the hell do people take our leaders seriously?
Bonkin Borris is clearly a buffoon
Not surprised at all
Covid was never about Covid.
Lock downs worked mostly because we believed OUR Governments… Now we know the Lies and BS from their sphincter Lips…💩
Fool me once shame on You fool me twice shame on Me
Why have not the people who sprayed this Virus in prison ,It was done on purpose and now they are going to create another Virus
May they all start to die slow in a 2 weeks.
SIMON CASE is a raging leftie from the Civil Service who has made himself indispensable. He is Bad news. He also was appointed private secretary to William and Catherine so i have no doubt that they are all leftie wokesters too !! Have you also noticed that all the Vote Leave mPs are being targeted to oust them from parliament so the govt can get us back into the corrupt EU
Should be right around election time again
Maybe the politicians should be severely "locked-down", (as they will feel happier that way because they seem to love lock-downs so much), and the rest of us can just keep the real world running as usual.
That is war on us the ppl the u.s government wants to kill and control us
Its well known now this pandemic was planned, Dr.David Martin speech at European parliment 6/23/23 on u tube tells all facts and who is responsible.
I ignored them then and will ignore them again. Fresh air, sunshine, friends and family.
Yes herd immunity..
Pay up handcock
if they try this again ….. THE world Wide Revolution will be full on
Let me tell you I never put on a mask or stayed inside or took the jab I darn sure won't in the future
I didn't lock down , mask up, or get the 💉, and I won't do it the next time either.
The world has become a living hell
Tarring all Coronavirus strains, disgraceful from Party Boy.
Human I don't think people will listen next time around they know it a hoax…and think they will fight for their rights as they are now
Honest and heart felt,That guy is lieing ,what a actor.